Sentences with phrase «study director»

Nerve cells, by contrast, don't reproduce once they reach maturity, says study director Kevin Eggan, now at Harvard.
«Dr. Malone has a history of working across disciplines,» said Dr. Maggie Walser, NRC study director for the committee.
One of the loudest critics of Jacobson's lawsuit is NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies Director Gavin Schmidt, who on Twitter called suing NAS «exceedingly ill - advised.»
Nevertheless, many bite incidents occur right in front of the adults» eyes,» explains study director Christine Arhant from the Institute of Animal Husbandry and Animal Protection at Vetmeduni Vienna.
«This is the latest in a series of warm years, in a series of warm decades,» NASA Goddard Institute of Space Studies Director Gavin Schmidt said in a statement.
«The reform movement must pause long enough to hear the special needs of children, teenagers, and pregnant women,» said Sarah S. Brown, the senior study director of the...
The indirect method, however, also uses a heat exchanger to avoid humidification,» as study director Günther Schauberger explains.
Faculty members who are interested in proposing new courses or tagging existing courses as Sustainability Electives must complete the Sustainability Checklist and submit it to the Interdisciplinary Studies Director.
Dr Jonathan Eyal, international studies director at the Royal United Services Institute think - tank, told Nato faced intense pressure to overcome its member states» divisions in the face of the Russian threat.
Institute for Fiscal Studies director Paul Johnson has given his much - anticipated verdict on the Budget.
Institute for Fiscal Studies director Paul Johnson has given his much - anticipated verdict on the...
The researchers led by study director Annette Schürmann, Robert Schwenk and Anne Kammel of DIfE recently published their findings in the journal Human Molecular Genetics.
Focus on Long - Term Trend, Not Just Yearly Records But don't fixate on yearly data — which year is hottest, or second hottest — says Goddard Institute for Space Studies director Dr. James Hansen.
«Elevated H2A.Z expression is significantly associated with metastasis and shorter survival, and it could quickly help doctors make better predictions and treatment choices for their patients,» said study director Kevin White, PhD, professor of human genetics and director of the Institute for Genomics and Systems Biology at the University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory.
Smeal Professor of Risk Management Director, Institute for Real Estate Studies Director, PhD Program The Pennsylvania State University
Are you planning to write an editorial about the Environmental Protection Agency's recent suppression of a global warming report that goes against the gospel according to NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies Director James Hansen?
Rabbi Dr. Allan Nadler Department of Religious Studies Director, Jewish Studies Program Drew University Madison, New Jersey
Fields is being elevated to the budget studies director post after serving as a the deputy fiscal director for the Assembly.
«There's been a race to the bottom: IDAs give away taxpayer dollars to businesses that then have to be raised by local governments from other taxpayers, and the economic benefits are questionable,» said David Friedfel, CBC's state studies director.
But the Framingham study sheds light on those findings, because researchers are certain of the parents» ages at the time of their deaths and directly measured the vital signs of their offspring every four to eight years, says study director Daniel Levy, a cardiologist at the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute in Bethesda, Md..
«Our study is one of the first to provide evidence - based guidance on the design of curriculum materials that integrate disciplinary core ideas, science practices, and crosscutting concepts — the three dimensions of NGSS,» said study director Jo Ellen Roseman.
As study director Brack - Werner explained: «Several viral proteins are toxic to neurons and may cause immune damage in the brain.
The program assessment won't be out until mid-February, but study director Charlotte Kuh previewed the diversity component during a talk Friday at the annual meeting of the Council of Graduate Schools in Washington, D.C.
I ask the Jackson study director, Adolfo Correa, which one he thought was the more influential in creating the health disparity.
This is why we had access to enough test animals from this breed,» explains study director Friederike Range.
«Oxytocin actually reinforces extinction: Under its influence, the expectation of recurrent fear subsequently abates to a greater extent than without this messenger,» says study director Prof. Hurlemann, summarizing the result.
At 18 months the children did not perform any better on standardized tests of performance and intelligence, but by age three study directors Colombo and Susan E. Carlson, A. J. Rice Professor of Dietetics and Nutrition at KUMC, began to see significant differences in the performance of children who were fed the enriched formulas on finer - grained, laboratory - based measures of several aspects of cognitive function.
