Sentences with phrase «study period covers»

Our 2003 - 12 study period covers years for each of these different ice regimes.

Not exact matches

A new NBER working paper by MIT's Christian Catalini and Joshua Gans from the University of Toronto supplies answers to these questions by studying a two - period model of a token offering, covering the ICO stage during which interested buyers acquire tokens, and a market stage at which the platform goes live.
The team reported that 10,667 people in the US had made allegations of child sexual abuse between 1950 and 2002 against 4,392 priests (about 4 % of all 109,694 priests who served during the time period covered by the study).
The history of studies in our fields has been competently traced by E. Lehmann, E. Hardy, Jordan, H. Pinard de la Boullaye and G. Mensching, but these efforts cover only the first three periods since Max Mueller established.
This book is a study of the great missionary conferences covering the period of the first world missionary conference at Edinburgh 1910 to the last ecumenical conference at Salvador 1996.
Second, the time periods covered by the studies are too short to adequately track significant ecological change.
History on the net — a full resource covering all historical periods studied in English schools.
Our study also covered a longer time period, and included more in - situ observations of deep - sea debris than any previous study I'm aware of.»
«Future planned studies will cover full 24 - hour periods rather than just the day shift, as well as extend the method to other ICUs.»
The study was conducted at four academic medical centers around the U.S. and covered periods of 15 months between July 2012 and January 2014.
Working in the Atlantic oak woodlands of Argyll, Kintyre and Lochaber on Scotland's west coast, researchers from the James Hutton Institute, the University of Aberdeen and Scottish Natural Heritage studied plots that had never been invaded, others covered in dense rhododendron thickets, plus a time - series of sites cleared of rhododendron at different periods between 1984 and 2014.
To better understand Saturn's QPO, Fletcher and colleagues studied data from Cassini's CIRS covering this entire time period.
The study covers a period that begins at the end of the Ice Age and when there still was an ice sheet covering Canada, Shuman says.
The sediment cores used in this study cover a period when the planet went through many climate cycles driven by variations in Earth's orbit, from extreme glacial periods such as the Last Glacial Maximum about 20,000 years ago, when massive ice sheets covered the northern parts of Europe and North America, to relatively warm interglacial periods with climates more like today's.
In Myanmar, 38 % of forest cover is intact forest and during the study period the authors found that this intact forest declined by 11 % (more than 2 million hectares) with an annual loss of 0.94 %.
When the authors looked at seasonal trends over the same time period, the most notable expansion of the Sahara occurred in summer, resulting in a nearly 16 percent increase in the desert's average seasonal area over the 93 - year span covered by the study.
Dr Leander and her colleagues have now analysed data on postmenopausal hormone therapy from five Swedish cohort studies covering a total of 88,914 women, combined with data from national registries on diagnoses and causes of death during a follow - up period.
This population - based study examined the cohort of all 1,534,425 military conscripts in Sweden during 1969 - 1997 (covering a period when national service was compulsory in Sweden and including 97 - 98 % of all 18 - year - old men nationwide each year).
The drought hit the year after the period covered in the Ecology study.
The present ice ages are the most studied and best understood, particularly the last 400,000 years, since this is the period covered by ice cores that record atmospheric composition and proxies for temperature and ice volume.
The study, led by researchers at The University of Texas at Austin Jackson School of Geosciences, addresses why the Earth has fluctuated from periods when the planet was covered in ice to times when even the polar regions were ice - free.
It also turned out that rice has a positive effect on those in need of rehydration after a period of diarrhea, in fact, multiple studies covered the effects of rice on diarrhea, like the one published in the Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition in February 2004 which tested the rehydration solution based on rice on almost 200 babies (ranging from 3 months to 2 years of age) and it found that the rice solution is both effective and safe to use on infants. said that the study doesn't support eHarmony's claims, as study participants who said they met on Match (24.34 %) was almost identical to those on eHarmony (25.04 %), and 7.21 % met on Yahoo, a co-branded version of for part of the time period covered by the study.
The Chicago trial provided evidence that the program affected perceptions of school and academic climate and had a small effect on academic achievement over the period covered by the study.
Over the time period covered by this study, schools were generally inspected once during each three - to six - year inspection cycle.
