Sentences with phrase «stronger than the disease»

Furthermore, at least in my personal experience, the cure was stronger than the disease.
I know you are terrified but you are stronger than this disease.

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However, I pray that everyone in the church begins to understand that my depression doesn't make my faith any less strong than your eczema, diabetes or whatever genetic disease you've inherited.»
Last, had I known that alcoholism is a disease worse than cancer, and that it ran through the family genes thus any baby born had a strong chance of becoming one... well, that seals the deal but, I bet the parents who also fell for religiosity, not knowing it was an enclave for pedophiles... talk about regrets from hell.
And then came the bone - marrow transplant, a procedure that removes and treats a portion of the diseased marrow, then kills the remaining marrow with massive doses of chemotherapy as much as 10 times stronger than normal.
This research is still in its infancy so there are no definite conclusions, but it seems that in some cases these cells are helping the woman's body get stronger than it ever was and protecting her against certain diseases.
«The amyloid hypothesis became such a strong scientific orthodoxy that it began to be accepted on the basis of faith rather than evidence,» says Zaven Khachaturian, president of the non-profit campaign Prevent Alzheimer's Disease 2020, and former coordinator of Alzheimer's - related activities at the US National Institutes of Health.
A large - scale genetic analysis in PSP patients, however, identified a common tau sequence that increases by 5.5 times a person's chances of developing the disease, making this variant a stronger risk factor for PSP than one copy of the apolipoprotein E-ε4 variant is for Alzheimer's.
When kids pass from childhood to adolescence their mortality rate doubles, despite the fact that teenagers are stronger and faster than children as well as more resistant to disease.
The Nurses» Health Study revealed a «very strong link» between walking and protection against heart disease: Women who walked an average of three hours a week were 35 percent less likely to have a heart attack over an eight - year period than those who walked less.
A phenomenon linked to smoking known as expiratory central airway collapse — or ECAC — may have a stronger connection to underlying lung disease than previously believed, according to new research findings reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
* The ACC / AHA cholesterol treatment guideline recommends prescribing the strongest statins at high doses to most men older than 65, even those with no history of heart disease, or any major risk factor for heart attacks, and with normal cholesterol levels.
Associations between parental psychiatric disease and violent offending by children were stronger for female than male children; suicide attempts by children were comparable regardless of sex.
Insulin - dependent, or juvenile, diabetes has a strong genetic component: Close relatives of diabetics are 15 times more likely than the average person to develop the disease.
And certain invasive species and diseases may have a stronger negative impact on the southern sugar maples than our more northern populations, exacerbated by climate change.
Our finding of sinusitis, bronchial hyperreactivity, and bronchial responsiveness in firefighters with World Trade Center cough is important but not surprising.17 - 20 An unexpected finding was that 87 percent of such firefighters reported symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease; such symptoms are generally reported by less than 25 percent of patients with chronic cough.1, 21,22 Despite the strong associations between gastroesophageal reflux disease and chronic cough17 - 20 and between gastroesophageal reflux disease and asthma,23 - 25 it remains unclear whether gastroesophageal reflux disease causes either condition.26 The causative mechanism may be repeated aspiration of minute amounts of refluxed material; vagally mediated esophageal, tracheobronchial, or laryngobronchial cough reflexes; or neurally mediated bronchial inflammation.23, 24,26 Involvement of the posterior nasopharynx is common in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease, 27 whereas bronchial hyperreactivity may not be present.25, 26 For these reasons, we classified gastroesophageal reflux disease as an upper - airway symptom (Figure 2).
Rapid and large - scale sequencing of pathogen genomes, which provides stronger and more accurate evidence than was previously possible for source and contact tracing, is being applied widely for disease outbreak management [4]- most recently and publicly in the case of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa [5], [6].
In a 2016 paper in Emerging Infectious Disease, Strle and his colleagues showed that some strains of B. burgdorferi cause a much stronger immune response than others.
This was only the beginning of a productive partnership that has led to more than 400 improved rice varieties with resistance to pests and diseases, streamlined rice production practices, extensive information exchange with Indian scientists, and strong capacity building activities.
«The strong evidence that abnormal TDP - 43 protein is involved in the development of ALS, coupled with models that may replicate ALS more faithfully than other tools, may speed development of therapies for the thousands of individuals diagnosed with this devastating disease
But they add to the «strong, consistent evidence» that people who drink in moderation are less likely than nondrinkers or heavy drinkers to experience health problems such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and dementia, says Qi Sun, MD, the lead author of the study and a nutrition researcher at the Harvard School of Public Health, in Boston.
Finally, because the study wasn't controlled, unknown factors may have influenced both positive affect and heart disease, making the association between the two appear stronger than it is.
