Sentences with phrase «study up about»

They should absolutely study up about the minimum insurance requirements as well.
Studying up about Florida's auto insurance requirements ensures that the correct coverage is purchased.

Not exact matches

«We could throw up a quick study for an entrepreneur for $ 10, and within a day get a lot of feedback from different people about how heavy or light, fast or slow a logo would be,» he says.
Also, as data was only collected over a few months, it's unclear whether this was a one time «pop» in aggressiveness that resulted from study subjects being worked up about the election, or whether the change in negotiating tactics will hold steady.
The study, published by the Environmental Defense Fund's (EDF) Climate Corps program, says that solar and wind jobs have grown at rates of about 20 % annually in recent years, and sustainability now collectively represents four to four and a half million jobs in the U.S., up from 3.4 million in 2011.
In an appropriately titled study called Impact of Color in Marketing, researchers found that up to 90 % of snap judgments made about products can be based on color alone (depending on the product).
But if the nice, thick - walled building would take about 15 minutes travel time, it's better to hole up in the flimsy shelter for awhile — but you should probably leave for a better shelter after roughly an hour (and maybe pick up some beers and sodas on the way: A study in the»50s found they taste fine after a blast).
I hadn't had anyone come in in a couple hours and was brushing up on my class notes for the week feeling pretty good about being paid to study.
And as the number of telecommuters increases (studies suggest about 35 % of employees do some telecommuting, up from about 20 % four years ago), attitudes toward productivity are also changing.
When a customer tweeted the company asking for clarification about a fee policy, JetBlue not only immediately responded, but also had a local representative study this man's social media photo, then walk through the airport until he could be found for a follow - up conversation.
About a decade ago I studied a Fortune 500 company that had set up an employee assistance program.
With a passion for fashion and design, he thought about being an architect, but ended up studying business administration and accounting.
«All of us grow up with a set of expectations about what we're supposed to do,» the study's lead author, Harvard Business School professor Kathleen L. McGinn, tells Business Insider.
In his 1994 study on securities lawbreaking for the Justice Department, Schlegel found that while officials were talking tough about locking up insider traders, there was little evidence to suggest that the punishments imposed — either the incarceration rates or the sentences themselves — were more severe.
But Darrell West, director of governance studies at the Brookings Institution, has done his best to comb through disclosure reports and, by combining that information with qualitative judgments about softer forms of power, come up with a ranking of our new oligarchy.
It's a subject most of us could benefit from studying up on, but in an interview Vanderkam explained that when it comes to thinking about personal finances in a constructive way, entrepreneurs generally have a leg up over salaried workers.
A litany of social research backs up his remarks, Kenney added, pointing to a 1960s study by former U.S. senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan that warned about the consequences of the breakdown of the African - American family.
While no studies to date have delved into the benefits of stand - up desks, health researchers are enthusiastic about the idea.
This ads up to about half of produce grown and billions of dollars» worth of lost fruits and vegetables, according to a United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization report and a study in the Journal of Consumer Affairs.
«Although jade eggs are slightly different than traditional kegels, goop is up front about the fact that there are no scientific studies proving or disproving the effectiveness of a jade egg,» a rep said in a statement.
Richard Florida, the urban studies theorist and author of «The Rise of the Creative Class» recently cited three particular Boulder ingredients that could help explain its start - up density: «talented people and a high quality of life that keeps them around, technological expertise, and an open - mindedness about new ways of doing things, which often comes from a strong counterculture.»
However, as a recent study by ADP Canada has found, many Canadians are still kept up at night worrying about their retirement.
When researchers out of Russia examined the sleep and wakefulness rhythms of 130 study subjects (by keeping the obliging participants up for a full 24 hours and quizzing them periodically about how they were feeling), the scientists found that some folks really didn't prefer early or late hours.
To find out the researchers rounded up a group of 500 Swiss and German study subjects and presented them with a series of questions about how much they worked, how exhausted they felt, and how much guilt they experienced after indulging in some couch potato time.
More research is needed to rule out this second scenario, but the idea of being kind to yourself about occasional lapses in productivity or self - control — especially if you're the type to beat yourself up for every dip in productivity — has been endorsed by previous studies.
The material was dispersed up to three meters away — nearly 10 feet — and a closer look at the study by Ars Technica found that about 70 percent of the dispersed material was at the height of a small child's face.
