Sentences with phrase «studying human interactions»

After spending over a decade studying human interactions, he developed sound attraction guidelines to help men take control of their dating lives.
«Florida's monkey river: Anthropologists studied human interaction with a colony of feral rhesus macaques living on the Silver River in central Florida.»
According to Dr. Kotlyar, who has spent his career studying human interaction, OmniDate was specifically designed to increase the likelihood of dating success for people who meet online, and this starts with the first live date.

Not exact matches

As someone who studies human behavior for a living, Van Edwards shares key insights for establishing rapport, building charisma, and decoding behavior patterns in order to transform our interactions with people.
Systems science is an interdisciplinary field that studies how the interaction of factors produces outcomes — how the causes and consequences of events can, taken together, form the basis for everything from a disease epidemic, to a pattern of human behavior.
Nass and his students produced most of the research presented in the book because, when looking for studies on, say, the effectiveness of flattery, he discovered that some aspects of human interaction simply hadn't been explored.
A leading mind in creating functional, beautiful, and simple wearable technology, and a visionary for the future of human - computer interaction, Matthew studied mechatronics engineering at the University of Waterloo and robotics at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich).
And electronic meetings have forced researchers to study how human interaction in groups is altered when satellite, telephone, or computer conferencing replaces face - to - face meetings.
Her detailed study of the implications of research in endocrinology for bonding in human families and for the interactions between hormones and social behavior serves to put the «missing body» back into sociology in some profoundly important ways.
Babies who have no human interaction, according to a study done many years ago in Europe, have retarded development and in some cases, even die.
There are numerous studies demonstrating that, even when babies have food and water, if they are not provided with human interaction and touch, they are much less likely to thrive.
Other studies show that babies learn more quickly in response to human interaction than when presented with similar information through videos.
However, despite the financial success of these videos, one study reported that for babies from 8 to 16 months old, every hour spent watching these videos rather than experiencing human interaction resulted in their having six to eight fewer words in their vocabularies compared to other babies their age.
So far, all human studies of oxytocin's role in social interaction show that we respond similarly to animals.
«Lexigrams were learned, as human language is, during meaningful social interactions, not from behavioral training,» said the study's lead author, Kristen Gillespie - Lynch, an Assistant Professor of Psychology at the City University of New York and a former UCLA graduate student in Greenfield's laboratory.
In this study, the group partnered with József Topál, a Hungarian pioneer of canine research who specialises in dog - human interaction and the social intelligence of dogs.
He had considered industry and other schools to continue his studies in human - computer interaction (HCI) and how culture affects the way people develop, use, and implement new technologies.
«Robots can't perform as well as humans when it comes to complex social interactions,» said Rodica Damian, assistant professor of social and personality psychology at the University of Houston and lead author of the study.
A recent study by researchers at the University of Koblenz - Landau, University of Wurzburg, and Arts Electronica Futurelab, found that people who watched live interactions with a robot were more likely to consider the robot to have more human - like qualities.
He studies the interactions between humans and parasites during evolution, as well as parasites in past civilizations and how they have affected human health.
«By providing support for these research studies, we hope to generate more definitive answers about how human - animal interaction affects health,» he said.
This study is among several funded under a public - private partnership established in 2008 between NICHD and the WALTHAM Centre for Pet Nutrition, a division of Mars Inc., to establish a human - animal interaction research program to support studies relevant to child development, health, and the therapeutic use of animals.
Such technology might have applications beyond entertainment, according to Stephen Brewster at the University of Glasgow, UK, who studies human - computer interaction.
It also provides novel insight into human mesenchymal stem cell - heart cell interactions that can guide future experimental studies to understand the mechanisms underlying mesenchymal stem cell therapy for the heart.
«Fascinating genetic studies had been done on SMCHD1 that linked the gene to FSHD2, a rare muscular dystrophy involving the interaction of multiple genetic sites, but it had never been connected to craniofacial abnormalities,» says Michael Talkowski, PhD, of the MGH Center for Human Genetic Research, co-senior author of the Nature Genetics paper.
«The establishment of healthy microbial communities almost certainly requires chemical messaging between the species present in the human host,» says Texas A&M University biochemist Paul Straight, who studies interactions among bacteria.
This study strengthens the argument for focusing on the malaria side of the parasite - human interaction in our search for new vaccine candidates.»