Hypertasters tend to be thinner than hypotasters and have lower cardiovascular disease risk due to aversions to creamy sauces, strong cheeses, particularly sweet tastes and complex flavours.
The stronger our immune system, the less likely we will be to suffer from illness and disease and if we do, we will recover at a much quicker rate than normal.
These futuristic nanites are microscopic robots that destroy cancerous tissue, repair damaged cells, and re-enforce existing cells, so the guy becomes impervious to disease and becomes stronger, fitter and healthier than ever.
Amongst the factors — never smoking, having a body mass index lower than 30, performing 3.5 or more hours per week of physical activity — the researchers also noted, «adhering to healthy dietary principles (high intake of fruits, vegetables, and whole - grain bread and low meat consumption) can have a strong impact on the prevention of chronic diseases
A ratio over 4 is a very strong predictor of cardiovascular disease; less than 2 is ideal.
There are more than 3,500 articles to date showing a strong relationship between uric acid and obesity, heart disease, hypertension, stroke, kidney disease, and other conditions.
So, remnant cholesterol is a far stronger indicator of risk of both heart disease and all - cause mortality than LDL - C.
As it turns out, your lipoprotein a might just be the strongest genetic link that we have — even more than cholesterol — which determines whether or not you are at risk for heart disease.
His own data showed a stronger correlation between disease and plant protein than animal protein.
The strongest genetic association with celiac disease — Human Leukocyte Antigen — is only responsible for 40 % of the risk, leaving us to suspect that there is likely an interplay of genetic and environmental variables that is more complex than just the activation of one in - born vulnerability.
For me, it's more about healing my body and managing my autoimmune disease than it is about losing more weight or even making milestones at the gym (although I wouldn't complain if I could find a way to lose 15 more pounds or get strong enough to do some more challenging arm balances in yoga).
Regular exercise improves the heart because it is a muscle and just like all muscles if you exercise it regularly it becomes stronger, and a strong healthy heart is probably the single most important factor in preventing disease — In fact it can literally save your life and you can ask no more of any muscle than that.
The association between liver disease and heart disease is stronger than other heart disease risks, including smoking, hypertension, diabetes, male gender, high cholesterol or metabolic syndrome.
In people with autoimmune intestinal disease, for instance, the correlation between dietary iron intake and risk of low iron stores is much stronger than in the rest of the population.
To reduce the amount of stomach acid produced and protect against ulcer formation Manages nausea, and encourages normal stomach and intestinal contractions (prevents pooling of food) Used in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease, poisonings, parvovirus infections, and any disease involving protracted vomiting Used in combination with long - term medications with stomach irritation tendencies Used in the treatment of megaesophagus or other conditions where the esophagus is continually exposed to vomit / reflux / stomach acid 3 - 13 times stronger than cimetidine What dogs / cats should not take this medication?
Their intelligence and social demeanor, plus their strong personalities, make them desirable animal companions; however, rabbits are prey animals in the wild and so they mask signs of disease much longer than other pets.
These memory cells then «jump - start» antibody production, so that the reaction is much faster and stronger than it would be if the body had never been exposed to the disease before.
As the director of the Center for Human Sleep Science at the University of California, Berkeley, and having spent more than two decades doing sleep research, Walker says there is a strong connection between lack of sleep and disease.
I mean, I think the case would be strong - in the past couple decades the NIH had to step up its work on heart disease in women even though white women were dying of heart disease later in life than men were.
High blood pressure and increased heart rate were stronger predictors of sudden cardiac death than coronary heart disease.
In addition, differences were stronger for epilepsy than for arthritis, cancer, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, and sickle cell disease.
As indicated by the non-overlap of the 95 % CIs, between - group differences were stronger for chronic fatigue syndrome than for arthritis, asthma, cancer, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, epilepsy, heart disease, HIV infection, inflammatory bowel disease, sensory impairment, sickle cell disease, and spina bifida.
Associations of chronic illness with depressive symptoms may be stronger in clinical convenience samples than in representative community - based samples, because clinical samples may overrepresent highly distressed young people seeking treatment for their chronic disease.
Differences were also stronger for fibromyalgia and migraine / tension - type head ache than for arthritis, asthma, cancer, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, HIV infection, and sickle cell disease.
The researchers found a strong dose - dependent relationship between the number of the ACE's that people had experienced and 10 behavioural risk factors associated with the leading causes of death in adults; including smoking, severe obesity, decreased physical activity, depressed mood, a suicide attempt, alcoholism, any drug use, injection drug use, greater than fifty lifetime sexual partners, and a history of a sexually transmitted disease.
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