Sentences with phrase «student by asking questions»

For many kids, the drawing is more detailed; Thus I can elicit more written work from the students by asking questions about what they have drawn, or what they see in a primary source picture.

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At its helm is a skinny, contemplative student of the world who revels in asking questions and couldn't be bothered by so trivial a pursuit as warring with the company's rivals.
That question has been asked more and more over the last few years — in the media, in corporate offices, in college classrooms and by college students themselves.
Each student is interviewed by 4 - 5 different people, and asked questions based on the four pillars of LOT: Mentorship, leadership, networking and volunteerism.
And these are questions I ask many of the academics I'm talking with, and I think we'll see universities, colleges and education very positively affected by these technologies, because I think we can educate students around the world.
Kay summed up the findings this way: Imagine two students, one believes her grade depends on how hard she works and the second believes that her grade is determined by whether the professor asked questions she knows.
An even more refined form of this skill is the student who can begin a question by saying, «Our brother asked an excellent question.
Meanwhile, over on Scot McKnight's Jesus Creed blog, RJS caused quite a stir by asking readers to respond to a letter from a seminary student who researched the science behind an old earth and evolutionary theory, found it to be sound, and now wrestles with the question, What is the basis for calling the Bible true?
The teacher's approach to such problems might start from three assumptions: (a) the teacher should be concerned with how science fits into the larger framework of life, and the student should raise questions about the meaning of what he studies and its relation to other fields; (b) controversial questions can be treated, not in a spirit of indoctrination, but with an emphasis on asking questions and helping students think through assumptions and implications; an effort should be made to present viewpoints other than one's own as fairly as possible, respecting the integrity of the student by avoiding undue imposition of the lecturer's beliefs; (c) presuppositions inevitably enter the classroom presentation of many subjects, so that a viewpoint frankly and explicitly recognized may be less dangerous than one which is hidden and assumed not to exist.
I had gotten a law school education by osmosis, and one of the first things law students learn is «Never ask a question to which you don't already know the answer.»
The teacher engages in dialogue with the students by asking prompting questions and encouraging students to ask questions.
But when I asked this question yesterday at our Food Services Parent Advisory Committee meeting, I learned that not only does stigma remain a real issue at some schools, there's now a troubling, modern - day twist on the problem: on some campuses, hapless kids standing in the federally reimbursable meal line are having their pictures taken by other students» cell phones, with the photos then uploaded to Facebook and / or texted around the school along with disparaging messages about the child's economic status.
Students were able to ask questions of the speakers, including their local police chief, and also write letters to those affected by the Parkland shooting.
State Senator Ken LaValle (R - Port Jefferson) has asked local superintendents to meet with their school's community members — including parents, students, teachers, and PTAs — to organize their comments and questions relating to Common Core, teacher evaluations, standardized testing and student privacy, and submit them to his office by last Thursday.
«I saw students who came into my classes with their heads down, texting, and by the end of the semester they were asking me questions [like] «How does this relate to diabetes?»
It's not that they think the students are «cheating» by trying to google the answer, but rather that they know students who ask this kind of question are learning nothing and probably confirming a secret conviction that they're bad at science.
Universities can spur student engagement by cultivating an atmosphere of inquiry that encourages students to ask questions, he added.
Additionally, in partnership with UCSF, students and faculty receive training and mentoring to make significant contributions to biomedical research by asking innovative questions that are relevant to local communities.
Willie Soon continues to attend industry - funded climate denier events and detests questions that highlight the dirty energy companies funding his work: watch Dr. Soon shout at a student asking critical questions last April, at events run by the campus arm of CFACT, a well known climate denial organization.
After hearing this question a hundred times asked by teen students entering the classroom, I finally got the hint and started posting the days agenda on a white board.
By: Carmen Champion In my corporate Power Yoga class one day, a student asked me a question.
Dressed in fatigues, he slouches through morning calisthenics and sits through ridiculous classroom sessions by the facility's director, who asks his students loaded questions like, «Is the Internet a tool or a toy?»
