Sentences with phrase «study systems not»

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Astronomers who studied these images eventually realized that the nascent solar system had twisted inner and outer disks, not just one flat disk, and the moving material was causing the shadows, much like a bird flying in front of a lighthouse's lamp.
«We suspected that the young are most vulnerable because of their immature immune systems, but we didn't have a lot of hard evidence to show that before,» said study lead author Bo Hang, a Berkeley Lab staff scientist who previously found that thirdhand smoke could lead to genetic mutations in human cells.
The alert noted that in a recent SEC Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations study of 75 financial firms, 5 percent of broker - dealers and 26 percent of advisors and investment funds did not conduct periodic risk assessments of critical systems to uncover vulnerabilities, potential business consequences and other cybersecurity threats.
The Edelman study also notes that distrust of media and government is part of a larger theme in the U.S., with most of those surveyed saying they don't feel that the U.S. political or social system as a whole is serving their needs.
«Studies show that people who use journaling and tracking systems have far greater success with healthy weight management than those who do not,» said Medifast CEO Mike MacDonald, in a statement.
«One study compared the families of children who were rated among the most creative 5 percent in their school system with those who were not unusually creative.
Alex Halderman, a computer science professor who has studied voting machine security, told Politico that he believes there will be consequences if the U.S. voting system isn't fixed.
Last month a report from McAfee and the Ce nter for Strategic and International Studies revealed a growing threat of cyberattack, with widespread attacks on critical systems.
This caricature of a system that doles out unique scores to 1.4 billion people could not work technically nor politically, says Rogier Creemers, a scholar of Chinese law at the Leiden University Institute for Area Studies in the Netherlands.
Hahad: The security community has not finished studying these exploits, and I suspect that as detailed analysis emerges, so will the discovery of existing compromised systems that were previously operating under the radar.
David M. Lampton, director of China Studies at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, said it was not surprising for China to balk at the idea of an American company using Hong Kong, and China's own «one country, two systems» policy, as a way around censorship.
«Based on the recent developments in the virtual currency industry, we are studying various possibilities, including investments and partnerships with other companies, in order to further strengthen our system and management, but we have not made any decisions at present,» he wrote.
The series isn't exactly easy to watch — these are real violent crimes, after all — but the show gives a look at the failings of the justice system while also offering a somewhat unsettling character study.
Mark Frees himself was once a pastor of a non-denominational church, but came to the conclusion that the one - pastor system isn't Biblical while doing a study of the church in order to teach it to the congregation.
Scientists buoy our longing for clarity by enumerating laws and speaking of atoms and electrons, but, laments Camus even they are reduced to using the «poetry» of planetary systems, i.e., they Can not rationally seize the reality they study.
With a number of fellow pastors who became lifelong friends, Rauschenbusch studied, read, talked, debated and plumbed the new social theories of the day, especially those of the non-Marxist socialists whom John C. Cort has recently traced in Christian Socialism (Orbis, 1988) The pastors wove these theories together with biblical themes to form» «Christian Sociology,» a hermeneutic of social history that allowed them to see the power of God's kingdom being actualized through the democratization of the economic system (see James T. Johnson, editor, The Bible in American Law, Politics and Rhetoric [Scholars Press, 1985]-RRB- They pledged themselves to new efforts to make the spirit of Christianity the core of social renewal at a time when agricultural - village life was breaking down and urban - cosmopolitan patterns were not yet fully formed.
We all live only so many years... there is no way each of us can study all of the science we need... scientists (Complexity - Chaos - Systems) tell us that computers can not even predict the future given the known laws of physics, etc...
Luke and Camian's study reveals that religious boundaries at the level of belief systems and rituals are not so marked in the minds of the people in villages.
And since all the planets are named after pagan Roman deities, we shouldn't talk about our study our solar system.
Furthermore, all the various systems of theology seem to have their own rules for how to understand Scripture, which is not only confusing, but seems to suggest that theologians develop their rules of Bible study based on what they want the Bible to say rather than on some external, literary standard.
As to Jesus of Nazareth, my Opinion of whom you particularly desire, I think the system of Morals and His Religion, as he left them to us, the best the world ever saw, or is likely to see; but I apprehend it has received various corrupting Changes, and I have, with most of the present Dissenters in England, some doubt as to his Divinity; tho» it is a question I need not dogmatize upon, having never studied it, and think it needless to busy myself with it now, when I expect soon an Opportunity of knowing the Truth with less Trouble.
A perfect counter-example is Hinduism, which by construction is more spiritual than religious — it's adherents do not have strict rules or norms, and there is incredible diversity of norms within one umbrella (some who believe in caste system, even though a large majority of urbanites study in Christian missionary schools; some who believe cows are sacred though 2/3 of Indians are actually non-vegetarian).
