Sentences with phrase «studying animal cognition»

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Miyata found that the keas cracked this problem faster if they were allowed to study the set - up for a while before attempting to break it (Animal Cognition, DOI: 10.1007 / s10071 -010-0342-9).
Daniel Povinelli, director of the Cognitive Evolution Center at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, objects to the entire trend in animal cognition studies.
Two captive elephants blast air through their trunks to grasp hard - to - reach food, suggests an initial study published today in Springer's journal Animal Cognition.
In a recent study conducted at the University of Vienna in Austria and published online in Animal Cognition, four dogs were shown simultaneously photographs depicting either landscapes or canines and trained (read: rewarded with a yummy treat when successful) to select the pix of pups.
Studies of individual animals in the wild suggest that higher cognition has evolutionary trade - offs.
In the study, published today in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition, all of the squirrels showed clear improvement over successive attempts with the box, becoming more efficient in adjusting their behaviour to adapt to the task.
Ross studies chimp cognition at his zoo using a touchscreen that the animals can interact with whenever they feel like, and he says he doesn't see why similar experiments couldn't be conducted in sanctuaries.
Müller warns that when animal cognition researchers put together their study groups, they may be missing this kind of effect if they aren't including equal numbers of male and female animals.
Hare, who directs Duke's Hominoid Psychology Research Group and the Duke Canine Cognition Center, studies the relationship between social behavior and cognition inCognition Center, studies the relationship between social behavior and cognition incognition in animals.
In the first study, published in February in Animal Cognition, the researchers found bees capable of learning to solve increasingly complex problems.
Scientists seeking to understand the neural mechanisms underlying social cognition and emotion have drawn on a variety of methods, including studies of patients with neurological damage and single - cell recording of brain activity in nonhuman animals.
But a new opportunity may be opening up for studies of chimpanzee behavior and cognition: A first - of - its - kind partnership between a sanctuary and a research center, announced this month, is designed to bolster the scientific output of facilities that have until now primarily focused on the long - term care of their animals.
«What we've found is that we humans have the capability to orient ourselves along highways of odors and crisscross landscapes using only our sense of smell,» said study lead author Lucia Jacobs, a UC Berkeley psychology professor who studies evolution and cognition in animals and humans.
Perspectives: the looking time experimental paradigm in studies of animal visual perception and cognition.
There's more to these findings than just lofty philosophical quandaries, though: If ravens really do possess a level of social cognition comparable to humans and other large primates, the birds might serve as better animal models to study this kind of behavior in the lab — which could help scientists understand why some humans are better at this kind of inference than others, and why some individuals can't manage it at all.
J147 is a potential AD therapeutic due to its ability to provide immediate cognition benefits, and it also has the potential to halt and perhaps reverse disease progression in symptomatic animals as demonstrated in these studies.
The study, published by Springer in the Animal Cognition journal, suggests that the reason for cats» unresponsive behaviour might be traced back to the early domestication of the species, contrasting this with the relationship of humans to dogs.
A 2013 study published in the journal Animal Cognition concluded that dogs could identify images of other dogs among pictures of humans and other animals, using their visual sense alone.
The study published in Animal Cognition observed 20 cats for eight months, responding to a series of audio recordings of five people calling each cat's name.
Tags: abstract, animals, canine, cognition, concepts, dog, dogs, domestication, fairness, guilt, harvard, humans, lab, marc hauser, pets, psychology, research, science, shame, sharing, study, university, what dogs think Comments: none
Tags: animals, anthropomorphization, cognition, dog, dogs, emotions, feelings, guilt, internet, jealousy, media, news, pets, pop culture, remorse, science, society, studies, study, trend, videos, viral, what dogs feel Comments: 3
She is also author of Fetching the Perfect Dog Trainer: Getting the Best for You and Your Dog and has contributed to numerous local and national publications.Katenna earned her Master's Degree from Brown University where she studied animal behavior, learning and cognition.
Titled «The Cognitive Revolution and Everyday Dog Training: The Case of Look at That,» Laura's writing focuses on animal - cognition studies and the value of increased research and funding in that area — in particular, the value to «everyday» dog lives and training.
There was a study published in the journal Animal Cognition that reveals the science behind some of the most popular dog toys.
This comes from a study published in a journal called Animal Cognition and it involved Labrador retrievers and toys.
Kylie was a very smart puppy and trying to figure out ways to tire her both mentally and physically led Heather to study animal behavior and cognition.
A veterinary behaviorist has also demonstrated their academic skills in graduate school classes such as ethology, evolution of social behavior, developmental biology, neurobiology of behavior, learning theory, animal cognition, psychopharmacology (study of medications that affect the brain and emotions), and statistical analysis.
In another 2013 study published in Animal Cognition journal, a group of dogs was able to pick out the faces of other dogs, regardless of the breed, among the faces of humans and other animals.
Michelson's Found Animals's free microchip registry; Yale Comparative Cognition Laboratory studying intelligence of dogs; importance of supplements
She has a B.A. in Honors Biological Psychology from New College of Florida, where she pursued studies on animal cognition and behavior, and thesis work on coat color as an indicator of cat personality.
The acute effects of corticosteroids on cognition: Integration of animal and human model studies
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