Sentences with phrase «student life activities»

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«STEM Behind Hollywood» uses the scientists and experts who consult Hollywood filmmakers to create free classroom activities for teachers, including software and iPad apps, to explore popular movie themes such as zombie, superheroes, space and forensics to give students the chance to solve problems as real - life scientists would.
For example, in one activity called «Stem of the Living Dead,» students explore the exponential growth of a zombie hoard and how the spread of the infection creates limited resources using World Health Organization and CDC models and graphs.
Whitehead suggests that teachers should facilitate what he calls the student's «concrete vision» by allowing the student to utilize knowledge: «By utilizing an idea I mean relating it to that stream compounded of sense perceptions, feelings, hopes, desires and of mental activities adjusting thought to thought, which forms our life» (AE 3).
This is why most universities now have full - time directors of residence life, directors of student activities, directors of counseling, and an army of professional and peer counselors and advisers in residence.
Worship life, Christian activities and student counseling from a Christian perspective would all be part of the campus atmosphere.
Our students excel in various activities and sports throughout their life times utilizing the foundation built in their early years at Bay Island Gymnastics.
Instead of removing children from their day - to - day lives for treatment, both The Wright School and Hope Creek Academy emphasize helping students develop skills within the context of ordinary activities: academics, chores and, of course, fun.
Students came to class already connecting the activity to something important in their own life or dying to explain how it was utterly unimportant.
Families pay tuition to their «home» school and a nominal amount for living expenses, and for extracurricular activities while their student is abroad.
Students can experience hands - on activities that were part of pioneer life or learn about the Underground Railroad in northern Illinois.
This program is designed to ensure that students have the armor needed to stand tall against bullying behavior and predator activity — both online and in their everyday lives.
Explore the Living Schoolyard Activity Guide for simple lesson ideas that engage students with the outdoors.
To qualify for a 504 Plan, a student must have a disability that limits a major life activity and has nothing to do with a child's ability to learn.
The 504 Plan takes its name from Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, a federal law that prohibits schools that receive federal funding from excluding or otherwise discriminating against a student with a «disability» solely on the basis of that disability.6 A «disability» under Section 504 is defined by the Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act (ADAA) as a «physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities
«School stock epinephrine was much less likely to be available for after - school activities or for travel with student groups outside of school,» Anne Russell, a food allergy specialty nurse and director at Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Michigan Association, told Allergic Living.
Since 1920, the NFHS has led the development of education - based interscholastic sports and performing arts activities that help students succeed in their lives.
These exhibitions included students» own photographs and words that captured their ways of seeing, discussing and reflecting upon the significance of physical activity in their everyday lives.
Sometimes, students get so confused with reconciling their classroom activities with the clashing of so many faiths that their spiritual live begins to weaken tremendously.»
Oneida County Youth Bureau Director Robert Roth said youth volunteers from The Boys and Girls Club of the Mohawk Valley, Compeer of the Mohawk Valley, Cornell Cooperative Extension, The Center for Family Life and Recovery, The Neighborhood Center, Thea Bowman House, Utica Municipal Housing Authority, Utica Safe Schools / Healthy Students / Underground Café and the YMCA of the Greater Tri-Valley performed community service that included assisting in a bicycle giveaway program for Utica children, collecting and distributing clothing to the children who reside in Utica's Municipal Housing Authority locations, soliciting donations, collecting money and walking in Utica's version of America's Greatest Heart Run and Walk, the Multiple Sclerosis Walk and the American Cancer Walk, collecting food, preparing and serving meals at local food pantries, collecting donations and goods to aid animals at the Stevens Swan Humane Society and other community activities.
Tribal Counselor with the Seneca Nation Nikki Seneca says violence, and drug and alcohol abuse has escalated over the years among students, she says she feels the SRO's will help reduce the illegal activity and positively impact children's lives.
So Assemblyman James Skoufis created Zachary's Law, a bill that requires schools to develop policies that lets disabled students take part in commencement activities, as long as they meet their certificate requirements: «If a student with disabilities has made progress, that they be able to participate in this life moment with their classmates that they grew up with,» Skoufis said.
Among those already using the program with his students is Gerald Smith, who teaches conceptual physics and advanced chemistry at Bishop McNamara High School in Washington and plans to attend the march.Students who completed the print - out activity sheet illustrated how headphones work through physics — among the examples Smith intends to post to Twitter after spring break, the week after the March for Science «The kids definitely like to probe their brains a lot in terms of seeing science in real life, not just something far - reaching for geniuses to dobut as something that we exist in every day,» said Smith.
Then, Lorin Milescu's students used live - imaging techniques and software developed in their lab to demonstrate that the Gr28bD protein can, through temperature differences, modulate the brain activity of fruit flies.
It is easy for other activities to crowd the lives of undergraduate students, but when my expectations are clear my students usually keep their commitments, and we all feel good about the work in the end.
Using portable EEG to measure brain activity among groups of students, researchers were able to record from multiple people simultaneously to study social interactions in real life.
