Sentences with phrase «students are in the same room»

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The second group of guinea pigs were college students, half of whom were asked to complete a survey for charity in an overheated room, and half of whom got to do the same task in a nice cool one.
Visit the man some years later in what the man still calls inexactly his study and one is more than likely to find him accompanied by the same volumes he took with him from his student room.
Says Modzelewski, «Until Toni arranged those first two meetings, people from these large school districts — ones with 40,000 or more students — had never been in the same room together, able to share problems and solutions, and share successes and failures.»
He is now a professor at a university in Chicago (no mystery as to who that's supposed to be), intellectualizing his beliefs for students who mostly want to be in the same room as someone infamous and telling stories of the glory days of protests that no one wants to have any more.
On the same afternoon Jsun Arenas was introducing organic cilantro to Hoover Elementary School students, Crew, joined by staffers Geralina Fortier and Dannae Washington, was across the street working with the Peer -2-Peer team at the People's Grocery headquarters in a back room at the YMCA.
Also called continuous learning, multiyear placement, or family - style learning, looping — in which the same teacher remains with a group of students for two or more years — is a concept as old as the one - room schoolhouse.
So, to build trust means giving a bit of yourself but also showing that you really want to be there in the same room as the students, and that enhances their learning experience — this is what this research shows — but also their sense of community.
Most college courses are one - size - fits - all — a lecturer delivers the same information to everyone in the room, regardless of whether some students already know the material or others are utterly lost.
Online learning comes in two broad categories: purely online courses, in which a student is never in the same room as an instructor, and «blended courses,» in which students spend time in a physical classroom with an instructor, and, also, time online with instructional videos and digital content.
Even with one computer in the room, there are ways to integrate that one machine into your classroom and still make sure that you and your students are indeed doing things that you couldn't do before, not just doing the same things you did before in a quicker, more efficient way.
But despite being the senior person on the board, I leave sitting in the same seat, literally, as when I began — the very last place in the always - awkward line - up of tables and chairs stretching across whatever room we were in; seven board members, the superintendent, the assistant superintendent, the business manager, the student representative.
But I quickly discovered that the people who needed support the most were the general classroom teachers who needed to know how to work with students with disabilities when an EC teacher couldn't be in the room at the same time.
How much less effort is there for the art teacher to give everyone in the room the same grade while the academic teacher has to come up with a substantiated grade for all their students?
It's an assembly line design that crowds teachers and students into a single room that's less than ideal for engaging in multiple activities at the same time.
But even with access to technology and Internet connectivity, many schools still use an antiquated classroom model designed when factory work was the norm for most Americans — dozens of students in a room together, seated in rows facing the teacher, learning the same concept at the same time from a textbook that may be years out of date.
It is intellectually enriching for most students to be in the same room with a stimulating teacher.
And it is equally important for most students to be in the same room with fellow students with whom ideas may be exchanged.
«What's the difference between books on reserve in library stacks for students (who are going to copy them and take the copies back to the dorm to study) and the same books on reserve online (where the same students can just hit the print button in their dorm room)?»
I think there's always going to be room for them maybe in the secondary market or in workflow or things like that, but I do think that there is that — in the same way that Starbucks made coffee a lot more accessible to people and created a lot more coffee drinkers and made the experience more enjoyable and really kind of raised the floor for coffee in America, I think there's room for a company like Fastcase to raise the floor for everybody to make legal research something that isn't intimidating, that partners can do and young associates can do and law students can do in a compelling, powerful way and without being afraid.
A master court calender was created and centrally hung, allowing the administrative staff to have a quick reference, and so that routine matters located in the same court room could be handled by one student instead of many.
Whether you're a mature renter who's been living in the same apartment for years or a young college student who's just moved into a rental room, your possessions are valuable assets.
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