Sentences with phrase «study period found»

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In fact, a recent Nielson study found that 70 percent of global consumers trust online reviews, up 15 percent within a four - year period.
Numerous studies have found that sitting for long periods of time can do more than just contribute to weight gain and metabolic disorders.
In his landmark 1965 12 - country time - diary study, German sociologist Erwin Scheuch found that the more industrialized a country became, the more activities its people crammed into a 24 - hour period.
A study by Millan's team found that 76 % of owners who played audiobooks for their dogs reported that they were calmer and more relaxed after a four - week period.
Another study found that when people slept under six hours a night for a prolonged period of time, they ended up, in cognitive terms, legally drunk.
The authors claimed that an «Increasing numbers of academic studies are finding that mental health problems have been soaring among girls over the past 10 - and in particular five - years, coinciding with the period in which young people's use of social media has exploded.»
The study found that those who have taken part in mindfulness training were able to remain focused for longer periods of time on visual and listening tasks.
Further, the study found that venture capital investment might have been $ 8 billion higher over the same time period, except for the litigation brought by frequent litigators.
But a 2012 study underwritten by the Kauffman Foundation concluded that «immigrant - founded companies» dynamic period of expansion has come to an end.»
A study found when companies focused on employees» individual strengths and personality rather than emphasizing conformity and an organizational identity, there is greater customer satisfaction and employee retention after a six - month period.
Broadly, Goldberg and Leonard's findings over the January 2000 - June 2002 study period are consistent with the expectation that yields will rise on signs of stronger economic conditions or faster - than - anticipated inflation.
Dow Jones studied more than 20,000 venture - backed companies over a five - year period and found that those companies with at least one woman executive were more likely to succeed than those with only men in leadership positions.
The MIT study found that taxing carbon at $ 20 a ton in the U.S. would generate $ 1.5 - trillion in revenue in a 10 - year period, which would reduce corporate and personal income taxes, maintain social services spending and reduce the deficit.
A study of S corporations (small firms with 100 or fewer shareholders who are taxed as a partnership) found that those with ESOPs had higher average employment growth in the 2006 - 2008 pre-recession period than did the economy as a whole, and they also had faster growth following the recession from 2009 to 2011.
(A recent study by three Boston University researchers found that patent trolls have cost publicly traded companies an average of $ 83 - billion annually over the past four years, more than a quarter of all U.S. industrial research and development spending during that period.)
Over the longest time period analyzed, the study finds sustainable equity funds met or exceeded median returns for five out of six different equity classes examined, for example, large - cap growth.
Using data for 955 non-financial German firms for which sufficient data is available during the period 1960 - 2006 for the factor portfolios and 1993 - 2006 for the sentiment measure, these studies find that: Keep Reading
An August 2001 Wall Street Journal study found that for every dollar of operating earnings the S&P 500 companies reported in their most recent three - month period, 60 cents wouldn't have been there if ordinary business expenses under GAAP hadn't been excluded 2.
Using U.S. Census data, the Kauffman Foundation found in a 2008 study that «the fraction of employment accounted for by U.S. private - sector business startups over the 1980 - 2005 period is about 3 percent per year».
The Track Maven study found that content engagement decreased by 17 % in the same period.
The most scholarly is by David L. Holmes, a professor of religious studies at the College of William and Mary, who in The Faiths of the Founding Fathers sketches the religious landscape during the constitutional period.
Now the dominant approach to study of the founding era, its many able advocates — Bernard Bailyn, Gordon Wood, J. G. A. Pocock, Drew McCoy — maintain that the period was profoundly shaped by the long history of republican «civic humanism.»
The modern study of the «forms» of literature, their origin and early development, has found an exceptionally rich field in the biblical literature, so varied as it is, and extending over so long a period of time.
The study found that the children were 33 per cent more likely to abstain from sexual activity over a two - year period than children who attended interventions stressing the importance of safesex or of maintaining good health generally.
(A study in Los Angeles County found that the average waiting period was twenty - six weeks.)
If the reader is not acquainted with this long period of study, with its agreements and disagreements as found among scholars, there are scores of relatively popular works which will provide the necessary information.
The present study is too brief to permit any proper analysis, but we may say that Christian eschatology, understood in this sense, is the product of a marriage of ideas found in Jewish thought, including the inter-testamental period, and the hellenistic soul - body portrayal of man.
Otherwise, after an initial period the tutor almost invariably becomes one of the group, and the group itself generates and carries out the responsibility to study and learn what the members find important to learn.
