Sentences with phrase «student learning characteristics»

It is recommended that collaborative teams select among the co-teaching approaches, as needed, based up the curriculum demands of a unit or lesson and student learning characteristics, needs, and interests.

Not exact matches

By examining the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs, students learn that a belief in one's self can make positive things happen in life.
According to this method of classification, all students of a given age or age range are treated alike educationally, even though they may differ widely in the characteristics that are relevant to learning — as age is not.
Such an attitude is characteristic of Judaism, in which the professional student of the law was expected to learn a trade and practise it.
Students will learn to identify stylistic characteristics of music periods and composers and the key periods and dates of music history.
Students will learn about the characteristics of native butterfly habitats and the Nature Museum's conservation research initiatives.
In this case, seven different characteristics were necessary for predicting how the materials behaved, and our team's grad student Cory Simon's application of machine learning techniques greatly sped up the material discovery process by eliminating those that didn't meet the criteria.»
Using sets of cards, students categorize microbes» roles and uses, and learn that some microbes have characteristics associated with more than one category.
This strategy is closely related to metacognition, a characteristic of successful student learning and of professional success across careers.
The article's argument is summarized by the conclusion: «Service learning has the characteristics of effective teaching and learning approaches for student engagement, and leads to lifelong benefits.»
The ideal learning experience appeals to what Matteson (2014, p. 862) calls the «whole student,» addressing learners» cognitive, emotional, and social characteristics.
Panda - Monium Students in grades 3 - 5 learn basic facts about giant and lesser pandas, then categorize same or differing characteristics onto an online Venn diagram.
Having a strong school professional learning community benefits students and teachers alike, but what are the characteristics of such communities and how do you go about building one?
Cochrane's Interactive Learning program demonstrates all of the professional development characteristics shown to promote student achievement.
While so far the whole process has taken place in a «safe» environment, where the teacher has advised them about difficulties or errors, now the student must learn to accept the feedback received by an «anonymous» audience and turning it into changes in approach, solution or characteristics of its proposal.
«Lizzie Adelman exemplifies well the leadership and service orientation that is characteristic of students in the International Education Policy group, and their skills and creating effective networks for distributed thinking and learning,» says Professor...
The database includes information about each student's classroom teacher in a given year, which allows us to estimate how much the student learned in that year and to connect that information to such professional characteristics as teacher certification, acquisition of a master's degree, teacher experience, teacher test performance, and the specific school of education the teacher had attended within Florida, if the teacher had attended one of the eleven schools for which adequate numbers of teacher observations were available.
When students recognise the link between effort and learning that builds their confidence in a very genuine way, it builds resilience, and some of these personal characteristics that are so critical for life after school.
Make learning relevant, meaningful, and tied to the generational characteristics of your students.
Students learn basic facts about giant and lesser pandas, then categorize same or differing characteristics onto an online Venn diagram.
The question is whether we should be orienting our pedagogical practices primarily around these differences, as I think most personalized - learning supporters would urge, or instead take note of the many ways in which students are cognitively similar, and make these shared characteristics the focus of our education policies and practices.
The positive indicators are that students or business employees want to be engaged in their learning but that learning must have important characteristics built into it.
As students share the characteristics they have learned, you may want to write those characteristics on the board.
Four characteristics were inherent in learning communities that worked to promote positive changes in teaching cultures: collaboration, a focus on student learning, teacher authority, and continual teacher learning.
The results also confirmed the positive relationship of key characteristics of professional - development design identified in previous studies over the past decade to student outcomes: sustained, active teacher learning that is coherently aligned with the school's organization.
Students will learn the difference between living and nonliving things associated with the necessities and characteristics of life and their environment.
Through this competition, students will learn how the most suitable characteristics (beak of the finch) will survive in the current environment that allows those characteristics to prevail.
Students practice research skills as they learn about the characteristics, diets, habitats, and habits of a variety of bugs.
