Sentences with phrase «student at risk»

In return, fellows commit to teaching for three years in a high - needs school (schools with a significant percentage of students at risk of academic failure).
Design, implement, and evaluate a comprehensive range of interventions for students at risk for academic, social — emotional, or mental and behavioral health concerns.
Results support the use of oral reading fluency assessment as a valid tool for identifying students at risk of not passing the statewide reading achievement test.
Simply put, missing a substantial amount of school puts students at risk of falling behind.
He describes a number of successful programs and models that support students at risk of dropping out, and calls on school leaders to use this knowledge to guide reform efforts.
Identifying the best educators and administrators, particularly those who serve students at risk and in poverty.
Always plan to address students at risk in your learning tasks, instructions, and directions.
This book provides an opportunity for the education community to engage students at risk whom our schools have often failed.
One reason for caution: At early grades, the system can show almost 50 percent more students at risk of dropping out as those who ultimately do.
This approach recommends the use of different measures for those individual students at risk.
• Allow them to specialize in teaching students at risk of academic failure, including children with disabilities or severe behavioral problems.
Researchers have proposed a variety of methods for identifying students at risk for reading problems.
Early warning systems are a data - based decision making process designed to identify and support students at risk of not graduating on time.
Early warning indicators and data systems can identify students at risk of dropping out and in need of support to improve academic performance.
She has conducted training for hundreds of teachers and health professionals and has run seminars on: helping students at risk with their behavioural problems, classroom management of students, bully - proofing children, helping kids cope with conflict, and improving teacher - parent relationships.
It has become a successful tool for us to use with students at risk of not graduating.»
Another recent project, also funded by the department of education, is examining the use of early warning indicator systems to locate and provide interventions for ninth grade students at risk for dropping out of high school.
As an adjunct - instructor at Georgia State University, I see first - hand the stressors and skill deficits that put many students at risk of falling short of their potential.
However, Kansas's current policy puts students at risk by allowing out of state teachers to teach on exchange certificates for up to two years without passing required subject - matter tests.
Structured Literacy is an approach to reading instruction that is beneficial for both general education students at risk for reading difficulties due to a variety of factors (e.g. low socio - economic status, status as an English learner) and for students with disabilities.
Despite the fact that 90 percent of students attend public schools, this budget dramatically reduces funding for these schools in favor of a massive investment of $ 1 billion — four times the amount in last year's proposal — in ineffective private school voucher schemes, putting the most vulnerable students at risk.
3: Help State Education Agencies (SEAs) and Local Education Agencies (LEAs) develop and improve data systems to track students at risk of dropping out.
This resource provides background information on the Early Warning System, an implementation guide, and both a high school and middle school tool to identify and monitor students at risk of dropping out of school.
Monitor student activity in class and identify students at risk due to low participation and poor academic
It may be that SAT scores, as a very public measure of school performance, lead to agitation for charter laws, but that charters themselves are more likely to target students at risk of dropping out, and therefore participation is more closely associated with dropout rates.
In addition, the PGC program is grounded in social learning theory, according to which students at risk of school dropout can learn positive skills and behaviors by observation and imitation of motivated and successful peer role models in a supportive, structured setting.
Governor Kasich praised schools for «developing new strategies for identifying students at risk who may drop out» and encouraged efforts to help students who have dropped out to find a way to their diploma.
Earlier this month, in an open letter to college presidents and education school deans, Duncan said, «The system we have for training teachers lacks rigor, is out of step with the times, and is given to extreme grade inflation that leaves teachers unprepared and their future students at risk
2006.02.28 It Doesn't Pay: The economic impact of dropping out of high school Charlie Coffey, O.C. Executive Vice President RBC Financial Group Government Affairs & Business Development National Dialogue on Students at Risk Conference
Finally, most of the funding for dropout prevention is under Title I, which funds programs for low - income students — as if there aren't any middle - or high - income students at risk!
That confusion, coupled with parents» high expectations for success in school and careers, the frustration of having white peers constantly question their «American - ness,» as well as body image and other concerns that are common to all teens are among the factors that put Korean American students at risk for a growing list of emotional and psychological issues.
In 1986, well before the first voucher program, Peter founded Student Sponsor Partners (SSP), a scholarship program for disadvantaged students at risk of dropping out of public school.
At SCRED, we also like to look at growth by risk level (see table below) to analyze the relative gains of students starting at different points and to help with instructional planning (i.e., what kind of growth students at risk are making versus students who are already at target).
Access, instruction, and barriers: Technology issues facing students at risk.
However, we noticed too many students becoming ineligible for sports and activities, not enough National Junior Honor Society members, too many average students at risk of not moving on to high school, and unbalanced grade distribution reports.
«Success Highways helped us identify students at risk before their grades were adversely impacted.»
How effective are oneto - one tutoring programs in reading for elementary students at risk for reading failure?
Sadly, vacancies occur most frequently in the neediest schools where students at risk of school failure experience high teacher turnover.
However, overidentification of students at risk presents a significant challenge for schools.
Use instructionally relevant assessments that are reliable and valid • SCREENING: Collecting data for the purpose of identifying low - and high - performing students at risk for not having their needs met • DIAGNOSTIC: Gathering information from multiple sources to determine why students are not benefiting from instruction • FORMATIVE: Frequent, ongoing collection of information, including both formal and informal data, to guide instruction
A Governor's Youth Development Academy is designed for rising 9th - graders and 10th - graders — including students at risk of disengagement and dropping out — with a focus on civics education, financial literacy, community service, preventive health, personal character development and leadership.
Refine and design instructional programs to meet the needs of all learners, including students with disabilities, those who are highly able, English Language Learners and students at risk because of poverty or other factors.

Phrases with «student at risk»

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