Sentences with phrase «students as thinkers»

This reliance on decades - old reporting conventions has in some ways been exacerbated by new technologies because a percentage or diagnostic score can be even more quickly calculated using digitized multiple - choice items that, though they may be «technologically enhanced,» still remain rooted in designs for a summative test rather than being designed formatively for students as thinkers.
If I don't allow learning to be messy, I eliminate authentic experiences for students as thinkers and creators.

Not exact matches

For Vaynerchuk, young people have «course - corrected from being built as a good student, a great manager, a great thinker, an operator, to somebody who needs to be completely creative, chaotic, and has a stomach for adversity and change at a rapid pace.»
Driven by the Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Team Hunter welcomes community entrepreneurs and industry experts as advisors, consultants and judges interested in supporting students in developing as entrepreneurial thinkers.
We must replace the love of God by the love of man as the only true religion... the belief in God by the belief in man... My wish is to transform friends of God into friends of man, believers into thinkers... candidates for the hereafter into students of this world, Christians, who, by their own profession are half - animal, half - angel, into men, into whole men.13
I also do not believe that having students argue controversial positions necessarily makes them better thinkers or more morally sensitive as you implied by your comment about how an assignment like this could have the effect of causing students to think about the horrors of the Holocaust.
To exalt him as a great thinker, as though he could take delight in being praised for having honed his mental tools very sharp, no matter what they cut; to speak admiringly of him as an excellent orator, as though adeptness in the use of images were an enviable thing, no matter what they imaged; to do him reverence as a great student who learned from Newton and Locke and the Platonists, from nature itself, no matter what he learned — to honor him thus is to do him no honor that he could accept — or which, accepting, he would not thereafter bitterly rue.
Note on the Historical papers — The student will be expected to appreciate both the character of the problems as in the minds of the thinkers of the time and the general nature of the solutions attempted, illustrated by the simplest details.
«3 Ludwig Feuerbach described the essence of religion as a reflection of human desires into a transcendent realm, and proposed therefore to change men «from friends of God to friends of men, from believers to thinkers, from worshipers to workers, from candidates for the «Yonder» «to students of the «Here,» from Christians, who, according to their own confession, arc partly animals and partly angels, to men, whole men.»
The purpose of courses in theology and ethics, then, would not be to explore ethical «positions» or «systems» of theological thought as such but rather to «help students to become practical Christian thinkers» (106).
Career counselors encourage students to «sell» their problem - solving skills and to portray themselves as critical thinkers, but few can offer specific and actionable advice — and none can offer the kind of experience students need to make the transition to other work sectors.
Then, several weeks later, the students underwent «priming» for analytical thinking — reading words such as «rational», deciphering text written in hard - to - read fonts or looking at a photo of Rodin's The Thinker (pictured).
Postdocs and Ph.D. students, Braithwaite continues, should do everything possible to establish reputations as innovative thinkers with fresh ideas.
A deep - thinker, Melanie adds a calm and measured approach to interacting with our students that's ever so reassuring as they develop.
Students have few reasons to invest themselves in their work and no reason to view learning as a collaborative act if they don't feel valued as individuals, as thinkers, and as creators.
The school uses core principles of game design as a framework to help students become lifelong learners and design thinkers.
When students are exposed to arts - integrated teaching, Wolf Trap has found that learning improves across subject areas, including reading, math, and science, as they become better critical thinkers and problem solvers.
Don't just «assign» writing — facilitate it in many ways; guide students as they learn how to be more effective thinkers and communicators.
Those cited in the article who criticize those in favor of upgrading technology first and asking questions later about how it will impact student achievement are exactly right, as Bror Saxberg — one of the leading thinkers in understanding how to use technology to bolster learning — argues here.
On the other hand, he defies proponents of charters, vouchers, and other forms of school choice as wishful thinkers disposed to let marketplace theories trump evidence of student achievement while also undervaluing education's civic and cultural roles.
(1) Learning online versus learning to think critically Some see integrating technology as detracting from students» chances to engage as critical, creative thinkers.
What we found in our initial prototypes — launching an innovation lab space, creating a design thinking professional development experience, and running student - facing design challenges for middle - and high - school classes — was that the design thinking process functioned as a kind of oasis for educators, reconnecting them to their creativity and aspirations for helping students develop as deep thinkers and doers, not just as test takers.
