Sentences with phrase «studies met the criteria»

Only 21 papers reporting on a total of 22 studies met their criteria.
A total of 63 beginning reading (starting in kindergarten or first grade) and 79 upper - elementary (grades 2 - 5) reading studies met these criteria.
Seventeen studies met criteria for inclusion in the review.
Eight studies met criteria for inclusion in Green and colleagues» 4 technical review.10, 57 — 63Overall, no major EEG abnormalities (ie, evidence of seizure activity) were found for children with ADHD.
Through synthesis of contemporary meta - analytic and systematic reviews and summaries of individual play therapy outcome studies meeting criteria for methodological rigor and treatment protocol, this chapter provides play therapy practitioners with a guide to understanding and utilizing the substantial research base for play therapy.
Two studies met the criteria for quality of research method.
Forty - nine studies met the criteria for this review, and five major themes were established: impact of cancer, communication, coping strategies, parenting factors mediating impact, and support services.

Not exact matches

The miner also said it had suspended work on a prefeasibility study on its massive Pascua - Lama gold and silver project in the Andes Mountains, which does not meet its investment criteria.
Toronto - based Barrick also said it has suspended work on a prefeasibility study on its massive Pascua - Lama gold and silver project on the border of Chile and Argentina as the venture does not meet its investment criteria.
In the spreadsheet «exclusion1 - 5» information on studies that were excluded because they did not meet the basic selection criteria 1 - 5 (see methods) and the reason for exclusion is shown.
The data table shows, in the spreadsheet «exclusion6», study information and yield data of studies that were excluded because they did not meet selection criteria 6 (i.e. no information on an error term and sample size was available).
The limited number of studies that met our inclusion criteria prevented the conduct of statistical analyses of the relationship between industry sponsorship and study results.
Studies have shown it's more than 98 % effective as birth control when three key criteria are met.
There were 2,081,753 births meeting study criteria.
One state reported an additional death that met the study's criteria.
Unfortunately, as I note below, no study yet has met the first criterion (contrasting graduated extinction with species - normal nighttime care), let alone all of them.
From the abstract: Nine studies with more than 69,000 participants met the inclusion criteria.
In all, 401 Irish - national and forty - nine non-Irish-national mothers met the criteria for inclusion in the present study.
A recent UK study [8] covering a limited selection of these costs suggested that by age 28, costs for individuals with a clinical diagnosis of conduct disorder were 10.0 times higher than for those with no problems (CI: 3.6 to 20.9) and costs for those with conduct problems not meeting diagnostic criteria were 3.5 times higher (CI: 1.7 to 6.2).
There were 2,081,753 births that met the study criteria.
Many studies report that 25 % of women describe their births as traumatic, and about 1 in 10 meet the criteria for PTSD.
Studies have even found that anywhere from 45 % to 84 % of children and adolescents with ADHD meet the full diagnostic criteria for Oppositional Defiant Disorder.
The quality of each study that met the inclusion criteria was assessed using the Newcastle - Ottawa Scale.
Ten of those studies are also included in the current analysis.16 - 25 The other 4 studies26 - 29 did not meet the selection criteria for this analysis.
Data Extraction and Synthesis The search identified 24 relevant studies, 17 of which met all inclusion criteria.
The search identified 24 relevant studies, 17 of which met all inclusion criteria.
Three thousand four hundred fifty - two women delivered a singleton full term or nearly full - term live birth of at least 5 pounds and met inclusion criteria for the study.
In this study, researchers identified 288 studies on SIDS and breastfeeding from 1966 to 2009 and narrowed their analysis to 18 studies that met basic research quality criteria.
To minimise language bias any study not reported in English was translated into English and included in the review provided it met the inclusion criteria.
Implementation of steps 1 — 9 was assessed at the end of the study using the hospital self - appraisal questionnaire and each of the clinics randomized to intervention groups met at least 80 % of the global criteria for each step.
Barnum says it would initiate an in - depth study to determine if a site would meet the four criteria for new parklands; national significance, suitability, feasibility, and need for NPS management.
Using that as a guide, along with estimates of necessary runoff rates and the duration of valley network formation from other studies, Palumbo showed that model runs in which the Martian orbit was highly eccentric did indeed meet these criteria.
However, the retests revealed that the majority of adults who met diagnosis criteria for ADHD (68 percent in one study and 87 percent in the other) did not have symptoms as children.
89 people from compulsory centres and 95 from voluntary centres who met criteria for an opioid use disorder had drug tests and interviews on study entry and repeatedly after release (at one, three, six, nine or 12 months post-release).
Out of thousands of studies considered for the analysis, a mere 63 met the research team's strict criteria: Studies had to use rigorous methods and establish cause and studies considered for the analysis, a mere 63 met the research team's strict criteria: Studies had to use rigorous methods and establish cause and Studies had to use rigorous methods and establish cause and effect.
For nearly half the gun policies, including gun - free zones, prohibitions associated with mental illness and stand - your - ground laws, no studies met the researchers» criteria.
The line between online content written by journalists and story - like ads that are paid for by specific corporations can be blurry, but, according to a new study, consumers don't seem to mind — as long as the content meets certain criteria.
In their original study, Bennett and her colleagues treated each of the 12 patients in one eye; six improved so much they no longer met the criteria for legal blindness.
Although no guidelines exist for appropriate nutrient levels of full - service restaurant menu items, about half of the entrees did not meet the study's «healthier» calorie criteria, based on general nutrition advice in the US Dietary Guidelines.
A total of 254 participants from the greater Quebec City metropolitan area were recruited; 233 participants (105 men and 128 women) met all the eligibility criteria for the study meaning subjects had healthy metabolic profiles.
An additional 0.8 percent were found in one large study to have «subthreshold anorexia nervosa» — they showed the symptoms but did not meet all the criteria.
Drug classes found to meet «Level A» criteria in the study (established as effective for treating acute migraine) included triptans, dihydroergotamine (DHE), many NSAIDS (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), butorphanol nasal spray, and the combination medications sumatriptan / naproxen and acetaminophen / aspirin / caffeine.
The researchers recruited 61 patients who were either self - or physician - referred to the Lyme Disease Clinical Research Center at Johns Hopkins and who met the study criteria.
The new study, published in Acta Obstetrecia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, reports that of nearly 300 women who visited the rape clinic, 70 percent experienced at least «significant» tonic immobility and 48 percent met the criteria for «extreme» tonic immobility during the rape.
Neonates in the study met three primary criteria: birth weight of less than 500 grams, discharged from hospital alive, and availability of ophthalmic ROP examination results.
On parent - reporting measures, girls with autism seem to struggle more than boys with performing routine tasks like getting up and dressed or making small talk, even when the study group is normalized to meet similar basic clinical diagnostic criteria across sexes.
In fact, in a 2006 study of 89 hospitalized adolescents who engaged in cutting and related forms of nonsuicidal self - injury, Harvard psychologist Matthew Nock and his colleagues found that 48 percent did not meet criteria for BPD.
The fact that only just over a third of men and women reporting a problem meeting all three criteria had sought professional help in the last year, suggests that a huge number of people experiencing dysfunction are not receiving help — around 1.2 million in the UK and 5.8 million in the U.S. Overall, this study helps demonstrate how the DSM - 5 diagnostic criteria impose a focus on clinically significant symptoms, posing promising applications in both clinical and research contexts.
Six studies met inclusion criteria.
Murray and her team, which included FPG research scientist Doré R. LaForett and UNC doctoral student Jacqueline R. Lawrence, screened 258 studies and narrowed their list to 11 studies that met stringent criteria for rigor and methodology.
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