Sentences with phrase «student in a classroom»

Tech startsup are pioneering a wave of new ways to personalize the learning experience for every student in the classroom
Such an alternative view of students in classroom space would call for more, not less interaction, cooperation in tasks rather than competition, a dynamic give and take instead of a unilateral telling and listening.
In the science teacher's relationship to the student in the classroom the subject matter is always central.
Ecklund reveals how scientists — believers and skeptics alike — are struggling to engage the increasing number of religious students in their classrooms and argues that many scientists are searching for «boundary pioneers» to cross the picket lines separating science and religion.
But whatever the emphasis, theological students in classroom, study and chapel are introduced to the great historic reasoning of God with men and led to participate in it.
Departmental names won't matter much if the shift has already taken place from a scientific theology, based on the prior Catholic faith commitment of every student in the classroom (which obviously would require everyone enrolled in the course to be a committed Catholic), to a phenomenological, historical study of what others believe.
Take a look at our so called «fans» diz days during games, the look like students in a classroom being lectured.
Anytime my pumping ran late, she would let my students in the classroom and see that they started their assignments.
The intention of this course is to give the teacher a living connection to science so that this same enthusiasm, understanding, and interest can be shared when the teacher is working with the students in the classroom.
Students in the classrooms on the other side of the hallway stop by the kiosk, pick up breakfast, enter their pin and the meal is verified via tablet by cafeteria staff.
I've been working on creating a BUNCH of differentiated activities to facilitate learning for all the needs of the students in my classroom.
To test that theory, Ferrua spent the first few weeks after implementation walking around, quietly observing the students in their classrooms.
He knows the name of each student in his classroom, and says that he is friends with everyone.
In fact, their incidence has increased in children approximately 50 % between 1997 to 2011, affecting nearly 2 students in every classroom.
Miriam's medical and education background includes: teaching prenatal classes and nursing students in the classroom and clinical setting, coordinating an OB department, and working as the Hospital Obstetric Consultant which included policy writing and continuing education for all obstetric staff.
Now, picture yourself in a room filled with student - created alphabet letters and posters made by the students in the classroom based on a previous lesson.
The last thing I want is free breakfast for all students in the classroom in SBISD.
Before applying, take some time to consider the context of your school and the key issues for students in your classroom and / or school.
By Laura Minnigerode Carmela is 21 months old, and a student in my classroom in a community college lab school.
Here at Beyond Breakfast, we know how vital a good breakfast is for students in the classroom — a healthy, nutritious breakfast starts every day out the right way.
«She is an outstanding educator whose dedication is evidenced beyond her commitment to students in the classroom; a true teacher leader consistently modeling and sharing best practices, an inspiration to all.»
At the same time, state officials this year sought to reduce the amount of time spent testing students in the classroom amid concerns over student stress.
While he says he believes in the election of board members, he says he would like to see different decision makers at the board table to deal strictly with education issues and how that will affect students in the classroom.
«They have nothing to do with students in classrooms.
According to Haimson, a plan the city created in 2007 aimed to reduce the number of students in classrooms from 20 to 25, depending on the grade.
Many teachers even go into their own pocket to pay for food and supplies for the students in their classroom.
That means that 70 percent of all dollars spent in New York schools is spent on teachers, their aides and other staff who directly interact with students in a classroom.
«The state has to restore the trust and confidence of parents in its assessment system and part of that includes assuring parents that tests are being used by teachers to inform instruction so they can better help the students in their classrooms and that the data is used for those purposes.»
«That can meet frequently to decide what we needed to do for students in classrooms, on grade levels and for the whole school.
As the city school district struggles to keep students in the classroom, the mayor has decided to add 50 - more positions to target the city's most at - risk youth.
And when he dropped in on some students in a classroom at the State University of New York, he showed he was still working on the art of making small talk with strangers.
The pair is currently studying how religious students in the classroom perceive the topic of evolution and religion.
Growing up in the Boston area, both boys did well in high school: they were strong students in the classroom and decent athletes on the field, and they got along with their peers.
Sure, students in the classroom have to remember facts, but they also have to apply them.
I believe teachers are doing their best to support all students in their classrooms, yet racial bias affects everyone, often in ways that we're unaware.»
For example, if you figured out the average height of students in a classroom, that statistic could help you predict the average height of students in other classrooms of the same grade at the same school.
As the results showed, attachment and group emotional intelligence emerge positively related to psychological well - being; in other words, «the students with the greatest attachment have the highest well - being, just as the students in classrooms with greater emotional intelligence do,» explained the researcher.
Going forward, the challenge will be for researchers and policymakers to develop more evidence - based online tools that teachers can implement with students in their classrooms.
This week, millions of students in classrooms around the world will take part in Hour of Code activities or in similar projects aimed at increasing student exposure to computer science as part of Computer Science Education Week (CSEdWeek).
PlantingScience (PS) is an online platform where middle and high school students reflect with scientists on plant - based research projects designed and conducted by the students in their classrooms.
Food allergies affect up to 8 percent of U.S. children, and as many as two students in every classroom, the researchers noted.
Philippe Delambre, the now - adult son of The Fly, does some BRIDGEPORT - Caught masturbating a male student in the classroom, a former Harding High School substitute teacher told a judge Friday he just wants to go
Experienced ladies are looking for sex just around the corner BRIDGEPORT - Caught masturbating a male student in the classroom, a former Harding High School substitute teacher told a judge Friday he just wants to go
Casting directors are specifically looking for high school students — boys and girls ages 14 to 17 years old to play Mexican students in a classroom.
Olivia took to her Twitter account to comment on the Spring Valley High School incident in which a police officer in South Carolina arrested a black student in her classroom by dragging her from her desk to the front of the room.
ASIAN LOOKING SCHOOL KIDS — Boys and Girls, who can portray ages 9 — 10 years of age, students in classroom.
«Occasionally in teaching, you come across a resource that you know will have a dramatic impact on the students in the classroom.
For the last few years I have been an e-Learning facilitator working with teachers and students in classrooms.
One place to begin is the way in which our secondary schools include students in both classroom and school - based decision - making processes.
[1] We ran two sets of simulations: one where students opt - out randomly, and another in which opt - out occurs among the highest - performing students in each classroom (as measured by their prior test scores).
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