As a model for reframing methods and outcomes, design thinking reconnects educators to their creativity and aspirations for helping students develop as deep thinkers and doerAs a model for reframing methods and outcomes, design thinking reconnects educators to their creativity and aspirations for helping students develop as deep thinkers and doeras deep thinkers and doers.
When early elementary teachers integrate music and theater, student learning improves in reading, math, and science as they become better critical thinkers and problem solvers.
If we want students to develop as independent thinkers, we need to provide the conditions in which they feel free to speak, without worrying about producing a «correct» answer.
Using student inquiries and questions as guidance, teachers develop lessons that engage and excite, teaching their students to be active thinkers rather than passive learners.
Learning preference, in the case of questions posed to the whole class, refers to how some students prefer to silently process the content, keeping their own counsel (Internal Thinkers), while others prefer to talk or express their thinking with an audience as a sounding board (External Thinkers).
How do we mold it so that it supports students» development as thinkers and individuals capable of deep understanding?
As a science teacher, I have to consider how to prepare students to be informed citizens who are critical and independent thinkers.
These strategies free up thinkers to express their thoughts without the hesitation that makes some students» minds go blank as they pick up that pen or pencil.
One strategy with the potential for lasting benefits is to engage students as critical thinkers about the issue.
Additionally, my extensive background as an International Baccalaureate instructor enables me to prepare students to be compassionate, confident thinkers, leaders and advocates for positive change.
This again puts the focus on curriculum, as it requires us to rethink how we teach computers in a way that supports students becoming strong computational thinkers and doers in service of being mathematicians, readers, writers, scientists, thinkers and learners.
Instead of viewing learning as the transmission of knowledge from teacher to student, these thinkers embraced the idea that children learn best when encouraged to discover, play, and experiment.
Thinkers such as Pestalozzi, Montessori, and Papert helped paved the way for the maker movement by stressing the importance of hands - on, student - centered, meaningful learning.
It is important to choose topics about which you feel you can be pedagogically neutral as you support students» own journey of learning how to be critical thinkers and forming their own opinions.
But it is just those moments, argues Mary Cowhey, which can help students develop as critical, creative thinkers.
If we accept, as the evidence all around us indicates, that students need to be creative, critical thinkers and responsible citizens who can manage rapid technological and social change, then our curriculum design needs to reflect this and should continue to be updated.
Often, we create these ideas such as «critical thinker» and «ethical global citizen,» perhaps even in the form of a transfer goal, but we have no way of knowing if our students are making progress towards these goals.
The mission of the Park City School district, in partnership with the home and community, is to provide varied educational opportunities in a safe environment that encourages and supports each student to become an active learner and critical thinker who strives to achieve his or her highest potential as an ethical and responsible citizen in a global environment.
An essential 21st Century skill set for all of our nation's students includes the information and communication technology skills to allow for participation as creative and informed citizens as well as critical thinkers well versed in core subject area knowledge.
As anyone who has an understanding of how to teach students to be thoughtful readers, effective writers, and competent thinkers knows, the more a teacher teaches to the Common Core ELA standards, the farther away those students will be from being thoughtful readers, effective writers, and competent thinkers.
«I have really gotten to know my students as learners and thinkers in ways I never did before.
Tech Boston Academy, Boston This project will allow a team of 6th and 7th grade humanities teachers to research, plan, and implement a Sustained Silent Reading program in order to support students as they become life - long and enthusiastic learners, readers and thinkers.
Mathematics teachers strive to build students» identities as people who are capable mathematical thinkers.
There are lots of resources available to help students grow as computational thinkers — and many are free!
African - American students no longer languished in the failing classrooms of White America's schools, but developed as thinkers and leaders in their own liberated space.
Magnolia Public Schools vision is to graduate students who are scientific thinkers that contribute to the global community as socially responsible and educated members of society.
Students and teachers across 10 school districts, including DeKalb County, Ga., will benefit from the opportunity Tata Consultancy Services and Discovery Education are providing as we find improved ways to help equip our students to be «big picture» tStudents and teachers across 10 school districts, including DeKalb County, Ga., will benefit from the opportunity Tata Consultancy Services and Discovery Education are providing as we find improved ways to help equip our students to be «big picture» tstudents to be «big picture» thinkers.
PAG 2 is addressing the question of who our students are becoming as thinkers and learners.
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