Sentences with phrase «student revolt»

"Student revolt" refers to a situation where students collectively protest against something they believe to be unjust or unfair. It's a form of organized resistance or rebellion by students, usually aimed at challenging the existing system or demanding change in their educational institutions or society. Full definition
The chaos of post-war Paris produced monumental political, cultural, and social change in France, which came to a head with the ideological student revolt of May 1968.
This was the basis of student revolts in the 1960s.
That is what a considerable number of university students today feel; it is another element in the so - called student revolt of our time.
The works in 1968 and Other Myths depict recognisable and iconic images from the 1968 student revolts as well as tangentially related ones, found through online research or via other unsystematic channels.
(At the very beginning of the student revolt, during the Free Speech Movement at Berkeley, the computer was a favorite target for aggression.
Reich's book became very popular during 1968 student revolt, one of the slogans was «Read Reich and act accordingly!».
As was the case with the student revolts, it was about a nation of overarching impulse.
The basis for Arte Povera was furnished by the political protest movements of the late 60s — student revolts and civil rights efforts, and a general opposition to consumerism and the increasing commercialisation of the art world.
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