America: Opportunity and Inequality (1920 - 1973)- a set of 20 revision quizzes which cover the whole of the AQA GCSE History period study.
The late Jeanne Chall and Sue S. Conard studied widely used textbooks covering the period from 1945 to 1975 and noted, «On the whole, the later the copyright dates of the textbooks for the same grade, the easier they were, as measured by indices of readability level, maturity level, difficulty of questions, and extent of illustration.»
Average impacts of middle schools were positive and statistically significant throughout the 10 - year period covered by the study, though higher in earlier years than recent years.
[12] In this study, which covered a period in the 1980s, students in 80 schools were assigned at random to kindergarten and first - and second - grade classrooms that were designated as large or small.
This study covers years 2000 to 2005, a period when home computers and high - speed Internet access expanded dramatically.
For example, in his 1996 study, «Another Puzzle: The Growth in Actively Managed Mutual Funds,» which covered the period from 1985 through 1994, Martin J. Gruber found that the average performance of funds with net inflows was significantly positive, based on a risk - adjusted performance measure.
Unless there is some reason to believe that the time period studied is unusually poor for this covered call strategy, I'm content to stick with index buy - and - hold.
The 45 - year period covered in the study does not necessarily represent the future, but the period did include 3 of the worst bear markets of the last 100 years.
We highlight 6 major studies covering 39 years worth of data to show you how these stocks do in different time periods in different markets around the globe.
In related research, Viviani, Revelli, and Fall (2015) studied a short history that covers the global financial crisis, from 2006 to 2012, and concluded that companies with better social responsibility scores, including those linked to human resources, as provided by Vigeo Eiris, had lower downside risk during this period based on Value - at - Risk statistics.
Also, does the study cover one single period or multiple periods?
A study Barry Feldman and Dhruv Roy, cleraly shows the BXM Index (CBOE S&P 500 BuyWrite Index), a benchmark for an S&P 500 - based covered call strategy, had slightly higher returns and significantly less volatility than the S&P 500 over a time period of almost 16 years, despite the fact that covered calls have a truncated upside in the short term.
Based on the availability of the constituent data and the yield curve, the period covered in the study was from June 30, 2006, through Aug. 31, 2015.
The Loughran Wellman study covers the period 1926 to 2010, and finds something similar, but you're right, more research needs to be done to understand why active underperforms passive.
A study covering the period from December 1979 to December 2009 illustrates that «Momentum outperformed the market or a core index portfolio by a wide margin.
One study found that day traders» gross profits usually don't even cover their own transaction costs, and that more than 80 % of individual day traders lose money in a typical six - month period.
Marlena Lee of Dimensional Fund Advisors studied the performance of 2,353 bond mutual funds covering the period 1991 - 2008.
It revealed that, on average, median annual returns for employees who got help were more than 3 % (332 basis points, net of fees) higher than people who didn't get help across the six - year period covered by the study.
This Australian study looked at predation rates among owned cats over a two - year period when wearing the Birdbesafe collar cover.
In the event any complications arise during the study period, their management will be covered by the study funds up to $ 2,000 / per dog / per event.
Even the admirable Revkin doesn't get it quite right: On horizontal surfaces, observations and modeling show a role for melting in both the baseline ablation and the sensitivity of ablation to precipitation and temperature; melting is the dominant ablation mechanism on vertical ice cliffs; and though Kaser et al find «no evidence» about rising temperatures, it is only because the in situ studies don't cover a long enough period to detect trends.
Based on many studies covering a wide range of regions and crops, negative impacts of climate change on crop yields have been more common than positive impacts (high confidence)... Since AR4, several periods of rapid food and cereal price increases following climate extremes in key producing regions indicate a sensitivity of current markets to climate extremes among other factors (medium confidence).
If anyone knows of existing satellite imagery that images the ice cover in our study region during the 1999 - 2000 time period, I would love to know about it.
Wolfgang Weiss, a senior member of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation,... suggested the UNSCEAR study, carried out by 80 experts and with the involvement of five international organisations including the United Nations health agency, was based on information covering a longer period after the accident.
I noticed that the change in cloud cover from the minimum to maximum of the solar cycle was 2 percent, much less than the 10 % change in CO2, over the period of their study.
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