Sentences with phrase «studies to date done»

E.F.T. is recognized by the A.P.A. as empirically - validated model based on 17 outcome studies to date done with excellent adherence to research protocols.
Studies to date do not find any association between milk intake and age of menarche (first menses) in girls.
The ISPM generalizes as follows: «Attribution studies to date do not take into account all known sources of possible influence on the climate.»

Not exact matches

Most studies done to date only use one period of data, limiting interpretations of conclusions to simple associations.
APF Canada Disclaimer: Given the controversial nature of this topic, APF Canada has attempted to provide a transparent, fact - based backgrounder that, while referencing the main studies published to date on the issue of foreign - ownership in Vancouver real estate, does not delve into a rigorous academic critique of these studies.
Also I would like to let you know that do a thorough study before investing your money in any cryptocurrency because till date cryptocurrencies future is uncertain; which means it's vulnerable to many risks.
Again this does not deny that it is probably correct but to date it is still a theory and still being study to prove fact.
Their study found that Americans waste 160 billion pounds of food each year — often because of simple misunderstandings about expiration dates: Many Americans refuse to consume food after the dates on packaging passes, even though in many cases, the dates have nothing to do with food safety.
However, it appears that the cult was enthusiastically practised in private as well as public, although the material demonstrating this has generally been neglected in studies to date and much more work remains to be done in this area.
When I date women or think about an awesome Christian woman or going to couples bible studies that does not feel wrong.
Are they next going to do a study on why people mostly date those of their own race and try to «correct» that too?
I don't understand how these «believers» say that they studied the bible from front to cover to find out the date of «doomsday», when the same text says that not even the angels in heaven know the date!!..
For studies to date (as you imply) don't show any magic effect.
Actually, the intial scientific studies (on whether prayer can effect medical outcomes) were both flawed and inaccurately reported - the studies have been revisited and the scientific data to date concludes is that prayer does not change medical outcomes.
I don't mean to suggest that dates should be eaten with reckless abandon — the study I referenced mentioned that they can be included «as part of a healthy diet» for diabetics, so I think that implies moderation.
i've done lots of detailed geological studies, dating back to the years before i woke up.
And then there are older women who are happily dating or in relationships — according to an AARP study, most divorced women in midlife do find someone new — 75 percent of women in their 50s reported enjoying serious, exclusive relationships after their divorces, often within two years, compared with 81 percent of men in their 50s (although more older men tend to marry again than older women).
To be sure, this approach means that our date nights tend to be late nights, and we're paying people somewhat expensive hourly rates for not doing much more than studying or watching televisioTo be sure, this approach means that our date nights tend to be late nights, and we're paying people somewhat expensive hourly rates for not doing much more than studying or watching televisioto be late nights, and we're paying people somewhat expensive hourly rates for not doing much more than studying or watching television.
They will grow up unique, study to be what they will be, struggle with their issues (which may include you) and navigate the world of dating and relationships, just like you did way back when.
That's probably because every study done to date (even those that claim to show that homebirth with a CPM is safe) and state and national statistics show that homebirth with a CPM triples the neonatal mortality rate.
Here it is: I love dates so I'm most pleased to find a scientific reason to eat a lot of them in the next four weeks But from a more rational perspective, what do you think of this study?
This study is still the largest randomized control trial done to date on HFA.
But since no study to date has been able to demonstrate that kind of connection, I'd urge you to do yourself and your toddler a favor and chill out about the whole potty training business!
He did appoint a task force to study the issue, but New York City has not to date passed legislation endorsing its» ideas.
Few studies have been done to date on the health risks of chronic exposure to methane and other gaseous hydrocarbons.
However, the limited bespoke studies of operational networks to date, mainly in the US, have shown that these pressure drops do regularly take place.
The FDA said that Cetero had issued a written directive on Sept. 1, 2009, ordering one kind of misconduct to stop, which was why it did not require any action on Cetero Houston studies after that date.
In one of the largest studies to date that scientifically examines what contributes to a satisfying long - term sex life, the findings indicate foreplay, setting the mood, mixing it up, and expressing love are all factors that satisfied couples said they do regularly.
And he's done some of the few studies to date investigating aging in the wild.
The industry, by and large, has regarded the studies done to date — a number of which claim to have found higher rates of illness among residents living close to drilling wells — as largely anecdotal and less than convincing.
Now, a study uses a new method that relies on ancient proteins to identify and directly date Neandertal bone fragments from Grotte du Renne and finds that the connection between the archaic humans and the artifacts is real.
To date, most studies on the impact of fires on insects have been done in the Midwest, said Jaret Daniels, a UF / IFAS associate professor in entomology, who supervised the study as part of a dissertation by former UF doctoral student Matt Thom.
The study, which included 40 sites from Spain to Russia and employed the most recent sample preparation and statistical techniques to increase dating accuracy, found that Neandertals and modern humans did overlap for 2600 to 5400 years, depending on the exact region they inhabited.
Still, no study to date has followed the same person over the course of their romantic life to determine whether neural changes do occur over time.
A new paper published in Frontiers in Earth Science by archeologist Dr. David Wright, from Seoul National University, challenges the conclusions of most studies done to date that point to changes in the Earth's orbit or natural changes in vegetation as the major driving forces.
This new journal article represents the most thorough study of lycopene metabolism that has been done to date, he added.
But, a comprehensive study has not been done to date to confirm this until now, according to the researchers.
«While we don't yet know what dark matter is, our results show we can probe axion - like models and provide the strongest constraints to date for certain masses,» Manuel Meyer from Stockholm University, who led the study, said in the statement.
After careful study of hundreds of scientific descriptions, and photographs of scores of fossil humans, it is clear to me that all shades of intergrading exist between «ancient» erectus and modern humans, but the chronological patterns of appearance, even using the evolutionists» own dating methods, do not match the predictions of the theory.
Most studies done to date have been in animals or younger adults.
The first study, published Monday, is the biggest study done on coffee and mortality to date.
1) Nearly all studies done to date have been epidemiological studies, and therefore can not prove that vegetarian diets are healthier because they do not contain meat.
To - date there have only been a handful of human studies done, and the ones that have been done have had very small sample sizes.
This may help explain why most studies done to date on those eating vegetarian or vegan show significantly less inflammation in their bodies compared to meat - eaters.
Studies to date have been minimal, so more research certainly needs to be done, but there's some indication that the way lauric acid and other medium chain fatty acids are quickly metabolized by the liver makes them less likely to contribute to fat accumulation than long chain fatty acids.
Reviews to date report a small to moderate effect of mindfulness and mantra meditation techniques in reducing emotional symptoms (eg, anxiety, depression, and stress) and improving physical symptoms (eg, pain).7 - 26 These reviews have largely included uncontrolled and controlled studies, and many of the controlled studies did not adequately control for placebo effects (eg, waiting list — or usual care — controlled studies).
To date many research studies are done after three weeks on the ketogenic diet, based loosely on published anticonvulsant effects in rodents.
In the largest review to date, involving hundreds of studies, not only did organic foods have more antioxidant phytonutrients, but lower concentrations of cadmium.
The most up to date research published in the January 2016 edition of the Journal of the American Heart Association found that among regular coffee, tea, and chocolate consumers studied there was no increased instance of heart rate rhythm abnormalities compared to the study group that did not consume coffee, tea, and chocolate regularly.
However, long - term human studies examining the effects of a diet in which BCAA's are consumed between meals on lean mass and strength have not been done to date.
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