Sentences with phrase «struggling with pelvic pain»

Are you struggling with pelvic pain due to interstitial cystitis (IC), endometriosis, vulvar vestibulitis, pelvic floor dysfunction, IBS, constipation or another cause?

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You may have heard that Zosia Mamet, one of the stars of HBO's Girls, came out last month about her struggles with pelvic floor dysfunction (PFD), which caused her years of sexual difficulties, pain, and problems with urination.
In my practice, many of my patients who struggle with chronic pelvic pain also have autoimmune conditions.
When I supplement with either, I find that any area of my body that struggles with chronic pain and inflammation quickly increases in pain 10-fold (primarily my hips and pelvic region) and takes weeks to get back under control after removing the supplement.
These strategies are beneficial to reduce cancer risk, and can improve the pelvic pain, breast pain and other symptoms related to endometriosis, ovarian cysts, PCOS, PMS, painful periods, fibroids, and breast tenderness in women who struggle with estrogen dominance.
Over the past 7 months I have been struggling with severe pelvic pain and bowel movements... doctors told me it was Peristalsis and gave me a few things to take!
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