Sentences with phrase «study of acute stress»

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Studies of the reactions of concentration camp prisoners have shown that the acute stresses did not produce the expected degree of physical and psychological deterioration in persons who had one or both of these attributes — dedication to the good of their buddies or a strong sense of the glory of God.
«On the basis of our study findings, we have two important take home messages: First, even though losing half a night of sleep may not impair memory functions under baseline conditions, the addition of acute cognitive stress may be enough to lead to significant impairments, which can possibly be detrimental in real - world scenarios.
In the study that is now being published in the scientific journal SLEEP, sleep researchers Jonathan Cedernaes and Christian Benedict, sought to investigate the role of nocturnal sleep duration for this memory transfer, and how long - term memories formed by sleep remain accessible after acute cognitive stress.
A new study by Markus Heinrichs and Bernadette von Dawans at the University of Freiburg, Germany, however, suggests that acute stress may actually lead to greater cooperative, social, and friendly behavior, even in men.
Future studies expanding upon these results will be critical for further understanding lifestyle acute adaptations capable of promoting stress reduction and overall health and well - being.
However, other studies in mice with breast cancer show that once cancer has already been initiated, stress can lead to increased rates of tumor spread and metastases.26 Similarly, when mice were injected with leukemic cells and stressed physically and physiologically with injections of adrenaline, cancer progression occurred.27 Some scientists even propose that, while necessary in many cases of cancer, undergoing surgery may cause enough stress to lead to tumor promotion and progression.28 Therefore, it seems like acute stress may help fight cancer, chronic stress may help cause it, but once cancer is present, both acute and chronic stress may lead to cancer progression.
Similar to the mouse study above, another group looked at skin tumors (squamous cell carcinoma) in a group of mice prone to such cancers, to see if acute stress could modify this.
Finally, with regard to the prevention of psychological stress - induced intestinal permeability and endotoxemia, a recent study has shown that oral L. farciminis can reduce the effects of this vicious cycle in an animal model of acute stress [67].
One study of 816 women with major depression found that the onset of depression was significantly associated with both acute and chronic stress (25).
At the end of the 12 - week yoga program, the 10 participants who attended yoga classes reported significantly less acute symptoms of depression, and lower levels of perceived stress than at study onset.
«Although blood pressure is an indicator of long - term stress and changes more slowly over time, pulse rate has been shown to accurately reflect acute stress and anxiety,» state the study's authors.
A 2003 study published in the Journal of Pharmacological Sciences examined the anxiety - abolishing effects of both Ginkgo biloba and Asian ginseng, finding that while both were effective in reducing acute stress, supplementing with Asian ginseng was the most effective in significantly lowering chronic stress.
«When people are in good physical and mental shape, they recover more quickly from acute strain, as demonstrated by studies investigating stress reactions before and after taking a vacation and by studies of individuals working overtime during lengthy periods.»
Studies performed with healthy human volunteers showed that alpha - casozepine can be used to prevent the physiological effects of acute or chronic stress in people.
Social support may act as a buffer under situations of acute stress but not chronic, day - to - day stressful situations as measured in this study (Alloway & Bebbing, 1987).
Summary: (To include comparison groups, outcomes, measures, notable limitations) This study examined the benefit of early provision of Cognitive - Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to trauma survivors with acute stress disorder (ASD).
Interpersonal family stress contributes to relationship breakdown and lack of perceived social support, and high expressed emotion may contribute to relapse.21 Family - focused treatment has been shown to reduce recurrence when used as an adjunct to medication for bipolar disorder.38 It is initiated once stabilisation of mood has been effected after an acute episode, and includes the patient and at least one significant family member (eg, parent or spouse).39 The underlying focus of family - focused treatment is to provide education regarding the recent illness episode; this includes exploring possible causes and the patient's personal triggers, discussing the importance of medication, differentiating between the person and the illness, and enhancing positive family relationships.40 Improved positive communication appears to be a key mechanism in this approach.38, 41 Recent studies suggest greater benefits in reducing depressive rather than manic relapses.23, 38,42
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