Sentences with phrase «student in particular»

Thus, what students in a particular school system or classroom should know and be able to do with respect to soft skills requires conscious and thoughtful decisions by teachers and school leaders.
For example, one may wish to establish a scholarship specifically for students in a particular field of study.
This emphasis is also an invitation to use a diverse range of titles to create a deeper knowledge base for students in a particular subject area throughout the grade levels.
So, if we just use the state assessments as the only vehicle for determining whether students in a particular teacher's class are learning by definition, it's very limited.
It is more accurate to imagine that students in a particular grade will solve multiple problems that emerge from a single situation.
So - called diversity efforts have not always been affirming to students of color broadly, and black students in particular.
How does the average reading score for male students in a particular state compare to the average reading score for male students in other states in 2005?
This report can help districts assess student performance — overall and for high - need students in particular — compared to other districts with similar demographics.
Nearly all the schools surveyed placed students in particular attainment groups purely based on their previous attainment levels.
Ultimately, they will affect what students in a particular state learn.
What do you think it is about this group of students in this particular moment that feels like a break from the past?
But, he says, deaf students in particular face practical issues.
Contrary to earlier fears, systems of goals, examinations, and incentives not only help students in general, but at - risk students in particular.
We can identify patterns of skill deficit and strength, using data to paint a clearer picture of students in particular classes, cohorts, or the school at large.
Students in particular see social media as their communication channel of choice and recognise few boundaries in the nature and purpose of messages used on these platforms.
What this means is that in practice many students — and academically vulnerable students in particular — are not likely to see dramatic changes in the difficulty of their courses.
While black and Hispanic students in particular have shown impressive gains over the years, their test scores are still lower than those of white students, at both a district and statewide level.
Communities should explore options to limit the concentration of low - income students in particular schools.
Law students in particular can join their schools» Student Animal Legal Defense Fund chapters; we have student chapters at 149 law schools.
It reduces the number of components that have to be focused on within the accountability system, and places the focus on students who truly need the most help, rather than focusing on students in particular subgroups, for which they can't necessarily control their placement.
In other words, the curriculum is developed not simply as a top - down specification of what somebody believes students in a particular year of school should be learning, but as a description and picture of how long - term progress in an area of learning typically occurs in practice.
Minority students in particular appeared to benefit from the Catholic school experience.
Four of the country's universities currently reside in the top ten in the world rankings — Cambridge, Oxford, UCL and ICL — and it is female students in particular who are making the most of this respected higher education structure — they are more than a third more likely to go to university than boys.
Several large systems, including Chicago (beginning in 1996), New York (2004), and Philadelphia (2005), now require students in particular grades to demonstrate a benchmark
We find that the probability that students in a particular subgroup have a teacher who received a layoff notice varies considerably from one subgroup to the next.
With older students in particular, truancy — meaning students who land in truancy court due to many unexcused absences — also remains a challenge because «sometimes parents don't even know that their child is absent so the work there is more with the individual student» rather than with the parents, says Conway.
Four of the country's universities currently reside in the top ten in the world rankings and it is female students in particular who are making the most of this respected higher education structure — they are more than a third more likely to go to university than boys.
A secondary school teacher instructs students in a particular subject.
«Students across all grade levels made very significant literacy progress, and the high school students in particular demonstrated truly outstanding growth: four times the expected rate for students completing the recommended number of activities and nearly double the expected rate overall.
«It may be that segregated schools affect African - American students in particular because these schools have fewer resources to devote to high - quality instruction, experience more teacher turnover, and are more likely to employ novice teachers,» Kainz explained.
The remaining students are funded via fellowships, awarded directly to them, or through traineeships, in which universities compete for a grant to support a certain number of students in a particular area for a fixed period of time.
«Christian students in particular should be bold in speaking up to oppose that kind of behavior because it goes completely against the model Christ gave us.»
«High school students in particular really take advantage of building their own meals,» said Wilson.
It made for a stark contrast with her predecessor, Merryl H. Tisch, a believer in using standardized exams to hold schools accountable and ensure that poor students in particular were not falling behind.
Other research indicates that low - income students in particular benefit from college, becoming nearly three times more likely to make it into the middle class than their peers who earn some (or no) college credits.
It had a range of careers forums across places in New South Wales where there were high proportions of Aboriginal students in particular and it involved Indigenous teachers and leaders in those careers forums.
It is my hope that through providing such a public venue for young people to make their voices heard that more will begin to see the urgency in supporting school environments that are affirming to all youth and GLBT students in particular.
Realistically, when you're talking about students in particular, remember it's really a small number of students who cause the most disruption.
Unengaged students in particular experience events and engage socially in new and positive ways; they will learn in the real world in a manner that is not possible in a classroom.
From cyberharassment to physical violence, bullying is a serious problem for many schools, but bullying LGBTQ students in particular is more likely to be ignored or mishandled by staff, according to recent research.
Geoboard is an app that is all about the activity you choose to do with it, as opposed to leading students in a particular direction.
She's found this to be particularly important in counteracting two hang - ups firstyear students in particular have: the imposter syndrome, where students feel unworthy of being at the school («The admissions office made a mistake!»)
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