Sentences with phrase «students went to a classroom»

After the assembly, students went to a classroom of their choice to listen to a pre-selected story and to participate in related hands - on activities.
Do students go to a classroom to complete their homework?

Not exact matches

And you can take the blue pill and go back to your classroom and lecture your students.
How many more students are going to have to die and have their blood spilt in American classrooms, trying to make the world a better place just because politicians refuse to take action?
He then took a receptionist hostage and went into a classroom, where he shot the receptionist and ordered students to line up against the wall, Police Chief Howard Jordan told CNN.
A jury has gone out to consider its conclusions in the inquest into the death of Catholic school teacher Ann Maguire, who was murdered in her classroom by a 15 - year - old student.
Again, though, as their approach to their students changed, the classroom climate improved, and their students» test scores went up.
These tools are proving to be beneficial to students who can easily take classroom assignments with them wherever they go.
HW: The typical high school and middle school student is going to their classroom, but they can sit and eat in the cafeteria as well.
Though I haven't been able to get an answer from anyone on the exact amount of time allotted for lunch / recess (and I'm told not all classes get a recess — which is another subject, that I will get into more on another day), I am being told once a classroom is scheduled for lunch that they have 20 minutes from there to go through line, eat, clean up, and get out the door — which if a teacher is running behind, a student misbehaves, or God forbid it takes 10 minutes to get through the lunch line, there's a problem.
We especially love the Breakfast — Anytime, Anywhere Healthy Eating Play that guides students to work with the school's dietitian to adopt an alternative breakfast model like breakfast - in - the - classroom, Breakfast After First Period, or Grab n» Go Breakfast.
You can explore many ways to get breakfast in the hands of students — for some, the traditional model works well, for others a classroom delivery, grab - n - go, or Second Chance model may be a better fit.
Even for returning students, it doesn't hurt to know where the classroom is, say hello to whatever staff is there getting ready and start getting excited about going back.
Incorporating nutrition education, school gardens, and farm - to - school initiatives into the classroom curriculum and school culture can go a long way in creating demand for healthier food choices among the students.
Do school students all go to a lunchroom together where all students get to mix and eat lunch at the same time, or do students stay in their classrooms and eat lunch as a class?
It gives cafeterias the financial flexibility to offer alternative types of breakfasts, such as grab - and - go meals that students can eat in the classroom.
A mix of delivery styles will help Southern Local customize their program for efficiency; young students (Pre-K through grade 2) will have breakfast delivered directly to the classroom, while students in grades 3 - 8 will «Grab n» Go» from the cafeteria line back to their classrooms.
Everything goes into insulated carrying containers which are then loaded onto wire shelving carts and then pushed out into central locations where teachers and / or student helpers (usually 2 - 4 students) pick up the bags and bring everything to the classroom.
Grab - and - go programs are served in the classroom to every student, so low - income students don't have the stigma of going to the cafeteria for breakfast.
He pointed out that the school went into lockdown, giving students and etachers time to hide in locked classrooms.
The ad goes on to portray workers constructing a building, chefs cooking at a restaurant, and teachers and students interacting in a classroom, with the narrator linking the new casinos to job creation and more money for schools.
«The single most important factor in a student's progress is the effectiveness of the classroom teacher and we are going to find new ways to attract, reward and retain great teachers,» the mayor said.
«Now BPS students have the advantage of going to any one of the 37 local public libraries for access to their classroom desktop.
Many teachers even go into their own pocket to pay for food and supplies for the students in their classroom.
The ad goes on to portray workers constructing a building, chefs cooking at a restaurant and teachers and students interacting in a classroom.
Excerpt: «Reforming the Common Core, increasing aid to local schools, and making sure that educational funding goes to the classroom and benefits our students, rather than being squandered on additional layers of unnecessary government bureaucracy.»
FORT GREENE — A principal accused of creating a «Got to Go» list of problematic students at Success Academy Fort Greene is back in the classroom at one of the charter's other locations, according to a report.
«Younger students need experiences with engineering and technology if they're going to succeed in our 21st - century world — a world that increasingly depends on these disciplines,» says Cunningham, who is also the founding director of Engineering is Elementary, a program that brings engineering concepts into elementary school classrooms around the country.
