Sentences with phrase «study costs»

Now the government studies the costs of the various items of production, and it discovers one of the items is fodder.
Generally a home study costs between $ 1,000 to $ 3,000 depending upon the agency and state that you are working with.
While study costs are climbing higher each year, you do not need to worry once your tuition fees are being paid by a scholarship fund.
Some economists study the cost of products, healthcare, or energy, while others examine employment levels, business cycles, exchange rates, taxes, inflation, or interest rates.
The group says it is still studying the cost of the expanded coverage for cancer treatment, but noted that 35 other states are already providing the benefit to their volunteer firefighters.
In fact, the 1966 study cost just $ 1.5 million, the equivalent of $ 11 million today.
We'll reimburse 50 % of the pre-approved study cost, up to $ 7,500.
Chambers joined other administrators and experts asking the commission to study the cost of educating the state's five million school children.
But education groups defending the Enhancing Education Through Technology program argue that the administration would get the information it needs, if only it would await the results of three ongoing federal studies costing millions of dollars, the first of which began in 2001.
Euromonitor's study costs $ 1200 to access; the Washington Post interprets the study for free here.
Such studies cost from $ 2,500 to $ 15,000, says Parish.
Least Expensive Places Most Expensive Places How Costs Differ in Texas How We Conducted the Study
Park board President Steve Randich said the district, whose funding ability is limited by the tax cap, would have to study the costs before giving an answer about its participation.
Last June, at a Summit on Working Families in Washington, D.C., Perez, the labor secretary, said states could apply for grants from a $ 500,000 fund, to help government officials study the costs associated with paid family leave.
Lawmakers heard from the former deputy commissioner in the New York City Comptroller's office, who studied the cost and benefits of permitting marijuana to be regulated, sold and taxed.
Borough President Diaz added that, following that stakeholder outreach, his office would consider urging the Metropolitan Transportation Authority to issue a Request for Expressions of Interest (RFEI) for the development of the Concourse Yard, in order to further study the costs and potential of a platform at the site.
The Institute for Clinical and Econonic Review (ICER), an influential non-profit that studies the cost effectiveness of new drugs, is holding a meeting to review Luxturna on Jan. 25.
ASHG 2015: Researchers Study Costs of Integrating Genetic Sequencing into Clinical Care ASHG Press Release — October 9, 2015
Based on clinical studies the cost is approximately $ 500 for Human Growth Hormone Therapy Treatment.
«Life» is more competitive and less safe than any previous generation, there are higher study costs and an increasingly competitive job market, and the latest statistics show that the rise in crime is accelerating with the UK becoming increasingly violent.
Ironically, at a time when the system was winning praise, DoDEA officials planned to hire a consultant to spend 18 months studying the costs to maintain each U.S. school in each community, and the estimated cost of having a local education agency take over a school.
Principal Investigator: Erin B Dickerson, PhD, University of Minnesota Total Study Cost: $ 172,431; Grant period: 10/1/2016 — 9/30/2018
Identified correct pricing of dishes listed in menu after studying cost of ingredients, labor and overhead expenses.
In addition, Congress should commission the National Academy of Sciences to determine key components of quality and study the cost of such components in various child care settings.
The cases of the Angola 5 — a group of men who failed to escape from the maximum - security prison and killed a guard in the process — have caught the attention of Louisiana lawmakers who are studying the costs of capital punishment in their state.
In fact, one of Marathon's clinical trials that the FDA used as part of its decision - making process was conducted more than 20 years ago, saving the firm plenty of study costs.
You can not have 1,300 centers throughout a country like this one if there is no coordination, if there is no financing,» Lira notes, adding that to date no one has studied the costs of Pinochet's system.
In 2007, lawmakers agreed to establish a commission to study the costs and benefits of such mandates.
The Tax Pathway has been designed to deliver the highest quality qualifications in tax while reducing time out of the office, study costs and duplication of study.
A member of the state delegation is asking the Department of Transportation to study the cost of removing the Skyway from Buffalo's waterfront.
Each of these studies cost millions of dollars and took decades to perform, and they are unlikely to be repeated, says Anderson — so all involved are trying to extract the maximum science from them.
The «cheerleader» study cost the government about $ 4000, Vul estimates, the cost of conducting an experiment with human subjects and the computing time needed to analyze the results.
Improving the technique to make it a clinical reality will only take «a couple of years,» says Shendure, who estimates that his study cost about $ 50,000 per child.
Rhode Island had been part of a consortium of states organized by the Washington - based Council of Chief State School Officers to study the costs of implementing the federal No Child Left Behind Act, but it withdrew because of the high cost of conducting the study.
The Park City school board has determined the change will not happen this coming fall, but it has committed to an ongoing process of studying costs and other logistical changes needed to implement a later high school start time, a practice a growing body of evidence says is developmentally appropriate for teens.
DPI is studying the cost and necessary legislative changes to make the system a reality, Thompson said.
On top of your study costs, your living expenses, such as rent, mobile phone and car costs may begin to add up when you start tertiary study.
You may be eligible to receive an allowance or loan from the Government to help you with your living or study costs.
More focus could have been given to studying the costs and benefit of strengthening the capacity of health service providers, in operating modern equipment.
Since 1991, the ExternalE (External costs of Energy) European Research Network, including more than 50 research teams in over 20 countries, has been studying the costs of environmental damage associated with energy production.
For instance, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC, studied the costs of raising a child with cerebral palsy.
I was forced to look at everything through a studied cost - benefit analysis.
To find out just how much where you live can impact your auto insurance rates in Washington, we studied costs in over 50 cities in the state for a sample driver and coverage amounts.
While undergraduate study costs relatively little for Austrian and EU nationals, postgraduate study costs can vary and depend on the institution at which you are studying.
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