Although the subjects vary considerably from one grade to the next (from the life cycle of frogs to the role of change makers in society to the study of the causes and consequences of war), every expedition shares some common characteristics: an emphasis on student - led inquiry, connections to the community (through interactions with local experts and service - learning projects, for example), and an integrated curriculum with a strong emphasis on the visual and performing arts.
As school leaders nationwide are increasingly being held responsible for what students learn, Delaware has crafted a method for evaluating its public school administrators that is drawing acclaim for its attention to leadership characteristics connected to student achievement.
Together, these characteristics persuade students to believe that learning the content and skills really matters.
Although we understand a good deal about student - level characteristics that influence school success and failure, there is much still to be learned - and much knowledge still to be shared across disciplines and professions — about children who struggle with emotional and behavioral issues that affect education.
This product contains the checklists that will help you identify the characteristics of significant learning disabilities that some of your students may display.
«By recognising the characteristics of the local community and the student population, the whole of learning then can become more accessible to students
Leadership is one of Learning Forward's seven Standards for Professional Learning — evidence - based standards that outline the characteristics of professional learning that lead to effective teaching practices and improved student lLearning Forward's seven Standards for Professional Learning — evidence - based standards that outline the characteristics of professional learning that lead to effective teaching practices and improved student lLearning — evidence - based standards that outline the characteristics of professional learning that lead to effective teaching practices and improved student llearning that lead to effective teaching practices and improved student learninglearning.
Their inclusion, and partaking of activities within the classroom, was not only equal, but Students with Learning Difficulties definable characteristics were not immediately apparent to the outside observer.
That is, we compare students with the same demographic characteristics, the same test scores in the current year and in a previous year, the same responses to the surveys for other social - emotional measures collected by the district, and within the same school and grade, to see whether students who look the same on all of these measures but have a stronger growth mindset learn more over the course of the following year.
In Kelly School, which is discussed in the book, these characteristics were built through a set of interrelated organizational routines including close monitoring of each student's academic progress, an explicit link between students» outcomes and teachers» practices, weekly 90 - minute professional development meetings focused on instructional improvement, and the cultivation of a formal and informal discourse emphasizing high expectations, cultural responsiveness, and teachers» responsibility for student learning.
One characteristic of highly effective schools is that they form partnerships to enhance student learning and wellbeing.
In addition to completing the assessment, students completed a questionnaire to provide information on home contexts, and on their characteristics and attitudes towards learning and reading.
A school questionnaire, answered by the principal (or the principal's delegate), sought descriptive information about school characteristics, instructional time, resources and technology, school climate for learning, students» school readiness, and principal preparation and experience.
With detailed information on each object, students can manipulate the artifacts by spinning high - quality three - dimensional images and tapping to learn more about the history and characteristics of each item.
«Lizzie Adelman exemplifies well the leadership and service orientation that is characteristic of students in the International Education Policy group, and their skills and creating effective networks for distributed thinking and learning,» says Professor Fernando Reimers, director of the IEP.
Creating and Presenting Haiku With Kid Pix Submitted by Denise Stumpf Students learn about the history and characteristics of haiku and use Kid Pix to present original haiku.
Teachers who work in a given school, and therefore teach students with similar demographic characteristics, can be responsible for increases in math and reading levels that range from a low of one - half year to a high of one and a half years of learning each academic year.
Cloud Scavenger Hunt At the end of this Scavenger hunt students will be able to learn the different types of clouds and their characteristics with its vocabulary.
Students learn quickly about what they consider being «smart» means and who they define as being a good learner, and it is often associated with characteristics aligned with being fast, neat and right.
Meanwhile, in the United Kingdom, a recent study of the design principles of 153 primary classrooms concluded that «differences in the physical characteristics of classrooms explain 16 percent of the variation in learning progress over a year,» and that «ownership and flexibility» — the ability to adapt the surroundings to individual student preferences — accounted for a quarter of that difference.
Use teaching strategies based on knowledge of students» physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics to improve student learning.
learning based on student characteristics or instruction beyond the read - aloud during the study (although teachers were
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