Sentences with phrase «study these issues deeply»

Our investors pay us to study these issues deeply such that we can have an informed view ahead of the news.
He should read Climate Change Reconsidered II: Physical Science and get up to speed on the real scientific debate before criticizing those who have already studied the issue deeply.

Not exact matches

Truth be told, I feel a bit out of my depth when I speak with «real feminists,» the kind who have actually studied feminist theory, who have read deeply and broadly about issues related to gender equality.
Two of my current projects involve facilitation of «conscious aging» study groups, and using the creative arts to enter more deeply into issues related to aging, illness, and dying.
In addition, the two halves of this essay are united in theme, as they are both deeply concerned with the issue of citizenship and the role of social studies teachers in cultivating critical and ethical citizens.
Mr. Gujjarlapudi responded that he would have to study the issue, as he was not deeply knowledgeable about feral cats and he would like to make an informed decision.
G.A.L.A Study Circles are a great way to come together with other community members in an informal, yet inquisitive, atmosphere to deeply explore issues of social and environmental concern.
Koonin had become deeply concerned with energy issues and climate change through Jason, through his work on US Department of Energy fusion research committees, and through his own research studying «earthshine» (a phenomenon that allows the state of the earth's climate to be monitored by the brightness of sunlight reflected off the earth onto the dark part of the lunar disk).
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