Sentences with phrase «student feel comfortable with»

If your student feels comfortable with you and you are following the recommendations of her treatment provider, then it is certainly worth trying to make progress in her current classroom.
Each of our online teachers and school counselors are passionate about helping both parents and students feel comfortable with their lesson plan, and we encourage children with special needs to become active in their education.
Once you see your students feel comfortable with your procedures and routines then you can expand or alter them.

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Since 2012, Friendfactor says the Challenge has included 23 MBA programs and more than 11,000 students, and improved the schools» cultures with 50 % more LGBT students feeling comfortable being out to everyone on campus.
It is a point, moreover, where civil religion and civility become much the same thing.2 I do not feel comfortable with the student's question of whether I am a Christian because the claims I make in the name of Christianity, while real, are nevertheless importantly limited.
In 2015, the state Education Department issued further guidelines under the act to specifically prevent discrimination of transgender and gender - nonconforming students, along with suggestions on how to make them feel more comfortable at school, including the right to use the restroom and locker room in accordance with their gender identity, participate in gender - segregated activities in accordance with their gender identity, and adhere to dress codes in accordance with their gender identity and expression.
At the very least, students could find out «whether each department is meeting minimum standards as set forth by the Association of American Universities (and others) and whether each graduate student feels comfortable enough at the department to stick with the graduate program and finish with a degree,» says graduate student Susan Mahan - Nieber of Washington University in St. Louis.
In all of the classes that I teach, my primary goal is to create a safe space for my students to feel at home and comfortable with themselves.
Rather than be defined by a condition or disease, Yoga Moves students feel more in touch with their humanity, and more comfortable with themselves.
Even in my regular classes, I want my students to feel safe and comfortable with me.
Additionally, the more comfortable a student feels speaking English, the more comfortable he or she will eventually become with reading and writing.
Overall, teachers responded that they felt more comfortable allowing students to direct the course of PBL and involve a wide range of experts and have more opportunities to share their work with an authentic audience for feedback.
Fay / Whaley: One of the best ways to help ELL students feel comfortable is to provide multiple opportunities for them to talk — with a partner, in a small group, to someone who speaks their native language, to the teachers.
The idea is to help the student feel more comfortable talking with one person so, in time, he will feel more confident speaking up in front of a group.
I have also been able to discuss invisible disabilities with various classrooms, which has helped other students with invisible disabilities accommodate and feel comfortable in their own difference.
I have a small group of students who already come in during their lunch periods because they feel more comfortable hanging out with one another.
Now, with the resources and tools computers and the Internet provide, he feels more comfortable standing back and letting students explore a project on their own — acting more like a coach than a drill sergeant.
Inasmuch as I want my students to venture beyond their comfort zones to learn and play and commune with people who don't share their experiences, I want them to feel completely comfortable finding opportunities to break bread and just «chill» with kids who do share their backgrounds.
A couple of years ago I spoke to my principal and we both recognized an opportunity to make the most of the technology already in students» hands, allowing them to use the technology with which they feel most comfortable — their own laptops, smartphones and tablets — in class.
Outdoor education provides the only opportunity in the education of young people to reconnect with the natural world, ensuring students learn to feel comfortable in nature both day and night, develop an understanding of natural history and systems, and are challenged to consider the role and place of humanity in the natural order of things.
Having these specific roles helps students feel more comfortable with participating and prompts them with ways to participate.
The excel worksheet is then printed and students can be guided to the level of work that they feel most comfortable with.
While he still feels more comfortable in traditional classes, he started to enjoy the multidisciplinary projects — one led to a job as a tour guide at a historic house in Fairmount Park — and he feels that he is a step ahead of other students because he's had so much practice making presentations and learning how to work with other people.
Ultimately, when selecting a device, it should come back to what students and teachers feel comfortable with, while keeping in mind what your infrastructure can actually support.
Throughout icebreakers and introductions, I notice that my ELL students start to feel more comfortable, with more smiles, laughter, and side chatter when someone says something funny.
Things to avoid include high use of closed questions and over-prompting or «spoon - feeding»; strategies encouraged include helping students take ownership of a task by giving the least amount of help first, and helping them feel comfortable taking risks with their learning.
Students who feel comfortable with the exercise can repeat it using different polygons.
Students who are wrestling with their gender identity and sexual orientation do not always feel comfortable sharing their struggle openly.
To counteract peer pressure, I include activities to help my students feel more comfortable with the people they are.
«Some parents, in fact, say they feel more comfortable in academically rigorous, heavily minority schools than in schools with whiter student bodies.»
Above all, to succeed in math classes and to feel motivated to pursue mathematics - related careers, students need to feel comfortable with and excited about mathematics — they need to feel like they, too, are math persons.
To get your students to a place where they feel comfortable opening up to you and to the class, you need to be open and real with them.
JE: I'm thinking to myself, what would you say to those teachers listening, primary and secondary (we've touched on primary there but also secondary) who want to engage their students in this area, who want to engage them in Engineering — that aspect of STEM that we've talked about as underrepresented — but maybe they just don't feel comfortable with the subject area and the content knowledge.
You've spent a good amount of time with your students and feel more comfortable exploring new strategies and practices that are more tailored to their learning needs.
To get his students comfortable with sharing their experiences and feelings, Sashington shares his personal experiences with his students: «Many of you all know that I had a brother that passed in February due to gun violence.
Some colleges have incorporated social media into their recruiting efforts by launching Facebook applications (see Plattsburgh State University's page) and MySpace profiles (such as the University of Scranton's), but because those sites were designed for communication among friends, many students don't feel comfortable interacting with college admissions officers there.
This is a non-threatening format that helps new groups of students get to know and feel comfortable with one another.
«Students who become relatively disengaged don't feel comfortable with exploring.»
To support students as they navigate everyday conflict, Fall - Hamilton has a nook called a peace corner in every room, with a comfortable seat, a timer — students generally need only a couple of minutes to calm down and reflect — and some distractions, like stuffed animals, or a prepared form on which students can explicitly document and monitor their own feelings and reactions.
By drawing closer to your students and closing the distance between the terms friend and teacher, you'll create a space where your students will feel comfortable and safe to interact with you.
As students feel more comfortable in school, they may build better relationships with peers and with teachers — relationships that support higher levels of achievement in the future.
While students may feel more comfortable with a structured assignment, portfolios are process oriented and evolving, so assignments should remain flexible (Lamson, Thomas, Aldrich, & King, 2001).
The feedback I shared with them about the difference that this small shift made for student learning allowed students to feel comfortable making suggestions at other times as well.
The interview begins with an icebreaker to establish rapport and to help the student feel more comfortable speaking English in complete sentences.
Making sure teachers feel comfortable with low - income students also could be helpful in both recruiting and retaining teachers, said Ethel Warren, a teacher in Yazoo.
She did not feel comfortable using them with her minority students who had limited English skills.
I did not have enough colleagues I felt comfortable turning to, for instance, for advice on how to broach the subject of Trayvon Martin's killing with my students.
Emotionally, he felt comfortable with older students who treated him as a peer and with teachers who validated his abilities.
As long as teachers, parents, and students feel that their input is valued, they are comfortable with administrators leading, as they are expected to do.
When using SIOP, teachers strive to create a nonthreatening environment where students feel comfortable taking risks with language.
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