Sentences with phrase «study on tablet computers»

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That study found that more than 50 percent of university students were already experiencing muskoskeletal discomfort from typing on computers, texting and using tablets at improper angles.
A recent study conducted by researchers at the Cincinnati Children's Research Foundation looked at differences in brain activity comparing the times children spent on screens (TV, smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktop computers) versus reading a book.
-- exists as both a website and an app, though some studies suggest that nearly 75 % of all dating traffic is now happening on the phone or tablet instead of on computers.
The study, titled: Subjective impressions do not mirror online reading effort: concurrent EEG - eyetracking evidence from the reading of books and digital media, measured young and elderly adults reading short texts on three different reading devices, including a paper page, e-reader and tablet computer.
In fact, many market studies show that people prefer accessing digital content more often on smartphones and tablets than desktop computers.
A new Harvard study is re-affirming the assertion that reading light - emitting e-books before bed, like computer tablets, could have a detrimental effect on sleep, which can in turn lead to serious health problems.
Two interesting facts that came from the demographics data of the survey showed that more students are using PC laptops (71 %) than Mac brand devices (20 %), and that more students do their studying on a smartphone (36 %) than a tablet or computer (22 %).
And kids, after all, like to use tablets and smartphones pretty much like adults do, as evidenced by this Harris Poll study out today on smartphone and computer usage across the U.S.
Through individual and church subscriptions, members can stream video content on their smart phones, tablets, computers, and TVs, making Bible study easy anytime, anywhere.
A radiographer puts the creature on a tablet, hits the X-ray button, and records the image to a computer monitor, making it ready for immediate study, and eventual inclusion in a National Collection of Fishes.
Studies are accumulating that show the negative effects of smartphones, tablets, and computers on children's academic performance, emotional development, sleep patterns, and family relationships.
A 2013 study compared reading effort on three media: a paper page, an e-reader (e-ink) and a tablet computer.
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