Sentences with phrase «studies show»

Studies show it's impossible for our brains to focus effectively on more than one thing at a time.
Studies show that companies started by co-founding teams are more successful than ones started by solopreneurs, so gather together and make it more likely to happen.
Skip the guilt trip and you'll accomplish more in the long run, studies show.
In comparison studies show that «the «real» experience that physical media provides means it's better at becoming part of memory.»
Most people focus best in the morning or late at night, and Rock's studies show that 90 percent of people do their best thinking outside the office.
«Studies show that those who played competitive sports usually do very well in corporate environments,» she says.
Some studies show that when people drink diet soda, they engage in what's known as «cognitive distortion,» deciding that since they saved on liquid calories they can splurge elsewhere — the «diet coke and fries» order.
Studies show that employees with «schedule control» have lower turnover; increased productivity and quality; greater engagement; and reduced absenteeism, overtime and sick leave.
«Plus, studies show that people who eat whole grains have less belly fat than those who eat refined grains.
Studies show that police officers hit their intended targets between 15 and 20 % of the time — untrained civilians likely have even lower rates of accuracy.
Multiple studies show that productivity increases when employees work remotely.
Depending on how the question is worded, studies show anywhere from 20 to 80 percent of employers offer some type of formal flexible work program to their employees.
Many baby boomers in their late 50s and 60s expect to keep working longer than their parents» generation, but studies show they're hoping to do it on their own terms.
Studies show that a messy desk fosters creativity.
He's not alone in this approach: Studies show stock - or share - ownership plans make employees act more like owners, which tends to improve performance and ultimately leads to a more satisfying workplace.
Studies show that most are used only once before they are thrown away.
Some studies show that speaking more rapidly makes you seem more intelligent, possibly because speed implies certainty.
Studies show immigrants are far more likely to start new businesses than native - born Americans.
If you think this isn't important, bear in mind that long - term studies show that working 11 or more hours a day at least doubles the risk of depression.
My studies show that when we perform such mental contrasting, we actually gain energy to take action.
They browse through Facebook feeds (which studies show just make you feel worse about yourself).
Countless studies show that if there are differences, it's more likely due to life - stage than immutable characteristics of each cohort.
You could use a digital device but studies show us that activities using the tactile senses excite the creative regions of the brain, so a notebook and pen is better.
Why I like it: Studies show that drinking one to two 4 - ounce glasses of wine per day can lower your risk of heart attack and heart disease.
Studies show that school gardens have multiple benefits, from teaching students about plant science and agriculture, to instilling a sense of responsibility.
Scientific studies show that chromosomes from both father and mother can lead to hair loss.
Some studies show it hurts productivity, as people tend to struggle to get back into an activity after stepping away from it for some time.
Sure, studies show that the best creative time to write is right after you wake up, but each her own.
Recent studies show only one - in - five employees take lunch breaks, despite clear cognitive benefits for our fatigued brains.
Studies show that credit card and bank financing account for just 25 percent of the total funding needs of early - stage entrepreneurs.
Studies show that companies with more women in the C - suite outperform the competition and earn higher profits, however.
«Studies show the human mind can retain more using a pen.
Studies show that Americans are increasingly choosing to spend money on technology and experiences like vacations over apparel.
Studies show that 50 % + of recruiters and hiring managers aren't reading cover letters.
Studies show sharing that sentiment has the effect of making people see you more positively in any context.
Studies show teams given this flexibility work more and collaborate better.
When I Will Teach You to Be Rich author Ramit Sethi interviewed his old mentor, Stanford University persuasion expert BJ Fogg, for a podcast, Fogg noted that studies show «our context controls us in a huge way.»
Brain - chemistry studies show that, as a species, humans need to be pushed out of their comfort zones in order to grow.
«Studies show that people who use journaling and tracking systems have far greater success with healthy weight management than those who do not,» said Medifast CEO Mike MacDonald, in a statement.
But studies show that the more women there are investing, the more women - led startups score capital.
Studies show that personalized emails are more likely to drive action.
Like it or not, studies show that revealing too much skin at work is harmful, and can negatively affect women's careers.
For example, studies show customers buy less when their arms are full — which is why placing empty shopping baskets or carts in the middle of a retail store can dramatically increase sales per customer.
Studies show that changing posture during working hours reduces odds of injury, so make sure that your chair adjusts in every way possible and has breathable fabric.
Studies show that social media usage, when managed, isn't always a killer of productivity.
Studies show that college - educated adults who graduated with no student debt have seven times the average net worth of a young adult that graduates college with debt.
Numerous studies show that limiting a dog's contact with people — or at the very least, with a «pack» — will cause them to display behaviors associated with mental illness.
Studies show that eating lunch will impact productivity later in the day and your attitude toward work in general.
«Studies show that only 13 percent of Americans trust the stock market.
Studies show the longer someone is out on worker's compensation, the less likely he or she is to return to work.
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