Other ACE activities have included bringing K - 12 students to the universities to talk about the application process and college life.
They also suggest other activities that prepare students for life as a professional scientist or engineer.
Here, the research team led by Associate Professor Yukio Nishimura, National Institute for Physiological Sciences (NIPS), Natural Institutes of Natural Sciences (NINS), and Masahiro Sawada, a former graduate student of Kyoto University, and Dr. Hirotaka Onoe, a team leader at RIKEN Center for Life Science Technologies found that the nucleus accumbens, that control motivation in the brain, activates the activity of the motor cortex of the brain, and then promotes recovery of motor function during the early stage of recovery after spinal cord injury.
The study, co-authored by Brian Kiessling, associate instructor and Ph.D. student within the Recreation, Parks and Tourism Department at the IU School of Public Health - Bloomington, focused on how people regard activity trackers, how the trackers affect behavior, and how they can be effectively integrated into programs that help people increase movement in their lives.
The study was performed as part of a larger project for Carnegie Mellon's Quality of Life Technology Center called dwellSense, in which Dey and Lee, then a Ph.D. student in HCII, deployed devices that monitored such activities as making coffee and using a telephone, as well as taking pills, in residences.
- Living in the middle - class area was associated with a 69 percent increased risk for nearsightedness, even after adjusting for other risk factors, such as time spent reading, outdoor activity and whether the student's parents wore glasses.
As a science education 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization, Science Buddies offers a variety of resources that support these activities to teachers, parents, and students from all walks of life.
Already as a PhD student of physiology in Cambridge, UK, Roger Tsien had developed his first tracking dyes for calcium activity in living cells.
To enable this activity we are actively engaged in clinical teaching and training in the University of Southampton, are active members of the Institute for Life Sciences (Joint PhD students and projects between mathematicians, biologists, chemists, engineers, bioengineers, physical scientists etc.).
The mentors help new students with practical matters and introduce you to various student activities and everyday Swedish living.
A fellow student from your project group, your buddy or someone you met at one of the numerous activities at campus might be a friend for life».
We offer many different videoconferences that include engaging experiences such as: take your students on a virtual tour of McDonald Observatory; complete a hands - on activity; see unique science demonstrations; and get live telescopic views sent to your classroom of the Sun, Moon and Venus from telescopes equipped with special video cameras and solar filters.
During the «Live From McDonald Observatory» videoconference program, students connect with the UT McDonald Observatory and participate in activities, virtual tours, live telescope observations, and mLive From McDonald Observatory» videoconference program, students connect with the UT McDonald Observatory and participate in activities, virtual tours, live telescope observations, and mlive telescope observations, and more.
Gifts to Student Life enhance the daily experience and well - being of engineering students with projects that improve student spaces and research spaces, encourage career development, and promote student group actiStudent Life enhance the daily experience and well - being of engineering students with projects that improve student spaces and research spaces, encourage career development, and promote student group actistudent spaces and research spaces, encourage career development, and promote student group actistudent group activities.
Students are engaged in activities such as taking a virtual tour of McDonald Observatory telescopes, observing the Sun, the Moon, or Venus live with videoconference telescopes, completing a hands - on activity, and more.
We are committed to prepare our students to work, acquire skills and enhance their capabilities including co-curricular activities that equip them adequately to live in rapidly changing global environment.
He is given seven days to settle up his debts for good, and what follows is a whirlwind of questionable activity, pulling his star student and pseudo love interest (Brie Larson) and mother (Jessica Lange) into his wake, endangering their lives in the process.
Poster 4 - 7 - Introduction to activity and class example 8 - instructions to turn inferences into a written story 9 - writing sheet 10 - Venn Diagram to compare and contrast with other student inferences 11 - Instructions for individualized writing 12 - 21 - 10 different real life pictures with graphic organizers following the same inferencing and writing steps 22 - student writing sheet 23 - Venn Diagram 24 - 26 - Credits and Terms of Use
Teachers get live overview on student progress, with options to grade and annotate open - ended answers in a similar fashion to the paper - based activities.
«Students watch the characters and live action films with child actors in simulated real - life situations, decide what to do next, and subsequently work through the activities and apply their new knowledge to situations they may face now and in the future.»
• Relevance: Students have the opportunity to connect a current activity to previous in - classroom experiences, such as science investigations, and to their lives outside the classroom, such as a need they perceive in the community.
Students will take part in a range of outdoor activities and using binoculars, hides and viewing areas will be able to view and identify the wildlife that live at the reserve, study the life cycle of plants, learn how to identify and collect mini-beasts amongst much more.
From the homeroom groups traveling together on the bus, to the groups sharing cabins, to the field study groups that rotate through activities, students live and work in teams that they wouldn't form on their own.
Maybe I'm an idealist, but I believe project - learning activities regularly miss the opportunity to be real life - changing experiences for students.
«The goal was to better prepare students to be successful in school by introducing them to activity areas where they could learn and develop the skills needed to be successful in life
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