Cantor makes the «founding era» of medieval studies the period from 1895 to about 1965, and in nine chapters he discusses twenty scholars whom he calls «master medievalists,» with their students.
However, it is possible, on the basis of consistent findings drawn from a wide range of studies over a reasonable period of time to indicate areas of significant possibility and concern.
In another study, it was found that soy isoflavones given to a control group resulted in interrupted or absent periods.
A 2010 meta - study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition looked at almost 350,000 people over a 23 year period and found no association between saturated fat and heart disease.
This study's findings are consistent with an analysis commissioned by FDA and updated in 2012, as well as a published ILSI survey of more than 37,000 people which shows that caffeine consumption in the U.S. has remained stable during the most recent period analyzed, while coffee remains the primary source of caffeine in most age groups.
A 2011 report from the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research found that between 1985 and 2009, IRRI varieties and breeding lines contributed, on average, 50 % of the annual yield increases in southern Vietnam and the use of new varieties increased Vietnamese rice farmers» income by US$ 127 per hectare (in 2009 values) per year during the study period.
A study in the Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine found that participants who regularly sipped Kona Coffee lost six pounds over the course of the six - week time period.
• Although pregnancy is a period of greater stress for fathers than the post-birth period (Huang & Warner, 2005; Condon et al, 2004), one study found fathers» rates of depression to be higher after the birth than before it (Huang & Warner, 2005).
In a now - classic study on crying, researchers Sylvia Bell and Mary Ainsworth at Johns Hopkins found that babies whose caregivers consistently responded quickly to their cries, cried less often and for shorter periods of time by the end of their first year.
In a 1964 study, researchers found that there was little change in the number of hours spent sleeping over a 24 - hour period during infants» first 16 weeks of life.
Yes, there is common non-compliance of WHO Code and Yes, the audit found that Nestlé provided free Infant Formula to a hospital in a study carried out in a very brief period of 5 days (17 - 22 August), by Bureau Veritas.
The researchers also calculated the rate of ACL reconstructive surgery and found that it increased by 3 percent per year over the study period.
One major finding of the MTA Study conducted by the National Institute of Mental Health (2) was that the children of parents who developed a disciplined yet positive approach to parenting were able to maintain treatment gains during the 14 month period of the sStudy conducted by the National Institute of Mental Health (2) was that the children of parents who developed a disciplined yet positive approach to parenting were able to maintain treatment gains during the 14 month period of the studystudy.
A study of military families, in which co-sleeping is common because fathers (and, nowadays, mothers) are often away from home for extended periods, found that children who had coslept as babies received higher evaluations of their comportment in school and exhibited fewer psychiatric problems.
A small new study published Friday highlights just how damaging it can be for mothers» mental health when those breastfeeding goals and realities don't line up, finding that many women who stopped breastfeeding before six months were at greater risk of depressive symptoms in the postpartum period.
Hat tip to Dana Woldow for sharing with me a new Reuters article casting doubt on a recent, much - heralded study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (summarized on TLT) which had found a 43 % drop in obesity among children ages 2 to 5 over an eight year period.
One study found that «growth spurts usually occurred within two days of the increased sleep» period and that each hour of additional sleep meant a 20 percent increase in the chance that it was due to a growth spurt.
The study also suggest that the SAC may be best used and compared with baseline in the period immediately after a suspected concussion, as injured subjects have been found to demonstrate significant improvement in SAC scores 48 hours after injury.
During this clinically silent period, however, there may be indicators of dysfunction on a cellular level, such as the elevated levels of S100B antibody found in the cerebral spinal fluid in the football players in the study, even six months after the end of the season, which he said, could «potentially herald -LSB--RSB- the early stages of [chronic traumatic encephalopathy] or CTE.»
In fact, a study at the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center found that non-breastfeeding women actually lost more body fat than lactating women in the six - month postpartum period, possibly because prolactin can act like an appetite stimulant in nursing moms, causing them to overeat.
A small study of obese formula - feeding mothers found that they spent less time interacting with infants over a 24 hour testing period than non-obese mothers [76].
Findings from Australian and US studies suggest focusing on men's needs can reduce paternal stress, improve maternal and paternal satisfaction, enhance interpersonal skills and paternal involvement with household tasks (Diemer, 1997; Dellmann, 2004), whilst a study from the UK found that fathers wanted more information given in the antenatal period on parenting, baby care and relationships (Deave and Johnson, 2008).
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