Sentences with phrase «student care»

The first step to differentiate for interests is to find out what students care about and like to do.
In this hands - on learning environment, students care for and watch their vegetables grow plus they have fun eating the fruits of their labor.
Definitely agree — 99 % of college students care more about beer than wealth.
Think: What are the main characters in your lesson, and how will the lesson help students care about what happens to these characters?
Genuine praise for tasks, asking questions about their day, and sharing with them tidbits from your life are excellent ways to show students you care.
All of them failed to do what I believe to be key to teaching: to make students care about what they're studying and understand how it's relevant to their lives.
Students care because they're cared for, and they work hard to earn the trust that caring teachers provide.
If students care enough to answer questions on a survey they are more likely to care enough to pursue their education further.
But it's a school where students care, where excellent teachers challenge ambitious students every day, where big dreams grow, and where relationships matter.
You get students caring about what they're learning.
As it stands, too many students care too much about the grade, and far too little about engaging in the learning process.
When students care they tend to have developed a compelling vision of success.
Students build stronger bonds with their coaches around the social emotional issues students care about.
So preparation for college is preparation for life, regardless of what choices students care about learning?
A small token of appreciation — a handwritten note, a quiet teacher - student lunch, or our cell phone number — tells that student we care about them and their academics.
Middle school students care deeply about their connections with peers, but not nearly as much about turning homework or classwork in on time.
In this excerpt, they explain how blended learning makes it possible to organize schools around the things students care most about: accomplishing something and having fun with their friends, and how Summit Public Schools, a California charter network, has reimagined middle and high school along these lines.
Content on Newsela covers topics students care about, that connect to core curriculum, and are aligned to standards.
Lecturer Rick Weissbourd, Ed.D.» 87, commenting on his new study that found that middle and high school students care more about personal achievement and being happy than caring for others.
Marissa Hu and Andy Fortson thought their idea for Co-Ed Supply was a good one: get parents to lay down $ 20 a month to send a college student a care package once a month.
Obviously Penn State students care more about football than protecting children or bringing a serial child molestor and those who protected him to justice.
Working on subjects students care about enables them to see things in a new way and unravel problems.
That doesn't mean students care any less about their opinions, but it does help them avoid knee - jerk reactions.»
I personally thank the universe that I was able to help get several students I care about to sign up for and transfer to great charter schools years ago, including my «l'il girl» Janae (who is now in college and turns 22 tomorrow!)
With a safe, internal social network for middle school students and extensive utilization of Google Apps in the high school, students care connected both personally and digitally to their teachers in order to ensure academic and social success both inside and outside of the school.
(I assume that even in the pre-Millennial period law students cared much about marks; at least that's what I learned from The Paper Chase).
There are 2 plans available under Student Care:
Leader of a four - member management team in charge of 100 - member staff including registered nurses, patient care technicians, and health unit coordinators as well as students caring for critically ill patients in 22 bed ICU.
Dental Hygienist - Various dental offices from 1988 - 2014 Coahuila Examined * President, 1st year representative, T.O.O.T.H. (Teaching Others Oral Treatment & Health), Galveston, TX Dental education for elementary students in the Galveston ISD, organize outreach opportunities, file monthly grant paperwork, communication liaison between 1st and 2nd year students cared for and treated the local citizens of the Saltillo area...
The only way to design entry activities and projects that excite students is to know what students care about.
«And if you can create environments where students care deeply about what they're doing, learning will follow.»
One part of the project had students caring for salmon eggs with the goal of releasing the fish into the river after they hatched.
Recognizing the people who make a difference in students» lives, Kennedy teachers believe, is a way to show students you care.
Gamify a classroom by introducing a fun narrative, reframing assignments to fit into that narrative, and making students care about the outcome.
But for any potential use, earnings data will only impact decisionmaking if students care about those data and can access and make sense of them.
The state standards require covering more historical events, facts and details than most teachers want to cover (and most students care to memorize).
I also wish to impart knowledge in a loving and caring manner so as to make the strong foundation of my students
College and career readiness begins when we learn what students care about and connect them with accomplished individuals in those fields for a view of their future.
«Do Students Care about School Quality?
One student cared for her mother as she battled breast cancer.Another overcame a poverty - stricken upbringing.
«That is millions and millions of additional dollars that can be provided to local school districts to help defray any costs that may exist as a cost of a consolidation and provide additional aid and assistance directly to student care... The money sits in the New York State budget.
My students cared more about the points than they did about the class.
It is simply too hard to understand, organize, interpret, or make sense out of information — or even to care about it — unless it answers a question that students care about.
The simplest way to demonstrate to your students you care and have compassion for them is to tell them often and in different ways.
What: HGSE students carried out real - world research about bilingual education and student care.
• Believe in the value of what you are teaching and make sure your students understand why it is important; so preparation is paramount • Show your students you care about their wellbeing and progress; that is your job; there is nothing they despise more than a teacher who doesn't care • Admit when you don't know or when you're wrong; they need to see you're a learner too • Collaboration with your colleagues is powerful support and very rewarding.
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