Sentences with phrase «students better learning»

The Milpitas Post, for instance, posted a story on the Magnolia Charter Academy moving into a former Senior Center building, which will allow them to give students a better learning environment, but also increase their growth.
Today, Odysseyware digital curriculum, course consistency, and online access maximize teacher time and give students better learning options.
If all three efforts succeed, one outcome is clear: the state and school districts would have new responsibilities aimed at providing students a better learning environment through changes that could hold important benefits for low - income and minority children.
For example, investigations into how students best learn to read are carried out in two distinct ways.
We must recapture the primary aim of assessment: to help students better learn and teachers to better instruct.
Give your students the best learning experience — insist on Hitachi Ultra Short Throw projectors!
As educators work together with CCE consultants to engage in discourse, gather and reflect on data, and continuously improve, their solutions become increasingly more relevant and respectful of individual and cultural differences, corresponding to how students best learn.
It could identify the need for a higher quality curriculum to help students better learn a subject.
As technology increasingly blurs the lines between how different students best learn, teachers face new demands
This program provides St. Andrew's teachers a chance to share their expertise about how all students best learn.
CPM teaching strategies focus on how students best learn and retain mathematics.
We pride ourselves in giving our students the best learning skill possible to keep them safe on the roads.
We pride ourselves in giving our students the best learning skills possible to keep them safe on the roads.

Not exact matches

In a three - month study with 7th graders, students who learned using interleaving scored 25 percent better than those who learned by blocking.
«Students learn best when they are engaged; when they perceive the significance of study in their real daily lives.»
Technologies like DreamBox, a math education software that's used in a number of classrooms across the US, adapts to each student's skill level and lets students learn at a pace best suited to their needs.
With educators better equipped at understanding a student's learning process, classrooms are being formed around small groups, with students who match each other's skill level working together.
He believes big data will give educators the information they need to improve their programs and help personalize teaching so students can learn in the way that's best for them.
Students «learn about the how the brain uses two very different learning modes and how it encapsulates («chunks») information,» as well as «illusions of learning, memory techniques, dealing with procrastination, and best practices shown by research to be most effective in helping you master tough subjects.»
«This system was designed decades ago,» Gates continued, «and it doesn't reflect what educators have learned about helping students and teachers do their best work,» namely, that students learn far more effectively when their instruction is tailored to their specific needs.
Prospective students interested in management consulting will be intrigued by the chance to learn and apply best practices by working with executives of local companies.
These programs attract some of the best students and teach them most of the content they would learn in a traditional MBA.
Soon droves of students will be issued reading lists, inventories of books they are told to they need to read to learn how to become the best, the greatest, or as successful as (fill in famous name here).
In a recent study, researchers found that students who drank alcohol after studying were better at recalling what they had learned, compared to students who didn't.
As well as offering video learning, Descomplica has also gone into partnership with VIVO, the largest mobile carrier in Brazil, to offer more than 200,000 students study tools via SMS and MMS.
Companies want to have the best talent and, presumably, the best will have focused on how to sustain or grow a business and be willing to make tough choices to do so, which is what students learn during an MBA program.
What it's about: A young United States Navy student competes with his fellow students over being the best fighter pilot and learns a few life lessons along the way.
The modernized facility, which houses the business library, will include new study spaces, more natural light, both zero - noise and social - learning zones, as well as a «technology sandbox» where students can experiment with digital gadgets, such as 3D printers.
Both are fairly small, intimate experiences with the school entering less than 100 students in each of the past two years — and both are filled with a good bit of experiential learning opportunities to offset the younger age of the students here who tend to have a bit less work experience.
Learning about student loan interest can help you make better decisions about your debt — and potentially help you pay off your loans sooner.
They learned very quickly about the new expenses that they've never had before, and since their student loans were going directly to rent, they had to get better paying jobs to pay for tuition and living expenses.
The fees and rates they charge may still be worth the cost if they can get you a good settlement, and could be a welcome alternative to learning how to settle student loan debt yourself.
Use this along with the FAQ below to learn more about how the student loan interest deduction works and how you can best use our calculator to see how much you might get back from Uncle Sam.
«We regularly review our course materials and textbooks to ensure they are up to date, and any changes that need to be made will be done at the appropriate moment to ensure the best learning outcomes for schools and students,» a spokesperson for the company told CNBC.
Marriott Vacations Worldwide (NYSE: VAC) is pleased to announce its donation to Step Up For Students, its third in three years, to help provide scholarships so low - income children can find the best school for their learning needs.
Integrating these emerging career pathways and learning opportunities into a better STEM pipeline is an important focus shared between educators and students.
With specialized streams of study in Biotechnology Management & Entrepreneurship, as well as Innovative Management, the EMBA program at the Faculty of Business provides students with the theory, skills, experiential learning and research opportunities to advance their knowledge and enhance their employability in these flourishing fields.
It's a good idea to survey students when they complete the course to learn what they did and did not like about it.
There's embarrassing little research on entrepreneurship education and outcomes, but we do know that students learn best when they can connect with the material in a hands - on way — personally making the mistakes and learning from them directly.
On a separate note, I'm sure Steve would agree that business schools would do well to help students learn how to promote a culture of innovation using lean startup methods even if they never have any desire to be entrepreneurs.
Skillshare is committed to teaching skills the way a student learns best.
«As a young student he never did well with rote learning.
It's a good educational book, good one for the students and the institutions that are higher learning, it can benefit from to help these young people as they enter the workforce become more successful.
«Students deserve to learn in schools that are well maintained and operating the way they should.
Best - selling author Geoff Smart said he himself felt fortunate to have learned this reality, when he was a student, from the «father of modern management,» Peter Drucker.
We provide the industry's first Unified Classroom experience, empowering teachers with best - in - class, secure, and compliant online solutions, including student information systems, learning management and classroom collaboration, assessment, analytics, behaviour, and special education case management.
Becoming a Golden Hawk means more than just cheering on our (really good) varsity teams — it means being a student who cares about your community, who works hard in the classroom, and who takes advantage of all the learning opportunities that can happen outside the classroom, too.
Not surprisingly, studies show that when teachers do integrate science knowledge into students» lives, the students learn the science better.
Second, more students initially interested in science will continue to pursue it through college because they will better see its value and importance to the big issues and will learn science better.
Maybe this will be the catalyst for them to get on board with the idea of teaching for the sake of learning instead of teaching to get students to use their # 2 pencils to complete the answer pattern which will render the best financial results for the school district.
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