Sentences with phrase «student actors»

With student actors, interview the «participants» in each book.
Art classes collaborated in designing materials and a giant puppet, while the drama club provided student actors a leadership role in the play.
Two other female student actors made similar claims, saying that Franco became angry when no women at the shoot would agree to be topless.
By writing that you organized rehearsal schedules to «meet needs of student actors, orchestra members, and tech crew workers,» you paint a picture of yourself negotiating various parties» interests and organizing a solution to meet everybody's needs.
Schlitz intended that the monologues be performed by student actors, but the audio version warranted something different than a multivoiced recording.
Easier Youth Version — suitable for elementary school audiences, special education classes, classroom readings with young student actors, and those needing an abbreviated version
Coordinated auditions for 70 - person musical cast and organized rehearsal schedule to meet needs of student actors, orchestra members, and tech crew workers.
Listen to the words of Matisse, the Cone sisters and Gertrude Stein, as interpreted by student actors, among the works of art that inspired them.
They could have saved a bundle of money if they hired a student actor from the local university to deliver the sermon.
In other awards, Most Innovative Student in IT went to Prince Osafo Asamoah (UPSA), Most Outstanding Student in Agriculture — Solomon Zinekena T.T.B, Student Actor of the Year — Anthony Woode (UPSA),
He also talks about his early experiences in high school, where a girlfriend working with another student actor made him just jealous enough to... Read
He also talks about his early experiences in high school, where a girlfriend working with another student actor made him just jealous enough to pursue the craft seriously.
«I just thought everyone would be a lot bigger, and the eighth graders would be bullying you,» said Evan, one of the student actors.
It can also include the traditional student leaders writing letters of protest to the school newspaper, the student actors holding a protest for better theater equipment, or the service learning program at school.
All 9th through 12th graders wrote their own unique one - act plays; adult and student actors will bring them to life!
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