Sentences with phrase «studied samples of»

Mr. Toothman studied samples of legal bills submitted by six of Amtrak's main law firms, including Manatt, Phelps & Phillips LLP, Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP and Shaw Pittman (now known as Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP, following a 2005 merger).
The researchers also measured biological markers that indicate colon cancer risk and studied samples of bacteria taken from the colon.
Jun - Yuan Chen of the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Paleontology and his colleagues collected and studied samples of Vernanimalcula guizhouena, a microscopic animal that probably moved along the seafloor sucking in bacteria for food.
Li's team studied samples of a fruit - fly derived version of Rumi in complex with a Notch «surrogate» - a human protein with a Notch - like fold - that were provided by Haltiwanger.
They studied samples of rumen gut contents from 43 cows and identified 913 diverse strains of microbes living in the rumen.
In the study sample of 60 different inversion deals, approximately 15 - 20 percent of shareholders fell into this long - term investor category and were made worse off from the inversion.
So how many gays are there out there say 2 % of the population and this big study sample of 54 men in the military in the midst of a world war that no one has heard of released in 1990?
Norman Poythress studied a sample of 234 US college undergraduates, grouping them into relatively ho.mogeneous religious types based on the similarity of their religious beliefs, and compared their personality characteristics.
In your research project with John Heritage, you're studying a sample of some 4,000 questions raised at presidential news conferences from 1953 to 2000 to see whether journalists have become more adversarial toward presidents over time.
Churchill and Hare were part of a group that studied a sample of Homo sapiens skulls dating from 200,000 years ago through to the present.
Ola Landgren, M.D., Ph.D., of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, and coauthors examined the association between MGUS and exposure to Agent Orange during the Vietnam War in a study sample of 958 male veterans, including 479 Operation Ranch Hand veterans who were involved in aerial herbicide spray missions and 479 comparison veterans who were not.
He studied a sample of 684 California children who had been diagnosed with either profound autism or mental retardation.
However, virologists may still try to study samples of virus taken from the man.
The researchers studied a sample of 10,100 action game apps in the iOS App Store that had been created by 5,141 developers.
Since then scientists have been studying samples of the bottom core for clues to what might lie beneath the ice.
In 2004, researchers collected and studied a sample of white sucker fish in Boulder Creek, Colorado.
The researchers studied a sample of 339,844 University of Phoenix students enrolled in 26,384 sections of Math I, a required undergraduate mathematics course offered both in - person and online.
After studying a sample of 16 states and select jurisdictions within them, GAO reported that federal funds were in fact being used for «retaining staff and current education programs.»
While emphasizing that the study sample of 52 children is small, Mr. Geary argues that this preliminary investigation indicates that Chinese students, in effect, used...
We study a sample of midcareer elementary and middle school teachers in the Cincinnati Public Schools, all of whom were evaluated in a yearlong program, based largely on classroom observation, sometime between the 2003 — 04 and 2009 — 10 school years.
For example, teachers might have students study samples of work that vary in quality and collaborate in creating their own student - friendly version of a performance assessment scoring rubric.
It is common for college and PhD students to seek study samples of thesis statements before attempting to write their own.
To calculate this rate, the company studied a sample of mortgage applications initiated three months earlier.
An academic team from the Insurance Research Council recently studied a sample of drivers in Wyoming, and learned that the rate of uninsured drivers in Wyoming is only 8.7 percent.
A separate group of analysts from the Insurance Research Council studied a sample of Delaware drivers, and learned that roughly 11.5 percent of vehicles on Delaware roads are uninsured.
In 2016, a group of researchers studied a sample of drivers with auto insurance policies in the state of Illinois.
Studying samples of good medical administrative assistant resumes, and using them as examples in writing your resume will help in preparing effective resumes that you can send to employers.
Environmental Scientists research and study samples of air, water, and earth to prevent hazardous materials from hurting the environment, humans, and wildlife.
Medical Administrative Assistant Resume Example Studying samples of good medical administrative assistant resumes, and using them as examples in writing your resume will help in preparing effective resumes that you can send to employers.
If you would like to know how to write resumes and be able to prepare one for yourself to use in applying for dental assistant job openings, you can do so by getting and studying samples of professionally written resumes.
Event history analysis was used to test a developmental model of the timing of first sexual intercourse in the Oregon Youth Study sample of adolescent males at risk for delinquency.
The better educated the unwed father, the higher his earnings and the more rapidly his earnings grow; high school graduates earn 25 to 33 percent more than dropouts.3 In the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study sample of men who became fathers in the late 1990s, more than one - third of unwed fathers had not completed high school.
The study sample of 174 mothers with 23 - 29 month - old children was taken from the 3th Korean Child Panel (2010) by Korea Institute of Child Care and Education.
For example, Popma and colleagues [7] studied a sample of delinquent male adolescents (aged 12 — 14 years) and revealed that adolescents with DBD had a lower cortisol awakening response compared to controls without DBD.
Hamerlynck and colleagues [21] studied a sample of detained girls aged 12 — 18 years, in Dutch juvenile justice institutions, and found that 21 % of the girls with severe aggression also demonstrated post-traumatic stress symptoms.
This resulted in a final study sample of 728.
Recently, Ray et al. [54] studying a sample of adolescents, have pointed out that the unemotional scale contributes to an overall CU factor but is weakly associated with other subscales; they recommend further research to conceptualize it within the broader construct of CU behaviors.
It is noteworthy that the hypothesized associations between the amounts of observed normativity and deviance and perceived descriptive and injunctive norms were found among the current study sample of 16 — 21 - year - old adolescents and young adults.

Not exact matches

For the study, researchers analyzed a a sample of more than 340,000 job interview reviews posted anonymously on the site to determine whether hiring is moving faster or slower today compared to previous years.
The study, headed by Professor Edward Guinan of the school's astronomy and astrophysics department, initially looked at which crops would thrive in soil that is similar to that found on Mars (based on readings taken by the Phoenix Mars lander and samples recreated on earth).
The study sampled both parents of high school students intending to go to college, as well as the students themselves, to determine overall outlook on college expenses, money - saving habits, and life after college in today's workforce.
There are no controls for gender in the study, although the sample is representative of the real world, with fewer women on the list.
Resources Inc. has some sample codes of ethics available, and more such resources can be found online, particularly on the pages of university business ethics centers like the Illinois Institute of Technology's Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions.
But, a new study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, revealed that samples collected at a few of the sites contained evidence of charcoal — a byproduct of fire.
A few of these include a too - small sample size and the simple fact that the participants knew what was being studied and were aware of the hypothesis.
Following are a sample of studies published in peer - reviewed journals showing that as a result of participating in MOC activities, physicians have:
To get a feel for its level of experience and ability to produce results, ask which companies it's worked with and especially which case studies and sample work it can share with you.
From the bank's universe of 37 million checking account customers, the think tank's researchers stripped identifiers and grabbed a sample of 2.3 million families across 23 U.S. states for whom they had «a very good window into their financial lives,» said Fiona Greig, JPMCI's Director of Consumer Research, who presented the study's key findings prior to the panel discussion.
In a study that ran from 1979 to 1996, researchers found from a sample of nearly 750 people age 65 or older, that those who drank diet soda on a daily basis had a 70 % greater increase in waist size than people who drank it less regularly or not at all.
Though only 9 % or so of consenters (4,552 people) uploaded a full week of reports on their physical activity, that's still a big sample size for an objectively measured, data - driven research study.
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