Sentences with phrase «studying narcolepsy»

Emmanuel Mignot, a sleep researcher with the Stanford University School of Medicine in Palo Alto, California, has been studying narcolepsy for more than 20 years.

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One highly publicized 2013 study linking autoimmune disease and narcolepsy was retracted when its authors could not replicate it.
Their study found «a potential link between the H1N1 virus used to make the vaccine and narcolepsy
The US is now funding a large study of countries that used adjuvanted vaccines in 2009 to see if they may have caused narcolepsy.
In recent sleep lab studies of 600 people age 30 or older, Mignot was surprised to find that 1 percent — or 20 times as many as with classic narcolepsy — suffered from inordinate sleepiness, had a high frequency of the autoimmune marker linked to narcolepsy, and went very rapidly into REM when they napped.
But the results still need to be confirmed in a larger study, the authors and other narcolepsy researchers say.
These studies have been questioned as the genetic variant required for narcolepsy protects against autoimmune type 1 diabetes.
Three groups independently studying people with narcolepsy identified antibodies against the same protein, tribble 2, that's found on hypocretin neurons.
Four years and several country - wide studies later, there now is an established link between Pandemrix, a vaccine against the H1N1 strain of the flu that was widely used in Europe, and some cases of narcolepsy.
Palm alerted Swedish health authorities, and subsequent population - wide studies in Sweden, Finland, Ireland and the United Kingdom suggested that vaccination for H1N1 — but only with the Pandemrix vaccine — had increased the risk of developing narcolepsy between four - and 13-fold in children and adolescents, and between two - and four-fold in adults.
Studies of genetically identical twins have shown that when one twin develops narcolepsy, the other tends not to.
In late 2013, he published what seemed to be a breakthrough study of patients with narcolepsy, which identified self - reactive T - cells that pursued the hormone hypocretin.
Information gathered during your study will be used to diagnose or rule out conditions such as sleep apnea, narcolepsy, periodic limb movement disorder, or other sleep - related conditions.
A few months ago after a sleep study I was diagnosed with «atypical narcolepsy» or hypersomnia.
Doctors use the scale to gauge how sleepy a person generally is, and to decide whether he or she needs a full evaluation or sleep study — particularly those with potential sleep apnea or narcolepsy.
Since, the benefits of beta - hydroxybutyrate are being studied for other neurological disorders, such as Parkinson's disease, dementia, migraine headaches and narcolepsy.
Others, such as sleep apnea and narcolepsy, require a formal sleep study.
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