Sentences with phrase «students deserve»

«Our students deserve a safe environment where they can give their best in order to reach their full potential.
The teachers know that these students deserve all that they can give them and they are beginning to see the benefits of this mindset shift.
Our students deserve more, «not packed into classrooms on top of each other.»
«I'm excited about joining the GCSA team because I believe that all students deserve access to a quality education,» Staples said.
All Oakland students deserve highly effective teachers who spark curiosity and passion, and believe deeply in the potential of all students.
While we are proud of TFA's role in driving change for students across the Bay, we know it's only through our partnerships — with teachers, school and system leaders, policymakers and community members — that we'll achieve the large - scale change our students deserve
Tennessee students deserve professional educators and leaders who not only have their best interests at heart, but who have the skills and demonstrate the ability to affect student academic growth.
Repurpose the educational service centers to be local district offices and sell the central offices and distribute those resources to the newly formed districts to provide facilities ALL students deserve.
Working with progressive academics and researchers in the union's Quest Center, the union issued The Schools Chicago's Students Deserve, which offers a credible vision of what an excellent education for all requires.
The Governor and Legislature have not addressed our education funding crisis, and our students deserve better.
She added, «In LA Unified, our firm conviction is that all students deserve a quality education regardless of the type of school they attend.»
Oakland's students deserve a functional system that sends resources to school sites (which must be supported by an efficient, accountable central office) and invests in the best programs to serve them.
All Illinois students deserve to have equal opportunities for educational programming.
Students deserve to be free from worry about personal safety and to be confident that their teachers and administrators know them well and can guide their development of skills and knowledge.
«Wisconsin's black students deserve better,» Barnes said in a statement.
Do some students deserve better facilities, buses, and instructional resources?
From January 24 - 30 2016, schools and communities host informative and engaging activities to raise awareness that all students deserve a high quality education.
All students deserve a Department of Education that will stand up for policies that improve their educational experience and lead to their long - term success.
Our students deserve the best.
«Students deserve to be tested on the same content,» added Slover.
Caputo - Pearl was one of the architects of the Initiative for the Schools LA Students Deserve, a resolution that called for UTLA to adopt a more aggressive approach toward advocacy.
All Stamford students deserve no less.
Our most high - need students deserve more than a revolving door of inexperienced, overburdened special education teachers.
Teachers and students all deserve more.
It is our duty to shift our practices and mindsets, because our students deserve better.
A «great many,» however, will not create the future our country, our communities, our families or our students deserve and need.
Students deserve well - prepared general and special education teachers.
Students deserve equal access to digital resources — anywhere, anytime.
By standing together against the interests of corporate driven education reforms, whose sole purpose is for profit, we are creating a vision for the kinds of schools our students deserve.
Along with that, school - wide programs should help students understand that anyone can face emotional / behavioral challenges in life and that all students deserve love and acceptance.
«I don't think the staffing plan will provide for the quality of education our students deserve,» Mertz said.
The portfolio strategy is not about creating new schools as long as it doesn't disrupt other schools; it's about insisting that performance and options drive all decisions, disrupting chronically low - performing schools, because families and students deserve better.
All Maine students deserve an equal chance of success whether they live in Cape Elizabeth or Fort Kent.
The Alliance to Reclaim Our Schools is linking together parents, educators, students, school staff and community members in dozens of cities across the country on February 17 as they WALK - IN to support the quality public schools that all our students deserve.
Having a passion for teaching and leadership, Stephanie Hayward believes all students deserve a solid foundation in education and the tools and support to reach their full potential.
ASCD agrees and believes that all students deserve comprehensive and engaging opportunities that prepare them for college and careers and to be active, productive citizens who positively contribute to our communities.
Students deserve access to quality services and the attention review team has a responsibility to build expertise and provide comprehensive support for students.
I am hopeful that, in the next decade or so, American teachers like Evans will lead the fully realized profession that students deserve.
«Whether pursuing a four - year degree or high - quality credential, students deserve the same accolades and recognition as student athletes.»
We believe the new Arizona Charter Career Center will make that connection and help our schools find the quality teachers that students deserve.
We hope the new report sparks more questions about ways we all can learn from each other, and use it to provide the high - quality public education our students deserve.
Demands: As part of UTLA's contract campaign, the Nov. 20th demands are focused on the uniting theme of The Schools Los Angeles Students Deserve.
All students deserve access to great schools, colleges, careers and opportunity.
The report found that, while there were bright spots in individual schools, the district by - and - large was not providing the excellent education Aurora students deserve.
It is our view that the strongest students deserve the best teachers and content, and an environment focused on deep learning.
«When we started this movement, Arizona educators pledged to keep fighting for the schools their students deserve until the end, and we were true to our word,» they said.
Our society demands it, our community and parents want it, and most importantly, our students deserve it.
«What sort of information do students deserve to know?
All students deserve a chance to succeed.
Their ideas for how to better support teachers in delivering high - quality education to all students deserve to be heard by the public and policy makers alike,» said Dell «Aquila.
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