This could result in an increased risk of illness and weaker young,» explains study director Herbert Hoi from the Vetmeduni Vienna's Konrad Lorenz Institute of Ethology.
«To my knowledge, this is the first time anyone has done this,» said study director David Cleveland, a research professor in UCSB's environmental studies program and geography department.
«Which cells it must bind to in order to have this effect, however, had been a matter of debate,» says study director Reinhold Erben from the Unit of Physiology, Pathophysiology and Experimental Endocrinology.
«The decomposers have the same function in the forest as the waste collection service in our cities,» explains study director Ulrich Brose, head of the research group Theory in Biodiversity Science at the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) and Professor at Friedrich Schiller University Jena (Germany).
«Our results clearly demonstrate a significant, although unexpected, role for specific gut bacteria in enhancing the immune system's response to melanoma and possibly many other tumor types,» said study director Thomas Gajewski, MD, PhD, professor of medicine and pathology at the University of Chicago.
Humanities and social sciences If you study business administration: Maria Johansson, study counsellor If you study food science and nutrition: Helena Elmeståhl, study director If you study human geography: Karin Beckman, study counsellor If you study law: Lee Holmström, study counsellor
«This is a proven method of alleviating fatigue in industries that combine high intensity with long shifts,» said study director Vineet Arora, MD, instructor of medicine at the University of Chicago, «yet is has been neglected by the one industry that studies sleep.
Dr. Jonathan Bricker, WebQuit study director, said online smoking - cessation programs are improving but still have a long way to go.
«With 100 million mutations, each capable of altering a protein in some way, there is a high probability that a significant minority of tumor cells will survive, even after aggressive treatment,» said study director Chung - I Wu, PhD, professor of ecology and evolution at the University of Chicago.
«Although we first became aware of prions because they cause several bizarre neurological diseases, the discovery that something so awesomely similar happens in organisms as different as humans and yeast makes us suspect that there is a fundamental, common biochemical process at work here,» said study director Susan Lindquist, PhD, professor of molecular genetics and cell biology and an investigator in the Howard Hughes Medical Institute at the University of Chicago.
«This suggests we may need to ask male patients a new set of sensitive questions as part of the evaluation for heart disease,» said cardiologist and study director Parker Ward, MD, assistant professor of medicine and director of the cardiology clinic at the University of Chicago.
«We were able to produce an exceedingly high local control rate, avoid surgery and dramatically improve patient survival,» said study director Everett Vokes, MD, professor of medicine and section chief of hematology / oncology at the University of Chicago.
«The consistency and the magnitude of the difference came as a surprise,» said study director Diane Lauderdale, PhD, associate professor of health studies at the University of Chicago Medical Center.
«Our results point to a new and more personalized strategy to modulate the tumor microenvironment,» said study director Yang - Xin Fu, MD, PhD, professor of pathology at the University of Chicago.
In his introduction to the research results, study director Campbell refers to «considerable contemporary evidence supporting the hypothesis that the lowest risk for cancer is generated by the consumption of a variety of fresh plant products.»
There's a long lead - up to the deadly earthquake mayhem, during which personality - free reporter and dumbest - audience - member surrogate Serena (Archie Pajabi) hangs around Ray and prods him to reveal his backstory, then around Cal Tech seismology - studies director Lawrence (Paul Giamatti), eliciting stray chunks of exposition about fault lines.
Mathematica senior fellow and study director Philip Gleason said, «KIPP is making important strides to close achievement gaps for disadvantaged students.
, emotionally and socially, so we can speak to them,» said Patricia Sandler, global studies director at the school.
Selected by two esteemed art - world judges, Bard Center for Curatorial Studies director Tom Eccles and Jewish Museum assistant curator Kelly Taxter, the $ 4,000 award was given in recognition of the best artwork in the fair.
It has been my privilege to work with Study Director Alexandra Isern (now with the National Science Foundation), Polar Research Board Director Chris Elfring, Research Associate John Dandelski, and with Senior Project Assistants Megan Kelly, Jodi Bachim, and Ann Carlisle, of the National Research Council.
Generated final reports using data provided by the Assay Coordinator or study director upon completion of the assay
Evaluated and mentored university guided study directors, and efficiently managed daily operations, coordinated personnel, oversaw laboratory sessions, maintained records and scheduling for the evening Chemistry science enrichment program.
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