Sentences with phrase «study activities not»

Word Ladders and other game - like word study activities not only help students improve their word knowledge and reading, but they can also help students develop a fascination with words.

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According to a recent study of 1,125 adults conducted by YouGov, «28 percent percent of Americans admitted (to) malicious online activity directed at somebody they didn't know.»
«Because brain cells release amyloid beta during activity, we think if the brain cells can't rest the way they're supposed to and get that deep sleep, they produce a relative excess of amyloid,» Dr. Yo - El Ju of Washington University, an author of that study, told Reuters.
A recent Harvard Business School study found that the «average CEO spends one in three hours on activities that were not planned in advance.»
We studied companies that have applied for ACOEM's CHAA, as this award program assesses not only a company's health and wellness activities but also its environmental and safety programs.
The project not only broadened the world's horizons on water with more than 750 peer reviewed studies and 120 graduate theses, but provided hard data on the impact of industrial activities on the world's most critical resource.
But we put ethics and user privacy at the core of our approach, which means our activities are not invasive or predatory for the communities we study.
Here we had a minister in his study with some books, clearly including the Bible, an open window showing some symbols (like a factory) of the activity and confusion of modern society, and something like a typewriter to show the minister as an active scholar and not just a passive recipient.
It isn't long before somebody is asked to organize activities for the children, snacks for the children, then somebody doesn't like the subject matter of the adult study, somebody says it's going on too long, too short, and where's the music, we need somebody to play guitar, and who's going to organize the prayer at the end, and why do the children interrupt us all the time when we're trying to talk to God?
Teachers and pupils do not judge the desirability of various studies and learning activities by the pleasure, comfort, or satisfaction they yield; their sole concern is for the contribution made to the development of right habits of thought and conduct.
My suspicion is that the goal of Nordhaus and Tobin in carrying out this study was not really open - mindedly to consider whether economic activity should be directed in different directions, but rather to reassure themselves and other economists that no change is needed.
Studies in language, mathematics, science, art, history, and philosophy are not made liberal merely by recognizing and calling attention to the creative factors in these disciplines and in the human activities with which they deal.
There are neurological correlates for every form of mental activity and, as Biovin himself acknowledges, just because imaging studies show that religious experiences are correlated with activity in a particular part of the brain, it does not follow that that activity is the cause of religious experience.
``... a number of scientific studies indicate that most global warming... is due to the great concentration of greenhouse gases released mainly as a result of human activity... these gases do not allow the warmth of the sun's rays reflected by the earth to be dispersed in space.
Third, since God is not the great exception, metaphysically speaking, but is himself «the supreme exemplification» of the principles which actually and concretely operate in the world, a study of how the world goes will be the best way in which we can come to understand the nature of the divine activity itself.
The Commission shall study the proposal that Congress by statute allocate fixed percentages of radio broadcasting facilities to particular types or kinds of non-profit radio programs, or to persons identified with particular types or kinds of non-profit activities and shall report to Congress, not later than February 1, l935, its recommendations together with the reasons for the same.7.
Sometimes I felt some pressure from others to be more available for the «daytime ladies activities» because many churches like to schedule their ladies» Bible studies for Tuesday mornings but overall, I didn't feel much pressure or inclination to change the way things were for us.
The people calling me a gnostic can not understand that I am a psychologist, describing modes of psychical behaviour precisely like a biologist studying the instinctual activities of insects.
8 Cf. the striking remark of intellectual historian C. C. Gillispie: «Lamarck's theory of evolution was the last attempt to make a science out of the instinct, as old as Heraclitos and deeply hostile to Aristotelian formalization, that the world is flux and process, and that science is to study, not the configurations of matter, nor the categories of form, but the manifestations of that activity which is ontologically fundamental as bodies in motion and species of being are not.
If you want to bring science into it there appears to be a neurological brain study about it: Generally speaking, at this time I'm not sure how much stock I put into the results of these various neurological studies since while they seem to show brain activity under certain controlled situations, I don't necessarily find the situations conducive to what I consider proof.
Contemporary biblical studies persuasively indicate that the major theme of the story and concern of the writer were not homosexual activity as such but rather the breach of ancient Hebrew hospitality norms and persistent violations of rudimentary social justice.
Moreover, within the framework of these rubrics, it does not really make sense why Whitehead from 1912 on wrote and published — in addition to studies in natural philosophy and natural science — a series of what may be called contributions to popular philosophy, a genre which the secondary literature usually passes by In our reconstruction of the development of Whitehead's basic philosophical problem the significance of this phase of his activity becomes obvious.
Intellectual activity motivated by such interests may indeed make Ultimate Being and man its objects of study and so seem to share in the thought of the Church; but insofar as it is directed by a love that is not love of Being and of man it can not see or understand what love understands.
When communication is a one - way process, proceeding from an authoritative person to an immature learner who is not in direct relation to the object of the study, intellectual activity is at a minimum in both parties; such a school is not a community of students but a propaganda or indoctrination institution.
