Sentences with phrase «studies macromolecular»

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«The specific macromolecular complex investigated in this study has therapeutic implications not only for addiction, but also for Parkinson's disease and schizophrenia,» said Dr. Sergi Ferré, who led the team of scientists.
«Study changes long - held concepts of cell decoding: Scientists discover macromolecular complexes that could enable medication development.»
Unlike the particles in a coffee drop, the liquid crystal drop they studied was a solution of Sunset Yellow molecules that spontaneously combine to form rod - like macromolecular assemblies, similar to how rod - like molecules order to form the liquid crystals used in LCDs.
Neela Yennawar, director of the Huck Institute's Macromolecular X-ray Facility at Penn State and a co-author on the paper in Small, said «Crystallographers are pushing the boundary of biological samples being studied and moving towards more difficult targets of higher molecular weight and complexity.
His research focuses on the development of high - precision, single - molecule methods to study the mechanism of action of macromolecular machines, such as dynein, telomerase, and Cas9.
«The significance of this study is that we're going to see more comparative studies of macromolecular concentrations — such as differences in proteins and lipids — which reveal things that can't be read out directly» from the genome, says Todd Preuss, a neuroscientist at Emory University who specializes in the evolution of the human brain and who was not involved in the study.
As a Giovanni Armenise - Harvard Professor of Basic Medical Sciences at Harvard Medical School and Children's Hospital Boston and Howard Hughes Medical Institute Professor, Dr. Harrison studies protein interactions of viruses and antibodies to understand the organization and dynamics of these macromolecular assemblies.
We will continue to study the relationship between the 3D structure and the function of macromolecular complexes using a combination of 3D Electron Microscopy, Cryo - Electron Tomography, single particle analysis, correlative fluorescence microscopy, image analysis, and needed biochemical techniques.
«Ultimately, we intend to make it so it is replaced by natural bone over time,» said Russell Stewart, associate professor of bioengineering and senior author of the synthetic glue study, which will be published in the journal Macromolecular Biosciences.
Her undergraduate, graduate studies, and research focused on macromolecular chemistry, environmental technology, and toxicology.
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