Sentences with phrase «studies dog domestication»

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«The gelada case is comparable to what early domestication of dogs might have been like,» study researcher Claudio Sillero, of the University of Oxford, told New Scientist's Bob Holmes.
A claim of multiple domestications for dogs requires extraordinary evidence, says study coauthor Krishna Veeramah, an evolutionary geneticist at Stony Brook University in New York.
The domestication of dogs may have inadvertently caused harmful genetic changes, a UCLA - led study suggests.
Pipes» study is an interesting example of what might have happened to dogs» brains during domestication, he said.
«This is the closest thing to a smoking gun we've ever had,» says Greger Larson, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom who has studied the domestication of pigs, dogs, and other animals.
Recent genetic studies have placed ground zero for dog domestication in Europe, Central Asia, the Middle East, South Asia or Southeast Asia.
The results of a second study suggest that soon after domestication dogs began accompanying humans on long journeys.
In their present study, they asked whether dogs also possess this skill or if this form of numerical competence was lost through domestication.
Given that certain wolves carry the «friendly» mutations, the study suggests the domestication of dogs began with friendlier individual wolves.
Providing a platform for future studies into biomedicine, evolution and the domestication of important animals including dogs, cows, horses and pigs.
«The results of our study suggest that domestication has affected the causal understanding of our dogs,» says Lampe.
Posted June 4 at, the new study finds that interbreeding between dogs and wolves after domestication has made wolves in certain locations seem more closely related to dogs than they actually are.
Using only breed dogs and wolves, a previous study identified 36 candidate domestication loci30 (Supplementary Table 18).
It's too soon to know just how important the genes identified in the study were in dog domestication, cautioned Ray Coppinger, during an interview with Inside Science.
Wynne can't say for sure whether the domestication process happened at multiple villages at different times, or if it happened just once, as indicated by another recent study that looked at DNA from ancient dog fossils.
This means that by studying the effect of genetic changes during the domestication of dogs we can also learn about our own species» adaptations to the environment and related diseases.
That would explain why earlier DNA studies reported that all modern dogs were descended from one domestication event, and also the existence of evidence of two domestication event from two different far - flung locations.
The scholarly work on dog domestication is quite voluminous; below are listed a few of the most recent studies.
The study, published by Springer in the Animal Cognition journal, suggests that the reason for cats» unresponsive behaviour might be traced back to the early domestication of the species, contrasting this with the relationship of humans to dogs.
In an earlier study, vonHoldt had identified a gene that's mutated more often in dogs than wolves — one that possibly led to their domestication.
«We find that hyper - sociability, a central feature of WBS, is also a core element of domestication that distinguishes dogs from wolves,» the study concluded.
Tags: abstract, animals, canine, cognition, concepts, dog, dogs, domestication, fairness, guilt, harvard, humans, lab, marc hauser, pets, psychology, research, science, shame, sharing, study, university, what dogs think Comments: none
«The results of our study suggest that domestication has affected the causal understanding of our dogsstudy author Michelle Lampe from the Radboud University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands said in a statement.
But neither the time nor the location of the first domestication is known: fossils place the earliest dogs anywhere from 33,000 years ago in Siberia to 11,000 years ago in Israel, whereas DNA studies of modern dogs put domestication at least 10,000 years ago, and in either Southeast Asia or the Middle East.
Many pet lovers and owners are often fascinated with why cats, dogs and other species of pets act the way they do, from the study of ethology and evolution, to thousands of years of domestication and artificial selection.
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