The workshop will offer a differentiated active learning experience in the Question Formulation Technique (QFT), a simple yet robust method for teaching students to ask better questions that was developed by Rothstein and Santana through years of trial and error and practice - based research.
Just by asking these kinds of questions teachers can create a classroom culture where student voice is valued, where students feel their needs will be attended to, and where students begin to trust their teacher.
Have students practice divergent thinking by describing an issue in the community and asking them to suggest all the people who could be affected by it, or give students a «big idea» question and ask them to think of all the possible answers to it.
I also knew that by asking these questions I was building a relationship with my students.
To facilitate the math questions that often stump students with simple semantics and trick components, this step by step tutorial can support students breaking down what exactly the question is asking.
There is an online version created in Google Slides where both students hide their sea animals and seek by asking each other questions based around place value, multiplication and division and / or addition or subtraction.
Guest blogger Shira Loewenstein, asked by her students whether spelling counts, comes back with a fascinating question of her own: why is the continuum of learning broken down into a handful of unrelated subjects?
A Guide to Implementing Student - Led Conferences in Your School: This presentation, authored by Patti Kinney of the National Association of Secondary School Principals, is chock - full of information for school leaders, including info about SLC benefits, sample letters, scripts, evaluation forms, frequently asked questions, and other tips.
In this activity, students consider what they would ask the imaginary figure of Mother Nature if they had the opportunity and then take on her role and reply to questions designed by another student.
What you are doing is training the eye and the heart of the student to look at film in a different way by asking questions and pointing to different ideas, different concepts.
This guide, published by UK organisation MESH, poses several pedagogical questions teachers could ask to develop their students» visual literacy skills.
To see where the public stands, we asked questions about visa programs for highly specialized workers, federal aid to school districts impacted by immigration, and the desirability of instructing immigrants and students with limited English proficiency in their native language.
Once he knew the issue behind his students not turning in their homework, he started each class by asking them to vote for one or two homework questions they found the most difficult, and then they reviewed those together in class.
Students write an idea or quote from their reading on the wall and then read and respond in writing to the remarks placed on the wall by their classmates, drawing connections and asking questions.
In the research by the pair, teachers were given a dozen hypothetical multiple - choice questions where they were asked for help by students, teachers, and administrators.
You also should ask 5 - 7 additional teachers to help you with this project by allowing a small group of students into their classrooms for a look - around and being available for a five question survey.
We can seek to know our students through ice - breakers in September, by greeting them when they arrive to class, and by asking them questions when we notice their varsity jacket or their name on a field trip list.
By testing you, students are asking a question: «Is our fooling around worth your time?»
The students were attentive, but it seemed a bit like a substitute showing a video on the teacher's day off — that is until the onscreen lecturer called on a student by name and asked for the answer to a multiple choice question.
Further, the particular forms that are viewed as socially desirable vary from culture to culture and setting to setting and thus have to be learned by students (e.g., interrupting teachers to ask questions or to express opinions is standard practice in American classrooms whereas Japanese students are expected to be very quiet during class).
By contrast, PARCC - Math open - response questions tend to present a full and often lengthy word problem and then, at the end, ask a series of questions that require students to sort for and manipulate relevant information.
When you ask a discussion question, call on students by letting them catch a ball.
* The students circulate, asking questions and recording responses, while also answering questions asked by their classmates.
One question that's always asked by someone at this point in a workshop is, «What do students have to do in order to earn PAT?»
It introduces the Learner Profile attributes: - Principled - Caring It is also designed to develop the students inquiry skills by asking them what questions they have about oceans.
Students will be asked to keep their responses to these questions in mind throughout the session as they activate and adapt text by using different theatrical and design techniques.
Digital story creation may also develop more advanced communications skills, by allowing students to learn to better organize their ideas, ask the right questions, express their opinions and individuality more openly, and construct narratives that will connect with their viewers / classmates.
I like to make students look beyond the obvious connections and really question what they see in an image - this one works really well in giving students new ideas to explore for AO1 in asking of them what artists are doing in different ways and includes statements by the artists in terms of what the work is about for students to be able to demonstrate Informed responses.
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