Sentences with phrase «study groups»

Over the course of an academic semester, fellows interact with students, develop and lead weekly study groups and are «afforded many opportunities to participate in the intellectual life of the Harvard community,» according to the announcement from Harvard.
Quote: «The expectant mothers and fathers who were assigned randomly to the 2 study groups were demographically similar.»
A total of 876 women were followed up in the 3 study groups: Intervention 1 (285 women), Intervention 2 (294 women) and Control (297 women).
⇓ In total, 367 (82 %) completed six months of follow - up, with a similar number lost to follow - up in the three study groups.
We assessed the pairwise comparisons between the different study groups in their rates of breastfeeding using modified Cox regression analysis15 to provide the adjusted relative risks and 95 % confidence intervals.
The study groups were similar in most respects, and also the frequency of perinatal hospital practices that are likely to influence breastfeeding, such as early mother — newborn contact and rooming - in, was identical between intervention and control groups (Table 2).
A previous study showed that in the Campania region, the prevalence of full breastfeeding at 6 months was 7 %.12 Assuming a 20 % loss to follow - up, we calculated that we would require ∼ 240 mother and father pairs to detect a statistically significant increase of 15 % (1 − α = 95 %, 1 − β = 80 %) in the rate of full breastfeeding at 6 months.13 To avoid communication between study groups, which would be likely if people who were admitted to the same hospital unit were exposed to different messages at the same time, we did not randomize the participants as it usually is done, 14 but we allocated the 2 study groups into 2 consecutive blocks of time, after having randomly paired the 2 study groups with the 2 blocks of time.
The three study groups were also similar in the variables related to birth and infant morbidity, including the mode of delivery and the mean birth weight (table 2) ⇓.
Two randomly assigned study groups of expectant mothers were formed over a 7 - month period (12/94 — 6/95) from three independent, obstetric practices in six clinical offices in and around the Greater Rochester, NY, area.
The workbook has been very helpful to individuals and used by local facilitators to guide parent study groups
Rates of exposure to thick meconium did not differ among our study groups, nor did the rate of meconium aspiration.
This likely contributed to the nonsignificant difference in breastfeeding initiation and duration rates between the study groups.
and before you cite any stats, please make sure that the sample study groups of each study arm are properly matched or distributed
Applicants are expected to be familiar with Waldorf Education and anthroposophy through faculty study and other study groups, workshops, and conferences.
We compared socio - demographic and pregnancy - related characteristics among the three study groups using chi - square tests for categorical variables, analysis of variance (ANOVA) for normally distributed continuous variables and the nonparametric Kruskal - Wallis test for continuous variables that were not normally distributed.
However, there was no significant difference in level of education between the three study groups.
Skipping classes will also keep you from making important connections with other students, including being part of study groups, sharing information and ideas, and making personal connections that can last a lifetime.
She has had the opportunity to learn the art of midwifery from several midwives, midwifery study groups, workshops and through self - study for more than a decade and has been immersed in birth work since 1997.
There are also various study groups and outreach programs available within our growing community.
Study Groups Some applicants have found value in forming study groups to prepare for the exam.
When comparing these study groups, only 16 percent of children that stopped using a bottle before age 2 were obese when they reached five and a half.
Once I had accepted my limitations, I asked my teacher for help, I formed study groups with my friends; I formulated new ways of studying which made profound differences down the road.
The meetings of many study groups, Inter-Varsity, Lutheran Student Movement, Baptist Student Union and a Catholic Campus Ministry fill the college calendar.
Start some study groups specifically on Bible study from the feminist viewpoint, on feminist theology, and on human liberation.
Encourage and provide resources for all church groups — administrative bodies, men's and women's groups, study groups, church school and youth groups — to study the history and present status of women in the church and society.
It can provide the theme and focus for staff and committee meetings, women's and men's societies, board meetings, trustees meetings, Bible study groups, prayer groups, marriage enrichment groups, even choir rehearsal.
Study groups often grow out of consciousness raising groups.
From the consciousness raising point of view, study groups are among the most important means of getting at the issues raised by the changing identities of women and men.
Many other groups (such as Minneapolis's Organizing Against Pornography, state chapters of Women Against Violence Against Women, and local rape centers) have slide shows available for study groups.
A solid friendship at 18 might look like late - night study groups and spending every waking hour together; at 30, married and maybe with kids, it might mean the occasional dinner, text or almost quarterly run - ins where you pick up where you left off (hopefully).
Basically, there are three stages of growth opportunities provided: general (Sunday mornings); basic (study groups, task groups, small groups, and impromptu fellowships); and focused (one on one spiritual direction and counseling for those who request it).
Embodying that mission might include things like worship (always), Sunday School, study groups, accountability groups, social / support groups, local mission projects, and remote mission projects.
Teachers of parent - study groups prepare to conduct the small groups which have developed as offshoots of the Parent Education Center's Sunday morning program.
The Academy of the Lay Ministry offers opportunity for service in several categories: volunteer group counselors, grief therapists, coffeehouse workers, teachers of parent - study groups, psychodramatists, pastor's assistants.
Study groups within the church occasionally grapple with questions of poverty and welfare.
Our congregations are busy with study groups, prayers, youth work, Sunday - school preparation, preaching, outreach and even mission activities that they believe help prepare them for the new life of the kingdom Christ will bring.
Spiritually restless Christians join Bible study groups, prayer groups, healing groups.
In contrast to the procedure of most «study groups,» the content is dealt with on a personal level, in terms of the feelings, struggles, hopes, and goals of the members.
I have asked the following six questions to various Bible study groups and discipleship classes over the years.
Furthermore, Bible - study groups have been springing up in the congregation, and there is a move to introduce a back - to - the - basics Christian educational curriculum.
Hindu nationalist and Islamic fundamentalist groups are refurbishing temples and mosques and developing study groups and «shock troops» (as the Indian Express calls them) that threaten non-Hindus (or, in other areas, non-Muslims) in ways not far removed from KKK tactics.
For then education is not merely the function of the Sunday morning church school or the weekly study groups, but of all of church life.
Bible Study groups as proof that AA.
investing one - Depth study groups: with self in a personal growth society) focus.
Stage 8: Creative activity groups: Groups for young and OLDER depth study groups; mid-adults whose ADULT - art groups; contem - parents are now lean - HOOD porary issues groups; ing on them.
In addition to getting learning much from my pasture I have been in Bible study groups for years and still believe I'm just scratching the surface of understanding the vastness and depth of the Bible.
The adult and / or youth choirs, small groups, Bible study groups, worship committees, or Sunday school classes are just a few «seedbeds» for this type of ministry.
To maximize its mental health impact, a church should have a wide variety of study groups for all ages.
In the lay academies of the continent, the «house churches» of Britain, the ecumenical retreat centers in the U. S. and elsewhere, in denominational and local church camps, youth assemblies, parent education and Bible study groups, hundreds of persons are discovering the excitement of life - to - life communication in small groups.
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