His biography contains elements of an epic novel: growing up the son of a jailed Trotskyist labor leader in whose Chicago home he met Rosa Luxembourg's and Karl Liebknecht's colleagues; serving as a young balance of payments analyst for David Rockefeller whose Chase Manhattan Bank was calculating how much interest the bank could extract on loans to South American countries; touring America on Vatican - sponsored economics lectures; turning after a riot at a UN Third World debt meeting in Mexico to the study of ancient debt cancellation practices through Harvard's Babylonian Archeology department; authoring many books about finance from Super Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire [1972] to J is For Junk Economics: A Guide to Reality in an Age of Deception [2017]; and lately, among many other ventures, commuting from his Queens home to lecture at Peking University in Beijing where he hopes to convince the Chinese to avoid the debt - fuelled economic model off which Western big bankers feast and apply lessons he and his colleagues have learned about the debt relief practices of the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia.
The Center for Puerto Rican Studies at the City University of New York estimates that Puerto Rico will lose up 470,335 residents by the end of 2019 — about 14 percent of the population.
SARAH: The Pew Foundation did a study on the flood program and they looked at these houses that have had multiple floods, and these are about 1 percent of houses that have flood insurance, but they make up 10 percent of claims.
In material supplementing one of his studies, Brulle documented Exxon donations directly to climate denial groups such as the Heartland Institute, up until about 2008.
Plenty of studies warn against this, including one that shows that missing out on just 10 of the best days in the stock market over 160,000 daily returns in 15 markets around the world can cause you to end up with about half of what you would have earned if you had stuck with an index fund over time.
Dividends are the last thing you'll hear about when reading the financial press or talking to most small investors, yet they're the lynchpin of all of those reports (such as the CSFB Equity - Gilt Study) that reassure us the UK stock market goes up over the long - term.
Take a listen to the 115th episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast for a deep dive into this topic and hear case studies about brands that are putting up barriers and brands that are tearing them down and making the decision to be human, own their mistakes and put relationships and long term customer value and loyalty first.
The Center for Puerto Rican Studies at the City University of New York estimates that Puerto Rico will lose up to 470,335 residents by the end of 2019 — about 14 percent of the population.
Miles said the students» correct reasoning about Deere shows that one can study Buffett's principles and past investments and come up with ideas that would fit into Berkshire's investment portfolio.
At my age and yours we require not to think about the future by studying improving job skill, but rather maybe should look forward to Paradise and the 72 Horries... after all life from 90's up to date was the worse for all mankind and the mideast specially which became as Hell on Earth and no longer fun to live it... so maybe after life would be better fun...
Something about the chemicals in the pill passing into the water stream and food supply and now maybe causing the up - tick in prostate cancers» So where can one read the Church's oncology study of this?
I bring this up because a 2006 study found that about 10 percent of ministers in the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) are five - pointers.
I've said it before that textual criticism should be a required study before anyone says anything about the Bible, because it clears up any obvious misunderstandings just like this.
Because I'll see this little group of people on Thursday night for our Bible study, and that is where we'll talk about the real stuff, show up, be disappointed and forgive, love each other a bit more every week.
• Alister McGrath, promoting his critique of Dawkins» book The God Delusion, writes in the Daily Mail about his own return to Christianity (having been brought up a Protestant in Northern Ireland) whilst studying science at Oxford.
This has been a subject of scientific research, but up to now those who have studied the problem have not reached a clear understanding about the soul.
I study the word of God and if it is being wrongly represented and I find out about it, I am going to speak up no matter what someone like you thinks.
We began talking about the close study of word patterns and structures and ended up reflecting on the authoritative function of biblical texts.
After I started hearing about Calvinism in the mid 1980's, I figured I better study up on the details of what Calvinism was.
(I didn't consider myself a scientist so I went and looked up the word, indeed I was a scientist because I studied all I could about the work I was doing.
A 2012 study says that atheists and agnostics only make up about thirty - six percent of the nones, while thirty - nine percent just say that they're «not religious.»
Studying theology wearies me because it seems like just about the time I think I get it figured out, I learn something new which throws all my theology up in the air again.
did anyone take the quiz... there is a question about what is the religion of most people in indonesia... the answer is muslim, yet... the picture that goes along with the question and answer is confused... i think i saw an elephant trunk on the idols face... maybe the folks who put together the quiz and slide show should brush up on thier religious and cultural studies as well...
I don't now about you, but sometimes I can get so caught up in Bible Study and Theology that I forget to laugh and smile.
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