While the study's primary report did not explore religion, some additional analysis focusing on sexual activity and religious identification yielded this result: 80 percent of unmarried evangelical young adults (18 to 29) said that they have had sex - slightly less than 88 percent of unmarried adults, according to the teen pregnancy prevention organization.
A recent study shows that the omega - 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA - commonly found in fatty fish and fish oil supplements - are as effective, if not more effective, in lowering blood pressure as some of the commonly recommended lifestyle changes like increasing physical activity and restricting alcohol and sodium intake.
There are only a couple of studies that have looked at the epidemiology of heading in these age groups, and thankfully, these studies have suggested that heading is not a very frequent activity for most children, especially in recreational leagues.
Though you can not completely eliminate your teenager's chances for depression, consider whether your child participates in physical and extracurricular activities, maintains a positive social life and understands how to cope with stress, suggests John Curry, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the Center for the Study of Suicide Prevention and Intervention at Duke University in Durham.
Plants don't always seem like the most interesting of topics to study, but there are lots of brilliant, hands - on activities
«Contrary to our expectations, higher levels of physical activity were not associated with lower rates of obesity across the race and ethnic groups,» said Britni Belcher, M.P.H., the lead author of the study.
Plants don't always seem like the most interesting of topics to study, but there are lots of brilliant, hands - on activities which are fantastic for learning about different types of flowers, trees and plants and the conditions they need to grow.
I urged USDA to choose the lower, 40 - calorie cap as studies indicate that children are drinking sugar - sweetened sports drinks with greater frequency and in greater amounts than ever before, yet are not engaged in more physical activity.
This is a favorite toddler fall activity for all ages particularly older children who are not ready to draw for nature study.
While proponents of screen technology laud gaming systems like the Wii, which promotes movement, a recent study suggests that simulating activities by playing on a Wii does not burn as many calories as actually engaging in those activities.
According to this study, breast milk not only affects babies physical growth, «but also areas of their brain that shape their motivations, their emotions, and therefore their behavioral activity,» reported Dr. Katie Hinde, a Harvard University professor involved with the study.
The women interviewed in Hoddinott's study concur: «First - time parents in particular can find the lack of time for activities unrelated to baby and «me time» a major challenge for which they are not prepared.
Studies show that lifelong readers are those who, as children, simply found reading a pleasurable experience (what was read didn't seem to matter as much as how children felt about the activity).
One concise and readable analysis of the CNA (although it was written in April so may not reflect the most current legislative activity) is this article written for The Atlantic Monthly by Marion Nestle, the widely respected professor of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health at New York University.
This study not only highlights the fact that kids are highly influenced by the context of their everyday activities (like meal times in a highchair), but also the fact that messy eating is our kids» way of becoming familiar with their food and being able to identify what they're consuming.
Overall, fMRI studies show that neural activity in women with PPD compared to people with major depression who had not given birth involves distinct patterns for new mothers with PPD.
Parents with kids that study in different schools and do extra curricular activities, retired / old people, tourists, businessmen have a lot of valid reasons to still need to use a private or at least massive transportation system, so we can not rely solely on bicycle transportation methods for those, still, we must provide those that can rely on them (young people, average commuters living not that far from the office, teenagers...)
Proposed changes to a property - tax break called 421 - a — most notably a requirement that all developers include affordable housing in new projects receiving the benefit — would not stifle construction activity in New York City, according to a study released today.
Conduct randomized studies on typical campaign activities, including candidate appearances, TV ads, yard sign - distribution, robocalls and block - walking to see what moved local polls and what didn't.
A physician who allegedly conducted human brain - activity experiments on people associated with the NXIVM corporation has apparently not published a scientific study in years and there is no indication his private research was being overseen by an independent review board, according to a medical expert and records of the NIH and U.S. National Library of Medicine.
Spokesman of the opposition political parties in the state, Umar Farouk Ibrahim, while briefing newsmen in Kaduna said that after a critical study of Mallam Nasir Ahmed El - Rufai's activities and programmes as regard the local government elections in the state and SIECOM's activities directed by governor El - Rufai, it was very clear that the governor is not interested and willing to conduct local government poll within the period of his administration.
Charles Walcott, a neurobiologist at Cornell University, says he's «always a little suspicious» of electrical brain activity studies, because it can be difficult to tease out what's sleep and what isn't.
Key to safely studying the community is ensuring that the drilling activities and samplers do not introduce any terrestrial contaminants.
However, a new study finds that the seasons are not the only thing changing Titan's atmosphere: its chemical makeup fluctuates according to the Sun's 11 - year cycle of magnetic activity.
All these studies used secular meditation techniques derived from Buddhism, such as mindfulness and loving - kindness meditation, but not other related activities, like yoga or Tai - Chi.
«We need studies that track restoration activities and measure not only whether stressors are reduced, but also whether human benefits are realized.»
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