Sentences with phrase «students persevere»

They were particularly interested in two — making students persevere through difficult questions and having them construct and critique math arguments.
Offer a challenge: Students persevere when an assignment is not only interesting, but intellectually demanding.
A positive mindset focuses on the gains that are possible when students persevere through learning challenges.
Whereas the researchers who are looking at when and where students persevere - it's much more scattered, you know?
When a student perseveres and figures something out, he says, «I feel like I've done something right, and they feel like they've discovered something along the way.

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The students underestimated how much they could accomplish if they persevered: they predicted they could come up with about ten more ideas during the second interval, but they actually generated about fifteen.
The Extraordinary Courage Award recognizes student - athletes and coaches who have persevered through challenging circumstances and overcome adversity to develop and excel as model participants.
The research that Farrington drew on didn't show any evidence of specific interventions changing a student's innate level of grit, but there was plenty of evidence that students» tendency to persevere at academic tasks was highly responsive to changes in school and classroom contexts.
She distilled the voluminous research on student mindset into four key beliefs that contribute most significantly to students» tendency to persevere in the classroom:
We want students in middle school and high school to be able to persevere, to be resilient, to be tenacious when faced with obstacles — but we don't often stop to consider the deep roots of those skills, the steps that every child must take, developmentally, to get there.
A student might be inclined to persevere in school in tenth grade but not eleventh grade.
If students hold these beliefs in mind as they are sitting in math class, Farrington wrote, they are more likely to persevere through the challenges and failures they encounter there.
If we want students to act in ways that will maximize their future opportunities — to persevere through challenges, to delay gratification, to control their impulses — we need to consider what might motivate them to take those difficult steps.
Instead, it should encourage students to strive or persevere or explore.
When students feel able to meet parent expectations, they are less likely to be worried and stressed about their schoolwork and less likely to suffer from physical symptoms of stress and Students are more motivated and engaged in school, and are more likely to persevere when they feel supported by their students feel able to meet parent expectations, they are less likely to be worried and stressed about their schoolwork and less likely to suffer from physical symptoms of stress and Students are more motivated and engaged in school, and are more likely to persevere when they feel supported by their Students are more motivated and engaged in school, and are more likely to persevere when they feel supported by their teachers
So a student can, in math class, be really perseverant and really stick with problems and, you know, in the same day in history class, they don't persevere at all.
Academic resilience refers to a student's willingness to persevere at academic tasks even when they are frustrated.
A student might be inclined to persevere in school in 10th grade but not in 11th grade.
All of that stuff conveys a lot of psychological messages, sometimes explicitly and sometimes implicitly to students, that the research now suggests has an enormous impact on how motivated kids are to persevere, to stick with difficult tasks, and bounce back from setbacks.
Instead, what teachers need to do to help develop those qualities in their students is create an environment, in the classroom and the school as a whole, that makes students motivated to persevere.
Congressman Charles B. Rangel visited Edward A. Reynolds High School this afternoon, encouraging students to eat healthfully and, more broadly, to persevere through life's challenges.
Students who received top recommendations, the UNC co-authors suggest, show a «constellation of characteristics that typically correlate with research success [such as ability to] persevere and maintain focus and optimism in the face of regular challenges.»
The students who were able to persevere and succeed by following rules and procedures and by retrieving the right answer are now at risk of stress responses due to shifts in assessments.
Keep in mind that these students have already demonstrated a substantial skill set — both the academic skills necessary to gain admission to college and the non-cognitive skills necessary to persevere and succeed in what are often under - resourced school environments.
At my campus, I work on explaining to all of our students that persevering after failure is what leads to innovation.
With a relatively small size, the mini-posters will fit perfect above a white board or on a bulletin board as a constant reminder for students to persevere and solve problems when working.
These students came to develop their mastery not necessarily because they had «natural talent» but because they learned the skills of persevering, facing frustration and being open to strategies that helped them engage not just in practising but in the deliberate practising that Ericsson emphasises.
Are teenage students in Finland more likely to persevere with a problem than their counterparts in Australia?
There should be extensive hands - on experiences and problem - based learning experiences, to develop students» thought processes, to skill them to persevere and work through problems, and to be creative and innovative.
Students would take CFA's online courses, and Match would offer the coaching, mentoring, and peer support that would help them persevere.
Emphasizing positive emotions helps students become more resilient and more likely to persevere with learning tasks.
You'll find that students, who previously didn't have the growth mindset needed to stay with challenging lessons when understanding was not instantaneous, now persevere.
But Silver, then 29, persevered, determined to create an elementary school with strong family involvement and collaboration between teachers and community, all united around the vision that every student would one day go to college.
When do we believe students will develop the dispositions to persevere over time with a challenging project and hold themselves to high standards of quality?
The Young Writers Program of NaNoWriMo provides curriculum that supports both teachers and students in preparing for the November challenge, as well as tips for persevering throughout the month - long wild writing ride.
However, that time is a powerful investment as students build their executive functions to become self - directed learners who can prioritize, plan, and persevere with foresight as they achieve long - term goals.
One of the great things about Khan, McIntosh says, is that it encourages students to persevere, and now, through the use of the site, his students are doing more problems.
«I have to take risks and persevere,» just as students are expected to...
On each mini-poster, there are key words that serve as cues for the students when trying to persevere and solve math word problems and develop habits of mind for the Standards for Mathematical Practice.
To persevere, students should work their way through solving a multi-phase problem.
In contrast, students who are motivated by mastery goals are more likely to persevere in the face of such challenges.
Some students may join in the countdown with you at first, some will not be quiet by the time you get to zero at first but persevere, use praise and rewards to reinforce its importance and it can become an extremely efficient tool for those times when you need everyone's attention.
Under standards - based grading, our teachers have created an opportunity for students to persevere in the face of challenges.
The Student with Low Self - Esteem When working with children with low self - esteem, the challenge is to restore their belief in themselves, so they'll persevere in the face of academic challenges.
Just says staff are continuing to work on how to assess and measure the learning that happens in the FabLab, aside from the finished product — including the ability of students to think critically, problem - solve and persevere.
Classroom instruction that provides opportunities for incremental progress feedback at students» achievable challenge levels pays off with increased focus, resilience, and willingness to revise and persevere toward achievement of goals.
While we're yet to see a ground - breaking app with the potential to disrupt the market across the entire age range, creating something engaging and relatable will undoubtedly encourage students to persevere and ultimately achieve the overall learning outcomes.
These lessons address more than standards: They focus on many of the soft skills we know are critical for student success in college, career, and life — skills such as being able to collaborate, create, solve problems, communicate effectively, and persevere in tasks.
Pushing students to persevere and develop their personal passions requires a different model that better encourages and rewards risk - taking and exploration.
We should be celebrating the accomplishments of students who persevere and earn their diploma, especially when it takes 5 or even 6 years — it can be much easier to give up than fight through.
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