The PFF program allowed all of us interns to experience the work that goes on before the students enter the classroom and after they have left it.
Going forward, the challenge will be for researchers and policymakers to develop more evidence - based online tools that teachers can implement with students in their classrooms.
«If your institution is really focused on student - centered teaching and visits your classroom only once a semester, on a day that you're lecturing, then you're going to fare poorly,» Stains said.
It is important that all students see diverse faculty members, which leads me to the second reason you might want to consider a PWI over an HBCU: Majority students need to see minority professors in their classrooms if they're going to develop healthy respect for minorities (and women!)
So when they go back to the classrooms they talk about their own research, their high - tech research of isolating cancer cells to space technology — we've sent students to NASA or they do nanotechnology or, you know physics or chemistry or, you know, you name it, agriculture — and when they go back to their classrooms and talk this over among their peers, more peers get interested.
Philippe Delambre, the now - adult son of The Fly, does some BRIDGEPORT - Caught masturbating a male student in the classroom, a former Harding High School substitute teacher told a judge Friday he just wants to go
Experienced ladies are looking for sex just around the corner BRIDGEPORT - Caught masturbating a male student in the classroom, a former Harding High School substitute teacher told a judge Friday he just wants to go
What Goes Up (R for teen sexuality, profanity and drug use) Slice - of - life drama, set in 1986, about a reporter (Steve Coogan) sent from New York to New Hampshire to write a story about the hometown of ill - fated, teacher - turned - astronaut Christa McAuliffe who finds himself unexpectedly in charge of a classroom of dysfunctional students, including a shameless flirt (Hilary Duff), a repressed Peeping Tom (Josh Peck) and a scheming baby mama - to - be (Olivia Thirlby).
After these lessons completed in the classroom, students will go to the computer room to practice editing and using the software using the practice assessment and then when ready, can try the final exam.
I found myself in an inner - city middle school classroom without a clue as to how to discipline students beyond the escalating volume of my come - to - order voice (I often went home hoarse) or the clacking of a wooden stick that I whacked on my desk for attention.
When your classroom has no computers and your students have no access to computers, students aren't going to use the Internet.
I had the poems printed and displayed all around the English classrooms Students then had to find a quote for each poem and then have a go at looki...
We ended up enlisting the help of those who have plenty of relevant things to say about what goes on in our classrooms — our students!
Back in Australia, Lynch went back to teaching in classrooms in Melbourne's Ferntree Gully and then in Tasmania, where he was subsequently asked to run a residence set up by the Catholic Church for students attending the University of Tasmania.
Consensus needs to be reached on the focus of the observation (teacher, students or both), the frequency and duration of observations, the structure of pre - and post-observation meetings, who is going to own and control these data (critical with video recordings), and last, but certainly not least, the classroom observation guide to be used.
Since 1993 — through online courses, Web sites, workshops, speeches, articles, Internet columns, and popular e-mail publication «The Busy Educator's Newsletter» — Glavac has gone beyond the classroom to reach students, parents, and teachers around the globe.
Even as schools across eastern Louisiana are closed today — some of them indefinitely — local and state officials are laying plans to assure that students have classrooms to go to as soon as possible.
For a number of reasons — limited reliability, the potential for abuse, the recent evidence that teachers have effects on student earnings and college going which are largely not captured by test - based measures — it would not make sense to attach 100 percent of the weight to test - based measures (or any of the available measures, including classroom observations, for that matter).
When his stim might disturb students, our son's IEP allowed that he could leave the classroom and go to a quiet space until he was ready to return.
Please know, I'm a big believer in music associated with learning, so my classroom hasn't been a place where students go when they want to take a vow of silence, but it was mainly music that's filled the air.
Reflecting on word choice goes beyond the classroom and allows students to advocate for themselves because they know their teacher is supportive, empathetic, inclusive, and accepting.
Using whiteboards meant that students could go to the front of the classroom and control the material on the screen, but more recently, mirror image apps have been created that connect devices to the display so that children can view and interact with the material remotely from their desks.
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