Sentences with phrase «study points to»

The study points to the variations in the symptom compositions represented by the Euro - D and ACES - D, with the latter better capturing the difference between self - and other - oriented adversities.
The study points to a placebo... Read More
For example, one study points to a greater protective role for fathers than mothers in adolescent depression (Desjardins & Leadbeater, 2011), and others show stronger associations between father - child relationship quality and reduced anxiety or depression for boys (Branje et al., 2010; van Eijck et al., 2012).
Although the latest school violence study points to a decrease in the overall number of intentional school injuries from 2001 through 2010, the decline was slight.
The study points to China's projected emissions growth rate of 3.5 percent — following two years of decline — as the single-most important reason for the resumed global emissions growth.
«Furthermore, this study points to Louisiana as an innovator of creative financing strategies for wetland restoration, and as creating new investment opportunities that will yield substantial economic and environmental benefits.»
But well before then, in the lifetimes of people being born today, the new study points to a potentially existential threat for cities like Miami; Guangzhou, China; Mumbai, India; New Orleans; Boston; and Alexandria, Egypt.
«The study points to the importance of including irrigation in regional and global climate models so that we can anticipate precipitation and temperature impacts, and better manage our land, water and food in stressed environments.»
In some places in the world, the study points to the possibility of a particularly devastating combination — sharp sea - level rise combined with major land subsidence because people are drawing so much drinking water out of the ground.
«The Kullman study points to mounting evidence that climate is largely out of human control, as humans were not burning large amounts fossil fuels during Roman and Medieval times.
National Center for Atmospheric Research and UCAR Office of Programs, «Drought's Growing Reach: NCAR Study Points to Global Warming as Key Factor,» press release (Boulder, CO: 10 January 2005); Aiguo Dai, Kevin E. Trenberth, and Taotao Qian, «A Global Dataset of Palmer Drought Severity Index for 1870 — 2002: Relationship with Soil Moisture and Effects of Surface Warming,» Journal of Hydrometeorology, vol.
For dog owners of the popular Golden Retrievers and Labrador Retrievers, the study points to the importance of acquiring information needed to decide if, and when, to neuter.
A Purdue University study points to a strong correlation in canines between gum degeneration and endocarditis, which is an inflammatory condition (infection) of the valves or inner lining of the heart.
The study points to the importance of environmental enrichment for indoor cats, which mitigates the potentially negative effects of an indoor lifestyle on cats.
The Purdue study points to a strong correlation between gum disease and endocarditis, an inflammation (infection) of the heart's valves or inner lining.
Whatever the case, this study points to how the humanization of pets has not only infiltrated the pet industry, but also influenced science itself.
Whatever the impact these factors are having, the overall picture from this study points to a need for publishers to take their potential smartphone audience more seriously.
A new study points you to the makes and models... Read more
A new study points you to the makes and models most likely to fulfill this primary concern.
On the other hand, the fact that Teach for America's teachers did no better than their more experienced colleagues in this latest study points to how difficult it is to improve students» test scores by improving the quality of instruction.
The U of Chicago's study points to three primary characteristics we need to instill in the next generation:
This study points to key qualities of such learning environments and, in particular, the shifts that they both demand and help to create in student - teacher relationships and students» role in their own learning.
If reducing children's exposure to school removal as punishment is a national priority, then our study points to one potentially effective strategy: increasing the number of teachers of color in public schools.
Although this study points to yoga as being potentially beneficial for women experiencing depression, findings leave several questions unanswered.
The study points to adrenal exhaustion and low blood sugar as a cause.
This study points to a future where we see positive results from making less time - consuming (but more targeted) lifestyle changes.
The new study points to the amount of CO2 being released into the atmosphere, rather than the amount removed from it, as the primary driver of Earth's climate.
While the study points to diet having a small effect on changes in brain size, it didn't look at the effect on risk of dementia.
ASHG 2007: Mayo Clinic Study Points to a Possible Biomarker for Colon Cancer in People 50 and Under: Study to be Presented at the ASHG 2007 Annual Meeting EurekAlert!
Now, a new study points to certain gut bacteria that can turn a nutrient in red meat into a disease - fostering chemical.
While the mechanisms linking these changes is unclear, the study points to the potential in further research on the gut microbiome's influence on the brain and nervous system.
By pinpointing sources of soot that would make the biggest difference when cut, the study points to areas where cutting pollution could provide a large impact.
The authors say the study points to the need for further research to better understand the association between paternal age at birth and hematologic malignancies.
Penn study points to new mechanisms of tissue development and origins of congenital lung disorders
The study points to a specific need for investments to help IPV victims avoid tobacco, adds first author Rishi Caleyachetty, MBBS, PhD, an epidemiologist on a Fulbright Scholarship at Columbia's Mailman School of Public Health when he wrote the paper.
«But our study points to another part of the eye altogether — the fovea — and contributes to a unified model for how the brain integrates visual information.»
«Parched West is using up underground water: Study points to grave implications for Western U.S. water supply.»
Their new study points to a biomarker in the cellular machinery that could not only serve as an early warning of colon cancer, but potentially be harnessed to counteract advanced forms of the disease, the second - largest cause of cancer death in the U.S.
«This study points to the caudate nucleus as a likely target for clinical interventions to alleviate fatigue,» explained Dr. Wylie, who is associate director of Neuroscience Research and the Rocco Ortenzio Neuroimaging Center at Kessler Foundation.
Study points to the role of the magnetic field as responsible for decelerating the formation of massive stars in the center of galaxies.»
«Our study points to dietary fiber as a major factor driving the overall composition of the microbiome,» says Shapiro.
A new study points to rare gene duplications and deletions that are believed to play a significant role in the psychological disorder
A new study points to the early incorporation of water in the growing Earth.
Chi said the study points to a promising new approach for the treatment of renal cell carcinoma, a form of kidney cancer that has historically been very difficult to cure.
As healthcare costs continue to balloon, a new Duke study points to a surprising avenue for potential savings: nurse home visits.
The study points to human microbes as a potentially potent source of microbes that can aid in biofuels production, Cann said.
The study points to interesting possibilities of harnessing synergistic host - microbe interactions to intervene early viral spread and gut inflammation and to mitigate intestinal complications associated with HIV infection.
«Immune study points to new ways to treat lung disease.»
This study points to the need to better understand and address possible reasons for Pap inadequacy among FTM patients, including cytological changes induced by testosterone and patient / provider discomfort with the pelvic exam..
A new study points to one way by which these newly - formed cells, which all contain the same DNA, take on their special identities.
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