Sentences with phrase «study the document carefully»

Not exact matches

«Now that we've had a chance to study the budget documents carefully there are two items in the budget that are not fair to New York City, that will be harmful to New York City, that will set us back and will particularly set back our students at CUNY and will set back the people of this city in terms of healthcare,» de Blasio said at an unrelated press conference in Queens.
You should review the cta's disclosure document and study it carefully to determine whether such trading is appropriate for you in light of your financial condition.
Dr. Seibold has watched the literature carefully, and no scientific studies documenting benefit have emerged.
Global knowledge assessments such as those undertaken by the IPCC call for carefully documented systematic studies by trained ethnographers.
After carefully studying several different options, we decided it would be best to adopt a proper document management system for numerous reasons including:
Hence, it is advised to study the policy documents carefully before buying one.
Your job is to study the requirements very carefully and submit requested documents.
Study the job description carefully and use exact words and phrases you see in the description to better ensure your document makes it past the tracking system and into the hands of hiring managers.
However, the Center for Families, Children, and the Courts (formerly called the California Statewide Office of Family Court Services) has carefully and systematically documented (through its regular «Snapshot Studies» of the process and outcomes of virtually all mediations done in a two - week period in family courts throughout the state), the exponential increase in high conflict, multi-problem families who utilize the courts for their parenting disputes.
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