Sentences with phrase «study this sheet before»

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Pettersen's approach involved studying the types of clouds that result in snow on the ice sheet, and examining the distinct paths these clouds take before they produce snow at Summit Station, a longstanding research station located in the middle of Greenland.
From 2001 to 2010, the amount of water added to the ice sheet each year was 15 centimeters (6 inches) greater than it was before 1900, according to the study's authors.
The testing approach, known as «test - blind,» keeps fingerprint examiners walled off from police reports, rap sheets and other material that can unconsciously influence an examiner's perceptions before forming an opinion about the fingerprints being studied.
Dueck recounts how he learned to structure tests differently, easily create a «sister test» that he could easily use for retests, and provide each student a tracking sheet that showed which test sections and items they were weak on and gave directions for study strategies they should try before taking a second test.
Sheets observes: «Steir stands back again, studying the canvas, before moving to the left side with the ladder.
By coincidence, Behar's death came just three days before publication of the latest study on which he is a co-author — a detailed analysis of the melt - water rivers and moulin drains across a 2,000 - square - mile portion of the vast Greenland ice sheet.
Previous studies have suggested that this portion of the Antarctic Ice Sheet may have retreated before, but this recent work is the first of its kind to establish direct connections between the present - day Totten Glacier and the deteriorated landscape buried deep within the icy region.
Reports are available which indicate a massive melting of the arctic ice sheet in the 1920's and 30's, long before the era of global climate studies.
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