Sentences with phrase «studies examining»

The review notes that the risk - benefit ratio of HRT has always been debated and discusses previous studies examining the effects of HRT.
Most studies examining longer term effects of pregnancy weight gain on childhood body size typically only have measures of height and weight rather than estimates of body fat.
The findings of the study will prove invaluable to other research studies examining the role of synapse function in the diagnosis and treatment of neurodegenerative and other diseases.
«Based on our findings, additional prospective cohort studies examining potential cardiovascular disease risk associated with calcium supplement use are needed,» said Paik.
The authors note that two prior studies examining the association between 25 (OH) D levels in pregnancy / early life did not find an association with future MS risk in children.
The team ran a series of studies examining whether more smiling led to more happiness.
Since the creation of the Interpersonal Reactivity Index in 1979, tens of thousands of students have filled out this questionnaire while participating in studies examining everything from neural responses to others» pain to levels of social conservatism.
«In recent years, there has been an enormous increase in the number of studies examining mind wandering,» explains researcher Paul Seli, a post-doctoral fellow in the department of psychology at Harvard University and lead author on the study.
Until recently, most studies examining oxytocin treatment for autism have used small sample sizes and involved only one or two hits of the hormone.
Page plans further studies examining the neurobiological relationship between social deficits and repetitive behavior, two of the primary symptoms of autism.
Second, because almost all of the studies examining this association were observational, there was a possibility of confounding, particularly by familial and socioeconomic circumstances, which could not be taken into account with the published data available.
Until now, most studies examining the mechanics of breastfeeding have focused on bottle - feeding infants, or on old X-rays that were of poor quality.
In one of the first studies examining bedsharing practice in the UK, Ball et al [27] discovered that although prospective parents did not anticipate sleeping with their newborn baby, by three months after birth, the majority of parents had done so.
Studies examining the effects of prostaglandins (grouped together as a class of agents) on uterine rupture in women with a prior cesarean delivery also have demonstrated inconsistent results.
She and colleagues have conducted several studies examining the long - term implications of a child's early relationship with the parents.
Studies examining the role of breast - feeding in the development of allergic disease in infants have failed to demonstrate the protective effect of breast milk because of the heterogeneity in study methods (including breast - feeding frequency, recall of feeding practices, and maternal atopic background).
In this meta - analysis of published (1995 - 2011) case - control studies examining the relationship between breastfeeding and childhood leukemia, all analyses, except the subanalysis for AML alone, which was not statistically significant, showed that being breastfed for at least 6 months compared with less than that or not at all was significantly associated with a 14 % to 20 % lower risk for childhood leukemia, with a 20 % lower risk when all selected 17 studies were included in the analysis.
Therefore, future birth cohort studies examining the incidence of atopic disease need to directly compare infants fed hydrolyzed (including both partially and extensively hydrolyzed formulas) and nonhydrolyzed formulas to exclusively breast - fed infants for a prolonged period.
Studies examining the role of breast - feeding in the development of allergic disease in infants demonstrate potentially protective as well as neutral or nonprotective effects, likely due to the heterogeneity in their study design.
We included studies examining interventions which included education and support as part of a broader package of care provided that these elements were an important part of the package of care.
This webinar will discuss the broad body of research that exists around breakfast consumption and two specific research studies examining breakfast in the classroom.
The majority of studies examining the relation between parenting behaviour and emotional disorders are cross-sectional in design thus limiting their ability to test causality.
There is a need for theoretically - driven studies examining how maternal depression impacts mother and child outcomes in home visiting programs.
There have been many studies examining the association between pacifier use and breastfeeding duration among both term and preterm infants.
Compared to studies examining the effects of behavioral sleep programs such as extinction - based techniques in infants over 6 months of age, fewer studies have looked at such strategies in infants under 6 months of age.
Research Basics Certain factors, such as an increased risk of stillbirth in future pregnancies, have been documented by previous studies examining how a c - section can impact a woman in later pregnancies.
Whatever the reasons women turn to formula, studies examining the experiences of these women consistently report feelings of guilt, anger, worry, uncertainty, and a sense of failure.
But even still, the American Academy of Pediatrics in January of 2017 noted that there are no published studies examining the safety of these sleepers.
If you dig and read studies examining the actual safety and efficacy data about the various vaccines, it is clear that vaccination prevents the development of a strong natural immune system.
SNA will present a broad body of research that exists around breakfast consumption, and two specific research studies examining breakfast - in - the - classroom, specifically; we'll examine benefits beyond increased participation such as academic performance, decreased tardiness, improved behavior and attendance, a and a reduction in visits to the nurse's office.
Add an increasing number of studies examining how these bats achieve such high levels of performance, and the proliferation of such information through the game - changer that is The Almighty Internet, and the result is some heavily disseminated ways to tweak legal bats above the allowed performance levels.
Although this technique decreases operating room time and speeds recovery (since you are not having to obtain your own tissue), recent studies examining their use in young children have been disappointing.
We conducted a systematic review of studies examining the association of industry sponsorship with the statistical significance of results, effect sizes, and conclusions of nutrition research.
The show also welcomes back a firm favourite in the shape of The Drinks Symposium, which will present three case studies examining how, in today's crowded marketplace, original thinking, a unique story and imaginative packaging can enhance a new product's desirability and create a strong brand identity.
While studies examining effects of chia on blood sugar control are ongoing, the protein, heart - healthy fats, fiber, and antioxidants found in chia seeds are beneficial for people with diabetes — especially those who want to keep heart - disease risks low and achieve or maintain a healthy weight.
Millennials Weigh In on What Makes Food Brands Authentic: Today Watershed Communications released findings from two national ethnographic studies examining the media habits of millennial food and beverage consumers...
It is important to note that in the two Philippine studies examining dermatitis, virgin coconut oil was used, as opposed to just refined coconut oil.
The article in Relevant magazine, entitled «(Almost) Everyone's Doing It,» cited several studies examining the sexual activity of single Christians.
A 2016 study examining 78 years of federal minimum wage hikes in the U.S. (between 1938 and 2009) showed no correlation between those increases and job losses, even in sectors most affected by such policies.
The study examined 14 different factors:
Another study examined the number of times senior corporate executives met with White House officials from the time Barack Obama took office until December 2015.
Back in 2014, The Center for Neuroeconomics Studies examined why the brain responds to great story telling.
Earlier this year, researchers published an academic study examining the long - term stock performance of companies that had won the Corporate Health Achievement Award, an annual prize that the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine has bestowed since 1996.
The study examined urine samples from 104 adolescents.
A 2013 Vestrics study examined responses from more than 830 mentees and some 670 mentors participating in Sun Microsystem's program.
The study examined returns in a diversified portfolio of 60 percent stocks and 40 percent bonds over rolling 30 - year periods starting in 1926.
The study examined median incomes (adjusted for inflation) and unemployment rates for U.S. adults under the age of 65 with a bachelor's degree in 173 different majors.
One study examined sexual assault claims for a few months last year.
A Cornell study examined two versions of Trix cereal boxes — one where that silly rabbit made eye contact with customers, and one where he didn't.
The study examined the theoretical returns of buying versus renting in nine Canadian cities.
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