Sentences with phrase «structural changes in brain»

The quote from NEJM apparently regards structural changes in the brain relating to tinnitus and in no way confirms Pierpont's thesis that wind turbines cause tinnitus.
Other studies have shown possible links between musical training in early childhood and structural changes in the brain, but researchers contend this study will provide more insights.
A study out of Yale study found that motherhood sets off structural changes in the brain, increasing its processing capabilities.
Kaoverii shares some surprising research findings on just how quickly meditation techniques can lead to structural changes in the brain.
Central nervous system (CNS) fatigue is a form of exhaustion that is associated with structural changes in the brain that affect muscle function.
Recent studies have found correlations between major depression and structural changes in the brain.
Diabetes mellitus is associated with moderate cognitive deficits and neurophysiological and structural changes in the brain, a condition that may be referred to as diabetic encephalopathy.
A recent study from the Center for BrainHealth at The University of Texas at Dallas shows that a certain type of instructor - led brain training protocol can stimulate structural changes in the brain and neural connections even years after a traumatic brain injury (TBI).
In the weeks after birth a mother's interaction with her child leads to structural changes in the brain which helps her respond to the needs of the infant.
To enable earlier diagnosis, Marianna La Rocca at the University of Bari in Italy and her colleagues developed a machine learning algorithm to discern structural changes in the brain caused by Alzheimer's disease.
Nerve pain can be very difficult to treat and is associated with structural changes in the brain and a legacy of psychological problems if it doesn't respond to conventional treatment, the authors point out.
But he cautions it may not capture all minor concussions — like those that do not produce structural changes in the brain.
More work is needed to confirm that a causal relationship between intense, long - term motor training and structural changes in brain regions exists.
The mysterious malady known as Gulf War illness causes structural changes in the brain.
«These new studies, together with previous studies, show that no matter how you choose subjects or how you define Gulf War illness, you still see structural changes in the brain,» says Roberta White, a neuropsychologist from Boston University's School of Public Health.
A study published this week finds that an eight - week meditation course leads to structural changes in the brain.
A study led by Pilyoung Kim at the Universities of Denver and Yale showed structural changes in the brains of new fathers.
And is it possible that these stressful events, the rape or the shock therapy or both, actually caused structural changes in the brains of his grandmother or mother that might be passed down to him?
«I think you have to accept that there's a structural change in your brain when you take drugs like Prozac.»
Tobias Bonhoeffer and colleagues use two - photon microscopy, which allows imaging to a depth of approximately half a millimeter, as one method of studying structural changes in the brains of living animals.

