Sentences with phrase «student hunger»

The phrase "student hunger" refers to the lack of access to enough food that some students experience. It means that these students do not have enough to eat, which can affect their ability to focus and learn in school. Full definition
We have an opportunity to reduce student hunger by narrowing this gap.
Our society needs more graduates with that knowledge, and many students hunger for it.
Do your yoga students hunger to build a home practice but struggle to stick with one?
As part of a plan to fight student hunger, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has proposed in his State of the State address that every SUNY and CUNY campus have a food pantry.
The survey did not address whether the breakfasts were alleviating student hunger, or whether serving breakfast in the classroom was having a negative impact on student learning.
In line with the statewide CSU program, Cal Poly's Basic Needs Initiative was set in place to address student hunger on campus.
Other proposals regarding greater use of renewable energy, reducing student hunger, moving the New York Islanders to a new site in Nassau County and hearings about the elimination of a special minimum wage for tipped workers were pre-announced, piecemeal, over the last several weeks.
Reduce student hunger: The governor has proposed a five - point plan to reduce student hunger from kindergarten on up through higher education.
No amount of strategic planning or performance evaluation or project - based curricula can succeed in a school where kids don't feel good about themselves, their class, or schoolmates, where their teachers just punch a timesheet rather than inspire in their students a hunger for intellectualism and learning, where parents feel disconnected or unwelcome.
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