Studies seeking subtle signs of selection in the DNA of humans and other primates have identified dozens of genes, in particular those involved in host - pathogen interactions, reproduction, sensory systems such as olfaction and taste, and more.
That's according to research published in the journal Anthrozoos, in which one studies about the interactions of humans and other animals.
«The set - up we developed allows us investigate aspects of human social interaction that are difficult or even impossible to study in a canonical laboratory setting.»
Better understanding how realistic touch sensations can break the VR illusion may help developers create more engaging virtual environments for games and virtual reality therapy, says Sean Follmer, a human - computer interaction researcher at Stanford University not involved in the study.
For instance, she sees the amoeba — bacteria relationship as an interesting model for studying the complex interactions humans have with bacteria.
«Our findings suggest that social interactions that stimulate oxytocin production will recruit this newly identified circuit to help coordinate the complex behavioral responses elicited by changing social situations in all mammals, including humans,» says senior study author Nathaniel Heintz of The Rockefeller University.
«The new model enables studies of the complex interactions between host cells, mucus production, and gut microbes in a system that closely mimics the situation in human patients,» Dawson said.
«We were most interested in understanding how children's cognitions and emotions worked together to predict whether child - friend interactions were more cooperative and positive or more negative and conflictual,» says Nancy McElwain, a professor in the Department of Human Development and Family Studies at U of I.
Human tumor tissue or cell lines can be coengrafted into these mouse models, providing a powerful tool for studying the interactions between human immune cells and human canHuman tumor tissue or cell lines can be coengrafted into these mouse models, providing a powerful tool for studying the interactions between human immune cells and human canhuman immune cells and human canhuman cancers.
Studying the social interaction of bears through the use of camera traps and visual observations requires that humans be able to tell individuals apart.
72 million ($ 80 million) is earmarked by the Japanese ministry of research for the study of the interactions of 30,000 human proteins.
Human - computer interactions, such as playing video games, can have a negative impact on the brain, says a new Canadian study published in Molecular Psychiatry.
Even if the current results show that certain human - computer interactions can decrease grey matter in the brain, the long - term consequences of this loss need to be further studied.
A study carried out by the Laboratoire Neurobiologie des Interactions Cellulaires et Neurophysiopathologie (CNRS / Aix - Marseille Université), in collaboration with clinicians from Marseilles Public Hospitals (AP - HM) and scientists from the Salk Institute in San Diego (US), has revealed a new gene that plays a crucial role during early development in humans and whose under - expression may induce certain autistic traits.
The study included data about human - animal interactions, physical activity, frequency of doctor visits and health outcomes of the participants.
A study of this type is integral to understanding the effects of extreme weather on a sociological level, allowing for an enhanced understanding of human interaction within our changing environment.
Because the jaguar is so averse to human interaction, some studies have suggested that habitat corridors designed for it also would cover the needs of other predators.
«We know from previous human studies that changes in gut bacterial composition correlate with the early development of type 1 diabetes, and that the interactions between bacterial networks may be a contributing factor in why some people at risk for the disease develop type 1 diabetes and others don't,» said Jessica Dunne, Director of Discovery Research at JDRF, which funded the study.
By defining the sharks» use of particular areas, this study gives marine management and conservation officials the ability to limit the sharks» interaction with their greatest threat — humans.
Lastly, the study participants preferred smooth, familiar movements — which resemble human movements — rather than sharp («robotic») or unfamiliar movements when the robot was leading the interaction.
The present study shows that Gächter's previous conclusion that punishment was detrimental «was an experimental artifact generated by a relatively small number of interactions,» says anthropologist Rob Boyd of the University of California, Los Angeles, who studies the mechanisms that shape human culture.
Memory and attention research helps design cockpit displays and controls that pilots can manage despite noise and distractions, while studies of human - computer interactions help engineers construct virtual reality displays and training simulations.
«Anatomically modern humans colonized Europe around 45,000 - 43,000 years ago, replacing Neanderthals approximately 3,000 years later, with potential cultural and biological interactions between these two human groups,» said Professor Hervé Bocherens, a biogeologist at the Senckenberg Center for Human Evolution and Palaeoenvironment at the University of Tübingen, Germany, and lead author of a study published in the journal Scientific Rephuman groups,» said Professor Hervé Bocherens, a biogeologist at the Senckenberg Center for Human Evolution and Palaeoenvironment at the University of Tübingen, Germany, and lead author of a study published in the journal Scientific RepHuman Evolution and Palaeoenvironment at the University of Tübingen, Germany, and lead author of a study published in the journal Scientific Reports.
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