Not exact matches

Doctors use CT scans in the brain to diagnose brain tumors or visualize injuries, bleeding, or any structural changes and infections that can occur and be difficult to see with an X-ray or routine exam.
Structural and functional connectivity changes in the brain associated with shyness but not with social anxiety.
But 53.4 % of Greeks who belong to the «brain drain» generation would return within 2 years if deep structural changes in the Greek establishment were enforced, according to a report from a Greek group called Brain brain drain» generation would return within 2 years if deep structural changes in the Greek establishment were enforced, according to a report from a Greek group called Brain Brain Gain.
So he turned to structural MRI, a technique that reveals anatomy, to look for changes in brain density.
The study from Zurich investigated structural brain changes in patients suffering from social anxiety disorder after a specific ten - week course of CBT.
«We were able to show that structural changes occur in brain areas linked to self control and emotion regulation,» says Annette Brühl, head physician at the Center for Depression, Anxiety Disorders and Psychotherapy at the University Hospital of Psychiatry Zurich (PUK).
Previous research has shown that during puberty these hormones cause dramatic structural and organizational changes in the brain.
«Alzheimer's drug repairs brain damage after alcohol binges in rodents: Drug appears to reverse structural and genetic brain changes that affect memory, learning.»
ENIGMA consortium's probe of many brain disorders finds common structural changes in diverse kinds of epilepsy
«This is the first prospective and longitudinal study to characterize structural brain changes resulting from standard radiation and chemotherapy in patients with malignant brain tumors.
They are also exploring how the patterns they've found relate to structural changes in the babies» brains.
The results show that this therapy induces structural changes in areas of the brain involved in verbal fluency in female - to - male transsexuals.
However, the team was able to show that so - called tight junction proteins, which are known to be important for the blood - brain barrier permeability, did undergo structural changes and had altered levels of expression in the absence of bacteria.
This study, led by Soo Young Kim and performed at the University of Texas at Austin and the University of California, Berkeley, found that such compensation produces structural brain changes at the site of the stroke in rats, limiting recovery of the injured side.
The «primitive» nature of the human hand suggests that any changes that led to a widespread flowering of stone tool culture was likely neurological rather than structuralin other words, the adaptation occurred in our brains, not in our hands, he says.
He is one of the world's leading researchers on synaptic plasticity in the brain and has pioneered new optical methods of observing the structural changes in the living brain as it adapts to its environment.
Here in our center, we can take structural pictures of the brain as well as use fMRI, which takes a second - by - second look at how activity in the brain changes in relation to the functions it is implementing.
Relationships between functional and structural connectivity are complex, even in the neurotypical adult brain (Damoiseaux and Greicius, 2009), and these relationships undergo significant changes with development (Supekar et al., 2010; Uddin et al., 2011).
BETHESDA, MD — Balanced chromosomal abnormalities (BCAs), a category of structural changes to the human genome, may account for a large portion of birth defects related to brain development and function, according to research presented at the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) 2015 Annual Meeting in Baltimore.
* «Mediterranean - type diet and brain structural change from 73 to 76 years in a Scottish cohort» by Michelle Luciano et al. published in Neurology at 21:00 UK time on Wednesday 4 January 2017.
Neuroscience has provided complementary evidence of structural location and changes in brain activity when infants detect changes in number.
The simple process of repetition also has an important effect: thanks to «neuroplasticity», the process by which the brain can «rewire» itself, repeating knowledge and techniques can precipitate structural development of neural pathways and subsequently bring about real, lasting change in the thoughts, feelings and behaviours of individuals.
MRI and other diagnostic modalities have demonstrated actual structural differences in the brains of affected dogs that appear analogous to the structural changes in affected human brains.
In her February 2014 Psychology Today article, «Gray Matters: Too Much Screen Time Damages the Brain,» Victoria L. Dunckley, M.D., references various neuroimaging studies that show «internet addiction is associated with structural and functional changes in brain regions involving emotional processing, executive attention, decision making, and cognitive control.&raquIn her February 2014 Psychology Today article, «Gray Matters: Too Much Screen Time Damages the Brain,» Victoria L. Dunckley, M.D., references various neuroimaging studies that show «internet addiction is associated with structural and functional changes in brain regions involving emotional processing, executive attention, decision making, and cognitive control.&rBrain,» Victoria L. Dunckley, M.D., references various neuroimaging studies that show «internet addiction is associated with structural and functional changes in brain regions involving emotional processing, executive attention, decision making, and cognitive control.&raquin brain regions involving emotional processing, executive attention, decision making, and cognitive control.&rbrain regions involving emotional processing, executive attention, decision making, and cognitive control.»
As the Adverse Childhood Experience Study score increased, so did the number of risk factors for the leading causes of death.16, 17 Shonkoff uses the phrase «toxic stress» to describe high cumulative psychosocial risk in the absence of supportive caregiving18, 19; this type of unremitting stress ultimately compromises children's ability to regulate their stress response system effectively and can lead to adverse long - term structural and functional changes in the brain and elsewhere in the body.
Emerging scientific investigation is improving our understanding of the causal biological pathways for these robust associations.46 Early childhood trauma, including physical abuse, leads to the production of stress hormones, such as cortisol and adrenaline that are normally protective, but with severe or persistent trauma can become toxic.47, 48 These stress hormones regulate neural circuits that are important in modulating an individual's response to stress, and over time, are associated with structural and functional changes in the brain and other organs.
The integrative failure that is characteristic of traumatized individuals may also relate to structural brain changes, notably in the hippocampus.
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