Sentences with phrase «studies as»

He says that the R&D carried out in Singapore are among the top in the region and are in line with studies carried out in the U.S. «Singapore is moving toward the knowledge - based economy and was one of the earliest countries to identify environmental studies as a key area for development.
In Ireland my work followed a strictly theoretical line, using fundamental studies as the platforms for my research.
Food and beverage marketing has been identified in a variety of epidemiologic and psychology studies as a significant environmental contributor to childhood obesity.
«For a long time, we've thought of brain imaging studies as mainly a way to corroborate or confirm aspects of brain function and pathology that we had already identified from studying a patient's behavior,» said Aysenil Belger, PhD, professor of psychiatry and psychology at UNC and the study's senior author.
Although some people swear by this type of repellent, studies as of 2017 haven't found evidence that it helps.
The authors urgently call for confirmatory studies as even residents of clean air cities could be at risk.
Two of these enzymes are already being studies as potential drug targets; one against Mycobacterium tuberculosis and another against another type of worm.
New York's fund has been held up in the press and studies as performing much better than funds in other states.
Neither care about the countries grafters and are good case studies as to why the Labour party is suffering to connect with people.
The establishment and activities of the centre has also engendered the inclusion of Conflict Resolution studies as practiced in some tertiary institutions in Nigeria,» Kazeem said.
The commission is also empowered to advise the Minister on fiscal and other issues pertaining to the petroleum industry, establish framework for the validation and certification of national hydrocarbon reserves, undertake evaluation of national reserves and reservoir management studies as well as conduct regular audits of the activities of operators engaged in petroleum operations and oil service companies in order to ensure compliance with Nigerian laws and requirements for petroleum operations.
In deepening understanding of North Korean studies as an area study, the nexus between culture and language plays a vital role.
Rabbi Schneur Zalman was on an upper floor involved in his studies as well.
Therefore, we assessed no studies as being at a low risk of bias for this domain.
They are citing the observational studies as examples of homebirth safety and recommending that they be used to review the safety of planned homebirth.
She worked on multiple research studies as a post graduate at the University of Washington's Institute of Brain and Learning Sciences and Center on Human Development and Disability.
In the review published by Guise et al32 in 2005, the authors classified only 2 of the 10 studies as being of good quality.
Also below is a link to a breastfeeding plan with explanations for each of the points it contains, supported by references to research and studies as appropriate.
In Pelotas, he coordinates the International Center for Equity in Health, where he carries out cohort studies as well as global reviews of levels and trends of inequalities in maternal and child health.
Each category is supported by many animal studies as well as some human studies showing ways in which mothers have an edge.
Alissa also trained with Center for Babywearing Studies as a Babywearing Educator.
Using the existing studies as a foundation, we highlight areas for future research and practice to help create youth sport settings that are more consistent with obesity prevention goals.
In addition, we rated nine studies as high risk for blinding of outcome assessment.
As the breastfeeding intervention can not be blinded, we rated all studies as being at high risk of bias for blinding of participants and personnel.
While such research confirms that chronic stress and trauma are bad for the brain, it's a stretch to cite these studies as proof that attachment parenting is superior to «mainstream» Western parenting.
Whether or not you choose organic is up to you, as there are no studies as yet that have proven babies do better on one type or the other.
If your child will be out of school for more than a few days, it's important to call the school to let them know about your family situation and to ask for advice on keeping your child's studies as current as possible.
To use these studies as support for the argument FOR sleep training or to scare you into thinking your baby who is not sleeping as much as the chart states is misleading to parents.
Her new book Choke, which is based on her own studies as well as research by other cognitive scientists around the globe, explains why stress causes us to screw up.
She works as an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), trained through University of California, San Diego, where she is an instructor of lactation studies as well.
While I agree that much of the research out there for PRP is less than desirable, I think it important to cite to some studies as a counterpoint which do have large numbers, platelet concentrations and control groups.
The slower times led researchers to believe that the 5 - second «threshold may be a useful cutoff for exploration in future studies as a criterion for having an athlete stop play pending medical evaluation for concussion.»
Margaret Mead, whose seminal book Coming of Age in Samoa (1928) informed the sexual revolution, observed in her field studies as an anthropologist that the most violent tribes were those that withheld touch in infancy.
A research article by Jiangman Guo, Virginia Polytchnic Institute, references a number of different academic studies as well as Consumer Reports research and comes to the conclusion that fabric softener increases the flammability rate of fabrics.
For some reason, our thirteen year - old does not find these studies as riveting as we do (although I saw a flicker of interest in his eyes when I mentioned the important role sleep plays in athletic performance).
Accredited by the German Government and the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), the GISSV offers a dual - immersion program that follows ambitious curricula, focusing on science and social studies as well as arts and sports.
This has been proven in other studies as well.
She leads Technomic's Consumer Trend Reports and Access platform, a series of more than 20 annual research studies as well as Consumer Brand Metrics, an ongoing brand tracking solution that monitors what more than 100,000 consumers each year have to say about leading restaurants.
The first is possible because social studies as well as literature courses must deal with religious subject matter: Islam in the Middle East, Buddhism in East Asia, religion in American life.
I began my theological studies as a kind of nondogmatic near - fundamentalist.
Southeastern's research doctorates have forged a partnership with the L. Russ Bush Center for Faith & Culture and the Center for Great Commission Studies as we pursue relevance in fulfilling the Great Commission.
I am however confused on what exactly is «teaching», if I share with a man something I have learned from the bible in my own studies as a single woman and then share it with a man via a conversation is that teaching?
With this model in mind, the university divides reality into segments, and it studies each as if it existed in separation from the others and could be understood in that separation.
If one wanted to defend Thomas Hobbes» description of human life as «nasty, brutish, and short,» he could use these studies as case material.
Unlike other theologians and philosophers, those who work in the area of religion and science regard «postmodern» studies as worthwhile only as a sign of modernity's maturing critical spilt, not as an alternative to modernity.
No other teenager — perhaps no adult — has influenced Holocaust studies as much as she has.
They often regard their studies as chores to be fulfilled in order to earn a degree, which is increasingly prerequisite for getting a good place in the professional, social, or business world.
Hardly but will continue noting the importance of such studies as they are the utmost importance to those really interested in the historical Jesus.
Or perhaps there are those who have lost interest in the church and who either follow Altizer or take religious studies as their context.
But that such a «right dividing of the word of truth» is precisely what we have aim for is borne out by recent sociological studies as well as theological - ecclesiastical investigations like Fackre's.
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