Such a system had serious drawbacks because the teaching materials were several centuries old, the study of Arabic — and no Chinese — was inadequate, so the students could read only a limited amount and could not speak the language, there was no general educational background for the religious courses, and the freedom allowed to the students often led them to form bad habits.
The link between the belief in an angry God and mental illness was studied in the context of the Evolutionary Threat Assessment System Theory, which states that anxiety disorders are mainly the result of the brain's not properly interpreting threats.
To my mind it will not necessarily help us very much if we study Palestinian customs or the Jewish religious system.
Andre Beteille's study on caste, class and power conducted in 1965 is still relevant today: power has shifted from rich landlords and other traditionally rich groups not to the poor, but to a middle group, mostly politicians who with the support of the rich, continue to use the system to further their interests.
Money may be the nearest thing we have to the bottom line in our culture, but we take it for granted that people just don't study the phenomenon of money and its history and systems.
Certainly not those interested in the science of studying human belief and knowledge systems... or those who might respect God enough to see IT's logical evidence everywhere.
You can not have 1,300 centers throughout a country like this one if there is no coordination, if there is no financing,» Lira notes, adding that to date no one has studied the costs of Pinochet's system.
Or we may study the sacrificial system of Hinduism, but that again is not all of Hinduism.
This study does not offer an attempt to climb a staircase to God through a religious system but rather the pursuit of obedience in faithful response to what God has already accomplished and promised through the gospel.
«While our study shows that organic is more financially competitive, organic is not the only system in the world that's sustainable,» Crowder says.
The present study was primarily interested in assessing consumers» ability to use a variety of front - of - pack labelling systems; therefore participants did not have access to other information that might also be used when selecting foods.
Noah Syndergaard is a Norse god, and the Mets didn't send scouts to watch him when he was in the Blue Jays» system, they sent archeologists to study the cave paintings about him.
If not, then before you tackle a specific betting system and / or strategy, make sure you understand the concepts below, and maybe keep our Sports Betting Glossary page open while you study.
A coach who adopts the system because he thinks it will work, and hasn't spent a lot of time studying it, could be in for a rude awakening.
Dietician Keli Hawthorne says, «There are no studies on the safety of raw honey during pregnancy, but there is no reason it shouldn't be safe,» explaining honey doesn't carry listeriosis (found in unpasteurized cheeses and deli meats) which can cause serious infections in those with weakened immune systems, including pregnant women.
Some of these things I studied like my child's life depended on them (see: The L.A.T.C.H. car seat system), some were things I didn't know existed till we were already deep into this whole thing (see: neck cheese).
While there are sufficient studies and data on the immunity benefits of breastfeeding on babies, there aren't really any studies that show a direct link or benefit to a mother's immune system.
While not a lot of research can tell us the effects of BPA on humans, studies on animals suggest it may be dangerous to brain development, the reproductive system, and the immune system.
A study showed that the problem is not necessarily how long women are or are not staying postpartum but that maternity care systems often use a one size fits all policy when it comes to how long mothers and babies stay after birth.
This poses the question then if the Wax (2010) study is not specific to whether home birth is safe in comparison to hospital birth, but if outcomes correlate with the type of midwife (level of training) and acceptance of out - of - hospital birth in the larger healthcare system?
These concerns need to be studied further, but so far research has not found definite evidence that soy formulas negatively affect a child's development or reproductive system.
Why Organic Produce Is Better for Us Studies have linked the consumption of pesticides to health issues including cancer, birth defects and nervous system damage, says Sonya Lunder, senior analyst at the Environmental Working Group (EWG), a not - for - profit research organization.
Some board members called the study unfair, contending that recommendations to change school maintenance, such as an improved management information system, would require upfront costs that were not identified.
While some scientific evidence does show that manipulating diet can affect bacterial levels in cattle's digestive system, these studies have not found that a particular feeding regimen can reliably reduce levels of E. coli O157: H7.
While proponents of screen technology laud gaming systems like the Wii, which promotes movement, a recent study suggests that simulating activities by playing on a Wii does not burn as many calories as actually engaging in those activities.
The point of this comparison is to show that any evidence from studies done in Canada, the Netherlands, Great Britain, or other countries can not be directly applied to the home birth system in the United States.
They don't even include any references to the large - scale studies in Canada [6] and the Netherlands [7] that has found no increased risk for homebirth versus hospital birth and one US study looking at an integrated system (like those in Canada and the Netherlands) found the same outcome [8](nudge, nudge, USA).
Show me a study that proves that thimerosol in flu shots does not pass through breast milk, and that the mercury in the thimerosol does not cause a compromised immune system later in that child's life and.
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