Sentences with phrase «study point»

With thousands of studies all pointing in the same direction, how is that possible?
Just about everyday, a new study points to the health benefits of Vitamin D3.
She says a number of recent studies all point to mounting carbon dioxide levels as a key component.
Many studies point toward the idea that our hormones affect our physical and mental experience of stress, and influence how we interact with others when we are under stress.
That's what thousands of studies point towards for cancer prevention: a whole - foods, plant - based diet.
Other studies point to calcium, zinc and vitamins A, C and D as having a positive impact on the brain, though findings are sometimes inconsistent.
Several studies point towards limited workplace productivity when employees have high levels of student loan debt.
It's believed that one benefit of sleep is to clear beta - amyloid, and poor sleep might allow it to build up, the authors of the new study pointed out.
A new resistant starch review paper explains how numerous studies point to healthy aging benefits.
Most studies point to an increase of about two weeks over the past century.
Legal counsel for plaintiffs predicts that litigation will continue to expand as more studies point to testosterone and cardiovascular risks.
Later studies pointed to protection for even relatively healthy people.
But the researchers note that previous studies point to the importance of stability for student success.
Nowadays there are many scientific studies pointing out the existence of foods which are fairly efficient in making your food leaner.
The current study points to a relationship between obesity and long - term survival, but does not prove that excess body fat directly affects a patient's prognosis.
First, most migration and climate studies point to the environment as triggers and not causes for migration decisions.
The book studies point spreads, betting line movement, public betting percentages, money management, statistics, and more.
The clinical studies point to a relationship between certain genetic signatures and poorer overall concussion response.
But more convincing studies point to similar — albeit more limited — conclusions.
However, this is the not the first study pointing to some possible risks and I think there is reason to be cautious.
You don't need a specific study pointing it out, you just need to use your brain.
But there is a great difference between these two notions, and you should better study the points that differ.
With the result of even more recent successful studies pointing out the advantages of early age neutering, many animal control agencies and humane society shelters have embraced «neuter at adoption» policies.
Various studies point to the importance of girls having access to education and women having awareness of and access to contraception, allowing some influence over the size of their families.
If you know studies pointing to an answer, please comment away.
Although the latest school violence study points to a decrease in the overall number of intentional school injuries from 2001 through 2010, the decline was slight.
The candidate should carefully study these points and apply accordingly.
Four longitudinal studies point to the role of sleep problems in understanding externalizing behaviors in adolescence.
A new study points to the need for increased awareness of fertility preservation options for young patients with cancer.
Several recent studies point out differences among all these fossils, which are considered as normal variations within the species.
A recent study pointed out that workplace barriers to successful breastfeeding are bringing down rates of women who keep up with it after they go back to work.
But other studies pointed to volcanoes, which are also an important source of sulfur dioxide.
A number of studies point to effects of the biological developments of puberty as having an important place in these changes.
Several studies pointed out that women are at a disadvantage when their achievements are assessed, not because their research is of lower quality but because of a gender bias in research evaluation.
Studies point towards minor long - term health conditions for people spending long periods in these conditions.
Numerous studies point to the threat global warming poses to the timing and magnitude of snow accumulation and melt.
Some research studies point out that our brains are at maximum functioning in our twenties, saying it's all downhill from then on.
The most important scientific studies point to the need for a dramatic reduction in the release of greenhouse gases in the next three decades.
Many studies point to fecal buildup in the colon as a cause of diseases including colon cancer.
There comes a time when you start to wonder whether more and more studies pointing to the crisis we face are really going to make a difference.
Now, a writer in Newsweek goes into some detail about how often medical studies point in the wrong direction.
A 2003 «Letter to President George W. Bush» (PDF) advised that «the uncertain link between industrial emissions and global warming after a century of [greenhouse gas] buildup and decades of study points toward lower - range, benign warming scenarios.»
Maue said studies point to a substantial rise in chances of having hotter peaks in summer temperatures, but the the change remains subtle in the grand scheme of things:
The same study points to an emerging gulf in commercial real estate costs.
No study is perfect, but the cited study points out that savvier investors tend to be more comfortable with risk and thus experience a higher return in their 401 (k) plans.
«The British Medical Journal study points the finger at sugar sweetened beverages without drawing definitive conclusions.
Older men are more likely than younger ones to have children with autism or schizophrenia, and a new genetic study points to why: compared with younger dads, older fathers pass on significantly more random genetic mutations to their offspring that increase the risk for these conditions.
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