Sentences with phrase «studies on cocaine»

V: At Brookhaven [National Laboratory] I was doing these studies on cocaine abusers, and after I'd seen a number of brain images, I realized I could distinguish a cocaine abuser from a control.

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The finding was an incidental one when the effects of cocaine and tobacco on fetuses were being studied in pregnant women.
With the results of the current study in hand, Snyder has brokered a deal between that company and the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) for NIDA to test CGP3466B as a treatment for cocaine addiction.
11 Filthy lucre: In a study last year, researchers found more cocaine residue on U.S. bills than on any other currency.
For decades, brain research has focused on the pleasurable effects of cocaine largely by studying the dopamine pathway.
The researchers acknowledge that their study was dependent on hypothetical sexual situations, not real - life circumstances, and that participants swallowed the cocaine in pill form instead of snorting or smoking it, as is more typical with street use.
«The study was inspired by patients who had experienced moments of «volcanic craving», being suddenly overcome by the extreme desire for cocaine, but without a trigger that they could put their finger on,» says senior author Anna Rose Childress, PhD, research professor of Psychiatry, director of the Brain - Behavioral Vulnerabilities Division in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.
The two breeds allow scientists to study the impact of drug use and addiction on gene expression and epigenetics in the nucleus accumbens — the brain's «pleasure center,» where response to drugs like cocaine occurs.
As lead researcher, Dr Kim Kuypers (Maastricht University, The Netherlands) said: «This is the first study to look at the short - term effect of cocaine on emotions.
Prior studies show that exposure to both cues and stress can have an additive effect on the propensity to cause craving and relapse in both people and in rats, and that females trained to respond for cocaine may be more sensitive to this effect.
Abuse and dependence on «hard drugs» (cocaine, hallucinogen or PCP, opiate, amphetamine and sedatives) are less common among delinquent African American youth than those who are non-Hispanic white, according to a new Northwestern Medicine study.
Another study showed promising results on the benefits of marijuana in curbing relapse symptoms of alcohol and cocaine addiction.
In a 2005 study, published by the journal Neuron, she and her advisor John Marshall at UC Irvine showed that when given a choice between two separate rat - sized rooms, the rodents preferred the one where they remembered getting cocaine on previous days.
A study was done on mice were they were given morphine, cocaine and sometimes ordinary cookies.
The lasting effect of cocaine use on intraocular pressure, which is the only modifiable glaucoma risk factor, requires further study.
Node Smith, ND A very interesting study on an off - label use of a common diabetes medication for the treatment of cocaine addiction was recently published in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology.1 The research is specifically addressing the tendency for cocaine addicts to relapse on the drug.
In fact, some of the more prominent animal studies show that sugar is eight times more addictive than cocaine: one in particular went on to show that mice react to Oreo cookies with the same addictive behavior as they do with specific drugs.
The highs we feel when in love give us the same feeling as using cocaine, according to meta - analysis study conducted by Syracuse University and discussed in a 2010 article on the university website.
Participants were drawn from the Maternal Lifestyle Study (MLS), an investigation of the effects of prenatal cocaine or opiate exposure on child outcome in a longitudinal follow - up from 1 month to 11 years in 1,388 children divided into an exposed group and a comparison group (Lester, 1998).
Objective: The purpose of this study was to provide nationally representative data on the prevalence, sociodemographic correlates, and comorbidity of antisocial syndromes across alcohol and 8 specific drug use disorders, including sedative, tranquilizer, opiate, stimulant, hallucinogen, cannabis, cocaine, and inhalant / solvent abuse and dependence.
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