Sentences with phrase «students lose ground»

«Our most impoverished students lose ground,» said Claus von Zastrow, the chief operating officer Change the Equation, a Washington - based group that advocates for math and science education.
One recent study found that «while all students lose some ground in mathematics over the summer, low - income students lose more ground in reading, while their higher - income peers may even gain.»
With controls, black students lose ground slightly to whites over the summer in math, but the result is not statistically significant.
The patterns in the teacher assessments mirror those in the test - score data: black and Hispanic students start out substantially below whites, and black students lose ground over the first two years of school, whereas Hispanics maintain their position relative to whites.
• Are black students losing ground because they attend worse schools?
In Indiana, researchers found that students lost ground in math — as measured by test scores — in the first two years after leaving public school, but began to improve after four years if they stayed with the program.
According to a 20 - year study done at Johns Hopkins University, and cited in a Time magazine cover story about summer learning loss, «low - income elementary school students lost ground in reading each summer, compared with their higher - income peers, who made progress.»
At Okeechobee Christian Academy in Okeechobee, Fla., scores also show students losing ground.

Not exact matches

The team is made up of Oxford University and Oxford Brookes students, and this term has seen them hold their ground in the league having not lost a game.
African Americans would lose ground if MCAS scores were used in lieu of grades in mathematics; a similar disadvantage exists for Latino / Latina students, but the evidence is not statistically conclusive.
We know from other studies that students typically lose ground when they change schools.
Taken together, we believe we have spelled out an approach to standardized testing grounded in the fact that assessments can gather critical information about our students» growth and our own teaching practice, while acknowledging that this potential will be lost if we ignore the need for improvements to our current system.
Among schools where high - SES students neither gain relative ground nor fall back relative to their statewide peers, there are some schools where low - SES students gain around 0.05 standard deviation of relative ground, and others where low - SES students lose 0.24 standard deviations of relative ground.
Among schools where high - SES students fall back around 0.2 standard deviations relative to the state average between third and fifth grades, there are some schools where low - SES students lose only around 0.1 standard deviation of relative ground, and others where low - SES students lose nearly 0.4 standard deviations of relative ground.
In sum, students who left elementary schools for middle schools in grades six or seven «lose ground in both reading and math compared to their peers who attend K — 8 schools,» he wrote in «The Middle School Plunge,» published in the spring 2012 issue of Education Next.
Most importantly, do students gain or lose ground academically when their schools close and they are obliged to enroll somewhere else?
Put another way, on average, Ohio's e-school students start the school year academically behind and lose even more ground (relative to their peers) during the year.
But once the data are adjusted for the effects of the key background characteristics identified above, black students appear to lose much more ground than they do in the raw averages, falling 0.16 standard deviations in math and 0.19 standard deviations in reading relative to white students (see Figure 1).
If, as some have argued, white teachers have lower expectations for black children, one would predict that black students with white teachers would lose more ground than black students with black teachers.
If black students in the sample continue to lose ground through 9th grade at the rate experienced in the first two years of school, they will lag behind white students on average by a full standard deviation in raw math and reading scores and by more than two - thirds of a standard deviation in math even after controlling for observable characteristics (the gap would be substantially smaller in reading).
If the importance of parental and environmental inputs grew as children age, black students would be expected to lose ground relative to whites.
Thus black students are losing ground not only relative to whites, but even more relative to Hispanics.
Given the evidence that students from disadvantaged backgrounds lose ground academically over the summer while other students do not, districts that serve large populations of low - income students should be most interested in trading class size for school days as a strategy to improve student achievement.
In ELA, voucher students also lost ground but, ultimately, surpassed their public school peers by the fourth year.
A 2014 study by the National Bureau of Economic Research of the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program concluded that, on average, FTC students neither gained nor lost ground in achievement in math and reading compared to students nationally.
«The longer that a student is enrolled in a private school receiving a voucher, their achievement begins to turn positive in magnitude — to the degree that they're making up ground that they initially lost in their first couple of years in private school,» Waddington tells NPR.
As shown in the chart below, English learners lost ground, and African American students gained less than five points (looking at...
The problem is clear: The U.S. is losing ground in the battle to improve students» content knowledge in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, and business leaders lament graduates» lack of preparation to compete in a global economy.
However, a recent major study of the statewide Louisiana voucher program found that, after two years, students in the program had actually lost ground in both reading and math.
Common findings across numerous studies is clear: students need to engage in summer learning and activities not to lose ground.
The report also looks at funding between 1997 and 2002 to see whether states are gaining or losing ground in terms of responding to their most needy populations of students.
Students who received publicly funded vouchers in Louisiana and Indiana appeared to lose significant academic ground in the first two years after switching to private school and then catch up to their public - school counterparts in subsequent years, according to two new studies made public Monday.
Without the right blend of summertime instructional support, enrichment, and academic activity, many students risk losing so much ground that keeping up with their peers seems impossible.
We must say no as it becomes clear how many students in voucher programs are losing ground in math and reading.
Has Perry discovered a new teaching method or curriculum that helps students who start school with deficits make up lost ground?
Allington and McGill - Franzen have assembled an impressive array of evidence to document the importance of providing students with access to books, particularly in those critical summer months when low income students lose so much ground to their wealthier peers.
This means students can enter a new school year in August or September having lost about a third of the ground they covered the year before.
Compared with other charters statewide, these schools had far lower performance in API scores, English and Math proficiency, and lost ground over time in student proficiency rates.
That one in ten students is reading on grade level while students are losing ground relative to their peers (less than 50 MGP) should not qualify as good.
Therefore, on the whole, these results show that relative to their peers in public schools, students in voucher programs are losing ground.
In this case, 68 days lost is clearly substantial lost ground for students participating in the D.C. voucher program.
«Studies have found that students from low - income families lose ground academically over the summer, and also are less likely than students from wealthier families to have access to enriching, non-academic experiences,» said Lucas Held of The Wallace Foundation, which released the guide in partnership with Crosby Marketing Communications of Annapolis, Md. «Many of these parents and students aren't used to thinking of summer as an opportunity for learning, so it was important to listen to them and to market voluntary summer learning opportunities in ways that would appeal to them and to their children.»
If you factor in your interest payments into your emergency fund, you can likely emerge from unemployment without having lost any ground on your student loan repayment!
Not a building, a program — it was designed from the ground up as an education resource for both students and the public (which is why it's at the entrance to the university, and not lost somewhere in that maze colleges like to call a campus).
Microsoft lost ground to Google in schools in the U.S., and MacBooks appeal to many college students.
The county lost ground, however, in other areas, including a climb in the percent of children living in poverty and births to young females, as well as decrease in the percentage of students passing 4th grade tests.
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