Sentences with phrase «students feel inspired»

In this place, students feel inspired to think, to learn, to achieve and to care.
Students felt inspired and ready for the new module to begin.

Not exact matches

Steve felt inspired and energized by the students.
Recently, Maggie and her husband settled in rural Tasmania where she continues to enjoy her work as a CBI trainer, supporting students who feel inspired and passionate about birth.
«I hope for all students taking our class to get a burst of positive energy, to feel inspired, to sweat, to break through fears, to feel love, and most importantly to feel proud of themselves,» he told me.
As a student, teacher and practitioner of Ayurveda, using these Ayurvedic spices regularly has contributed to making my kitchen like a magical medical clinic, in which I feel inspired and empowered to create as much health as I wish, with my very own two hands.
When you find the best time to teach, you will feel more inspired and happy to do so and your students will notice.
You must develop an attitude of compassion and understanding so that your students feel safe enough and inspired enough to develop their yoga practices and bring it to higher levels.
As yoga instructors, we have often seen a student's peaceful smile after practice, but to experience the exhilaration felt by my Yoga Moves MS students is truly inspiring.
Their positive energy and great sense of humor helped students feel at ease and inspired them to learn and practice the breathing and movement exercises.
The shared understanding and enjoyment they feel, along with the friendships across grade levels found in co-curricular music groups, is very inspiring for many students.
Though most TFA teachers acknowledge that teaching was exceptionally challenging and admit to feeling unprepared, it was their students, the mission, and the supports the TFA organization provided that kept them committed and inspired them to learn more.
I feel so lucky to have shared this experience with 17 other educators who are constantly striving to do their very best for the students they work with and they inspire me to be a better teacher every day.
On the other hand, Delpit provides counterexamples of success, for instance, Afrocentric assignments, inspiring teachers who love and sympathize but maintain rigor, and a beloved white teacher whom the students consider «black» for this reason: when asked «how he felt as a white man teaching black history... tears came to his eyes as he answered that when he learned about Emmett Till and other terrible things white people had done to black people, it sometimes made him ashamed to be white.»
To succeed in creating world - class schools and raising student achievement, it needs teachers to feel motivated, empowered, and inspired.
Participants to the EUROCLIO Annual Meeting have testified afterwards that they felt inspired and stimulated to share with other colleagues and with their students what they learnt.
If you do ~ you will build a great rapport with these students because they will feel like you get them ~ and you will inspire these students to develop their gifts and abilities to the fullest.
Offering a strategic idea or a resource at the right time can be the difference between a student who feels permanently stuck and a student who feels inspired to move a project forward.
Teachers who travel bring back to their classrooms all of the experiences they had and passions they felt to inspire students and make global content come alive.
Regardless of our topic, we were all inspired to write about something that mattered to us — something from our experience as students or teachers that we felt needed to be addressed.
The risk is that teachers who don't feel confident in their abilities or their knowledge of the content are more likely to deliver lessons that fail to inspire students or encourage them to continue to develop their computing skills past GCSE.
You'll begin to feel inspired, your students will show progress like you've never seen before, and most importantly, you will no longer be faced with teaching verb conjugations ad nauseam.
Though the new school year may seem daunting on the first day, survival kits can help teachers and students feel welcome and inspire them to start the year on a positive note.
Feel inspired to share the Seven Steps with your students.
No amount of strategic planning or performance evaluation or project - based curricula can succeed in a school where kids don't feel good about themselves, their class, or schoolmates, where their teachers just punch a timesheet rather than inspire in their students a hunger for intellectualism and learning, where parents feel disconnected or unwelcome.
Every contact with the Flippen Group helps us feel supported and inspired to continue to reach every student.
The inequities she witnessed inspired Courtney to obtain a Juris Doctor Degree from The Maurice A. Deane School of Law at Hofstra University, which she hoped to use to «dismantle the system» she felt deprived students of a good education.
Students feel successful with Quaver activities, which inspires them to learn while also giving them the confidence to take on more challenges.
A university professor and high school English teacher, Camangian was inspired to work in educational equity after feeling left out as a student of color in the public school system.
While Burk's school and Milwaukee still have a very long way to go to provide its students, particularly poor black and brown kids, a high quality education, I left the city feeling inspired that a community as large and diverse as Milwaukee is trying to band together and look out for what's best for all children.
During Stephen Santilli's time as principal, William Davies Middle School went from having a slew of concerns — teacher turnover, state demands, unhappy students — to a positive environment where students and staff feel inspired and have access to new realms of learning.
Teaching students about the world around them has the potential to be awe inspiring, yet often the lessons and materials can feel removed from the real world, lacking the substance and authenticity to spark excitement.
In my own school, I slowly figured out that building teams of teacher leaders would ensure sustainability, and inspiring every adult to feel invested in each student's success would make the difference.
After these two weeks, I feel more confident in the transformation in our students and teachers that LEAP is going to inspire, and feel more secure in my ability to help lead this work as a teacher leader.
Teachers care about pay, but they also care about working in schools led by strong principals, where they get to collaborate with other inspiring teachers whom they get to know over the years, have opportunities to learn and grow, and feel like they are making a difference for their students.
There was an overall feeling of collaboration in the gallery, where it was apparent that students of all different ages worked together as well as independently side by side to create art projects inspired by common interests, friendships, admiration, fun, pop culture, and games.
The college is currently embroiled in controversy concerning sinking debt, staff layoffs, steep tuition hikes and student protests, so casting a look back at its glorious past will feel all the more poignant and is likely to inspire much debate.
The Obamas assured the students in their letter that although this kind of change may be difficult to achieve and they may sometimes «feel like progress is too slow in coming,» that they believe in them and have been inspired by their resolve following the tragedy.
Workshops are a great way for us to lean - in to our mission statement of creating a dynamic space for students to get inspired and feel supported in their post-graduation plans.
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