Sentences with phrase «students reaching their goal»

The next year we raised our goal to 40,000 books and when our students reached that goal, Elvis and Amelia Bedelia visited our school (see photo below) and performed for them.
When you're integrating technology, you want to make sure that it aligns with the learning goals and ultimately helps students reach those goals.
Heather began teaching SAT classes and has now helped thousands of students reach their goals on the ACT, SAT, PSAT, and GRE.
In this context, infrastructure does not mean physical structures, but rather the support systems to help students reach their goals.
While students at Ross may be swimming upstream, staff report many real improvements and remain dedicated to helping students reach their goals.
Marzano and Kendall (1996) draw a distinction between content standards, which should describe the goals for individual student achievement, and curriculum standards, which should provide supplemental information that contributes to helping students reach these goals.
Add stickers to names as students reach goals.
Specifically, the percentage of students reaching their goal on the state tests increased from half (55 %) to two - thirds (68 %) after the program was initiated.
When students reach their goal, allow them to move around freely, or stretch, or stand and sing a holiday song.
Our instructors will work very hard to assist the students reach the goal of a driver's license.
We strive to help our students reach their goals and objectives, as well as train them to be successful, safe, and confident drivers.
Are you passionate about helping students reach their goals?
I share practical information and materials that SLPs can use to help their students reach their goals while not spending forever to plan and put them together.

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In the meantime, NCEI will partner with schools, exhibits and events such as the Maker Faire in D.C. next year, with a goal of reaching about 50,000 students making class trips to the area over the next three years.
Many people in their 20s are dealing with large amounts of student loan and credit card debt and are living paycheck to paycheck, while dreaming of the day they can allocate some of their money to reach their financial goals.
This goal will primarily be reached with the development of the Education Super Centre — a 300,000 - square - foot unit that contains hotel - like student housing options, amenities for residents and space for commercial leasing.
The instructor will help the student outline and define goals, structure a path for reaching those those goals, and offer guidance and support while the student progresses into group / jam classes.
Even high school students need the form and discipline of daily requirements to reach the ultimate goal of setting themselves demanding tasks as adults.
If all states met FRAC's goal of reaching 70 low - income children at breakfast for every 100 at school lunch, an additional 3 million students would have access to a healthy breakfast, and schools would have access to an additional $ 836 million in federal reimbursements.
The goal last year was feeding an additional 10,000 students per day in five school districts — we met and exceeded that goalreaching 10,463 additional children.
Our goal is to fund high - need districts in our ten target states to reach an additional 30,000 students during the morning meal.
FRAC has set an ambitious, but achievable, goal of reaching 70 low - income students who qualify for free or reduced - price school breakfast for every 100 who eat school lunch.
Breakfast Challenge awards will be given to schools each term who reach the challenge goal of increasing student ADP in the SBP by 25 %.
November 28, 2006 A donation from Wegmans of 1,700 books has enabled Give Back, Give Books to reach its goal of 10,000 new books to donate to city school students.
Our goal is to reach students who are at an impressionable age and drive them away from the dangers of opioids and drug abuse.
And so the first milestone I have identified to reach this goal is to gain teaching experience by giving seminars to university students.
Federal officials hope that the CSEM program will help students at Grambling, Arizona, UCSD, Purdue, and elsewhere to reach their goals.
As a Ph.D. student, Vermeulen was «an extremely motivated scientist, really striving to do things very well... and trying to reach [his] goals,» says Luc De Meester, a former colleague of Vermeulen's who today is a full professor in the department of biology at the University of Leuven.
The next steps were to find funding from UBC for the design of it and search for willing and able science students to help him reach his goal.
Unlike schools, which grow increasingly segregated and involve more individual instruction as children grow older, afterschool programs are spaces where instructors, often similar to the students in age and background, can facilitate diverse, productive interactions that help youth reach social and academic goals.
«Social capital can help, but without that belief in your ability to successfully reach students, the chances you'll achieve your goals are vastly reduced,» he said.
Many minority students never reach this goal, but you have clearly survived the Ph.D. process.
What I viewed as the most important take - away from this session was the idea that simply satisfying a percent requirement for diversity in graduate students, postdocs, or professors isn't nearly enough to reach diversity goals.
Information provided by SMD - funded E / PO programs is disseminated via this section of the SMD E / PO Community Workspace (/ page / 5324) with the goal of providing information about what E / PO efforts are being carried out, the numbers of individuals reached, program effectiveness, and how program outcomes are benefiting students, educators, and the public.
That said, my yoga teacher encourages his students to do additional cardio and I must admit, I «m good about that in good weather... love to ride my bike... not so good in lousy weather, My success story with yoga begins after reaching my goal.
More than the physical work, the teachers are incredibly helpful and they always let students know that they're committed to helping them reach their goals.
She finds it exhilarating to see her students reach their fitness goals; become more mobile, flexible and aware of how movement can enhance their overall well - being ~ physically, spiritually and emotionally.
laid back and drama free guy who is full time student trying to better myself and reach my goals regardless of hsv
This blog is the place to get news, tips for project creation and reaching your project goal, success stories, and outstanding student thank - you notes.
That said, in our view, parents and teachers can make headway by helping students discover a goal that they are passionate about and ensuring kids understand that reaching their dreams requires lots and lots (and lots!)
A few weeks after the initial student - led meeting, students lead a follow - up meeting to update their support team on their progress, if their plan of action is effective, and if anything can be changed to help them better reach their goals.
If they combine the smart use of those tools with equally smart investments in teacher and leader effectiveness, the goal of having every student succeed will start to seem less like the horizon line we can't reach and more like the finish line we can.
Students came to understand the importance of mindsets, like persistence and teamwork, to help them reach their goals.
Galactic Mappers provides many opportunities for me to assess my students, give immediate feedback, and track their learning across a class period as they attempt to reach their goal.
Understanding grit at a deeper level will help teachers empathize with those students who are having a hard time reaching their goals.
Depending on the student, the range of support they need to reach their goals will vary.
But she acknowledges reaching the president's college - graduation goals will take considerable efforts, with low - income students among those targeted for increased achievement on the higher - education level.
The goals can be things like helping their fellow students after they finish a chapter or unit, understanding specific skills, or reaching certain checkpoints.
Through the pilot, Linda realized that in addition to having students set goals, students needed to understand that having good mindsets helps them develop good habits and behaviors and that good habits and behaviors are what cause people to reach their goals.
I like to take advantage of student desires such as attending prom or buying a used car by giving them tools to reach their own goals through saving.
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